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Creating on iPads

Creating on iPads

STEAM Art Lessons 152. Seuss-ish Creatures (literacy, creativity, digital drawing, masking, graphic design) View this post to download the resources needed to have students create a Dr. Seuss inspired creature for their zoo and put it on a book cover. 153. (foreground, middleground, background, overlapping, transparency, relative size, depth, storytelling, movement, animation, sequence, layers) View this post to see how you can use layers in animation to teach SO many concepts. 154. (rotation, optical illusion, complementary colors, relative size to show depth, converging lines, shapes, layered animation) View this post to learn how to do this concept rich lesson.

Documental-Mente2.0: l’esperienza delle Classi 2.0 in Umbria “Perché Documentare? Per riuscire a valutare i processi e non il prodotto finalePer attivare consapevolezza riflessivaPer condividere con gli altri il nostro lavoro” Una scuola che cambia, come l’immagine dinamica di un treno che sfreccia in un non-luogo del nostro percorso. E l’apprendimento, l’insegnamento possono rimanere statici e stanziali? E’ questo il significato profondo dell’azione Classi 2.0 nella Regione Umbria, progetto al quale partecipano un totale di quattordici classi di Scuola Primaria, Secondaria di Primo e Secondo Grado. Non è più, quindi, la classe che si sposta nel laboratorio, spazio indipendente e “speciale” ma lo stesso laboratorio si trasforma in metodo e strategia. L’integrazione nella pratica scolastica di uno strumento tecnologico richiede, però, una modifica organizzativa e gestionale del lavoro in aula che spesso, per il singolo insegnante, non è sempre facile da attuare e gestire in modo efficace perché richiede molto lavoro. Dopo Rimini 2011 …

De belles cartes pour les profils J'ai expliqué ici comment j'utiliserai les profils cette année. Mon mari avait repris l'idée et s'était réalisé de bien belles cartes. Alors je lui ai demandé de m'en concocter à moi aussi. Et voilà : Ca, c'est le dos des cartes, commun à tous les rôles : Le rôle que tout le monde devra jouer, tout le temps et dès le début de l'année : Ensuite, deux rôles particuliers : Le solitaire ne sera pas un rôle systématiquement proposé. Le joker est une autre alternative pour les élèves qui travaillent difficilement en groupe, car ici ils auront quand même l'occasion de se rendre utile à leurs camarades, et de communiquer. Le rôle de joker peut aussi permettre à un élève qui parle une langue étrangère, qui féru d'astronomie, etc. de mettre ses compétences au service des autres, en amenant une véritable valeur ajoutée. Puis des rôles plus classiques, plus fréquents aussi dans les travaux de groupe.

Apps & Lessons National Gallery of Australia Australian Council of Art and Design University Schools Association of Independent Schools NSW International Society Technology in Education (ISTE), USA iPadpalooza, USA 21st Century Learning International National Arts Education Association (NAEA), USA TAFE Queensland The Kellett School, Hong Kong Queensland Art Teachers Association Queensland University of Technology Apple Consultants Network Lutheran Education Australia Brisbane Catholic Education State Library Queensland EduTECH Teacher Training Australia Lady Gowrie Childhood Education Queensland Museum of Contemporary Art, Brisbane Griffith University

Docenti connessi - 2011 Servono buoni docenti che tra le loro molteplici competenze abbiano anche quelle tecnologiche. Non per innovare, ma, semplicemente, per insegnare. Documentare le cl@ssi2.0 in Umbria. Correva l’anno 1960 quando, attraverso il mezzo televisivo, il Maestro Alberto Manzi, “il maestro degli ultimi”, insegnò agli italiani a leggere e a scrivere. Ma come sono le aule di oggi tecnologicamente avanzate? Non è più, quindi, la classe che si sposta nel laboratorio, spazio indipendente e “speciale” ma lo stesso laboratorio si trasforma in metodo e strategia. Può accadere, infatti, che un insegnante conosca perfettamente la strumentazione della lavagna interattiva, ma si trovi in difficoltà nel momento in cui debba inserire tale artefatto nella sua programmazione didattica. È spesso il software, legato a una particolare lavagna, a condizionare il docente e la sua lezione, che risulta così subordinata agli strumenti del mezzo tecnologico. Ma perché documentare in Rete?

Educators | Smithsonian X 3D Welcome educators to SIx3D! We are excited about the possibilities of using 3D objects—and the data sets that make them possible—for K-12 learning and believe that they offer an excellent opportunity to excite and engage students in a valuable, interdisciplinary education experience. The SIx3D viewer offers students the ability to explore some of the Smithsonian’s most treasured objects with a level of control that has never been possible until now. We hope this revolutionary level of access to the Smithsonian collections will spark your students’ curiosity and that the exploration of these objects will enable them to build lifelong observation and critical thinking skills. With few exceptions, SIx3D also offers access to these data sets. To help you introduce 3D and its possibilities to your students, Smithsonian educators are working on new resources for K-12 classrooms. The Mind behind the Mask: 3D Technology and the Portrayal of Abraham Lincoln

Cardboard Box Tools The child in the photo above just received the most amazing toy! It might have been a giant stuffed giraffe, or a truck, or a new game. However, the cardboard box is even more exciting. We can learn a lot from children's infatuation with cardboard boxes. Beyond cardboard boxes, think about the timeless toys that exist today -- Legos, Lincoln Logs, crayons -- and what they have in common: each provides open-ended possibilities for creation. Finding the Right "Box" I once spent six weeks working on a Sketchup project with my seventh graders. I don't remember the learning objective, or what the students gained from the project, and after spending hours teaching myself the nuances of the program, I never touched it again. As teachers, we have a limited amount of time to address student needs, to ensure that they gain critical skills, and to achieve specific curriculum objectives. Building an Empty Toolkit Explain Everything (iOS and Android) ThingLink (iOS and Web) Padlet (any device)

Get Graphic! Visuals for Deep Thinking, Inquiry, and Learning To learn more about how our brain functions related to visual perception, go the Mind Lab. As you select materials for inquiry-based projects. Consider using materials in the following areas: Art Resources Activities Read books by Blue Balliet such as Chasing Vermeer with an art theme. Interactives Popart from MOMA. Virtual Museums Primary Source Documents Focus on historical photos in a particular category such as kitchens or stores. Background Information Technology Tools Lesson Plans Photography For lots of idea and exampless, go to my online presentation Digital Photo Safaris: Authentic Learning Across the Curriculum. Comics Internet Resources Software Tools Internet Tools Build Your Own Comic from the Children's Museum in Indianapolis Create your own comic using their backgrounds and characters. Lesson Plans Literature and Graphic Organizers Provide children with PowerPoint Sidekicks to get them started.

6 small changes in Android L that make a big difference Most of the posts floating around the web about Android L release have focused on revamped notifications, the new recent menu changes, the death of Dalvik, the new material design, Android for Work and other hard hitters that were showcased during the Google I/O 2014 keynote. After playing around with Android L on my Nexus 5, I’ve discovered that the rabbit hole is much deeper than this! There’s plenty of very small, subtle changes in Android L Developer Preview that might not be big on their own, but they are still very welcome and in the long run could make a pretty big difference when it comes to improving our mobile experience. While many of these changes can be achieved already through 3rd party apps or are found in OEM skins, it’s still a nice change for stock Android. Android predicts how long it’ll take to charge your battery After plugging in your phone, Android will start calculating in the background how long it will take for your phone to reach full charge. Do Not Disturb

8 Tips For Creating Great Stories From George R.R. Martin, Junot Diaz, And Other Top Storytellers What the hell is a Story Lizard? In Wonderbook: The Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction (Abrams Books, October 15), Story Lizards join Prologue Fish and other infographic helpmates designed to banish dry textual analysis in favor of a kicking, screaming, slithering approach to storytelling creativity. Author Jeff Vandermeer, a three-time Fantasy World Award-winning novelist who co-directs the Shared Worlds teen writing camp, says "The way we're taught to analyze fiction is to break down and do a kind of autopsy. But I think writers need to be more like naturalists or zoologists when they study story because then you're looking at how all the elements fit together." Enter the Story Lizard, above, illustrated by Jeremy Zerfoss. As Vandermeer tells Co.Create, "A recurring thing in Wonderbook is to think of stories as being more like living creatures than machines." Neil Gaiman. Read on for a sampling of Wonderbook tips about how to craft mind-blowing stories. Tell, don't show Name Wisely

Come Trovare Immagini Gratuite da Usare (legalmente) per i Tuoi Articoli | Hai bisogno di un’immagine per un articolo del tuo blog o una pagina del tuo sito? Se segui ‘la massa’ la prima cosa che fai di solito, è quella di tuffarti su Google image alla ricerca di qualche immagine trendy da accaparrarti! Sfortunatamente, il rischio che corri dal punto di vista legale ogni volta che ripubblichi un’immagine che non ti appartiene non è un dettaglio, né va sottovalutato. A meno che infatti tu non goda di precisi diritti al riguardo, la maggior parte delle immagini che trovi su google image sono coperte da copyright e in quanto tale proprietà esclusiva di chi a fatto/ pubblicato la foto. Lascia che sottolinei l’entità del rischio che puoi correre: se la persona in possesso dei diritti relativi a quell’immagine ha seguito i giusti step per proteggerla con copyright, potresti trovarti non solo ad essere multato per aver infranto il copyright, ma a dover anche pagare i danni relativi, per un totale che può aggirarsi intorno a cifre davvero notevoli! 1. 1. 3. 4. Cecilia

Teach Your Kids to Code: 6 Beginner's Resources for Parents Introducing computer programming to your kids can be a challenge, especially for those who aren’t familiar with the nuances of code. Fortunately, in the last few years, a number of apps, software, and guides have been produced that make the often-complex subject of computer coding easy to grasp for young learners. So where to begin? These are a few resources that parents can share with their kids to help them start learning about programming. Programming Tutorials From Made With Code by Google: Google's Made With Code project has a mission of encouraging girls to pursue careers in computer science. The Made With Code projects are easy to follow, and if your kids are completely new to coding, don't fret. Inspiring Articles About Kids Learning to Code Still looking for some ideas? Coding Organizations for Kids For the non-coding parents, it can be difficult to know where to begin.

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