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Git-flow cheatsheet

Git-flow cheatsheet
Related:  derrickcurry

Popping Out of Hidden Overflow The following is a guest post by Agop Shirinian. Agop ran into an interesting scenario where he needed an element to be scrollable in one direction, while allowing the overflow in the other direction. You'd think that's what overflow-x and overflow-y are for, but it's not that simple. I'll let Agop explain. So you're tasked with creating a scrollable menu with submenus that pop out when you hover over a parent menu item. Simple! Create a list for the menu, add some nested lists for the submenus, position the nested lists based on their parent list items, voilà! Wait, that's not right. What gives? The Problem If we look at the W3C spec, we find the following explanation: The computed values of ‘overflow-x’ and ‘overflow-y’ are the same as their specified values, except that some combinations with ‘visible’ are not possible: if one is specified as ‘visible’ and the other is ‘scroll’ or ‘auto’, then ‘visible’ is set to ‘auto’. Basically, this: overflow-x: visible;overflow-y: auto; Turns into this:

Adopter un modèle de versionnement efficace avec Git Comme vous le savez peut-être, chez Synbioz, nous versionnons le code de nos projets à l’aide du DSCM Git dans le cadre de nos sessions de développement agile. J’ai au départ été très critique vis-à-vis de Git, de sa relative complexité d’utilisation et de sa courbe d’apprentissage plutôt ardue dès qu’il s’agit de faire des choses un peu évoluées. En effet, je viens du monde de Mercurial que j’utilise depuis plusieurs années et que je trouve beaucoup plus simple d’accès et d’utilisation. Je me suit donc beaucoup documenté à propos de Git, fais des essais, parcouru les manuels pour comprendre les commandes et leurs utilités puis j’ai cherché à trouver un modèle de travail en équipe satisfaisant, propre et surtout simple à suivre. Effectivement, si votre équipe ne suis pas une méthodologie de travail pré-déterminée, on se retrouve rapidement avec un historique fouillis, des merges inutiles, … Avant de passer à la présentation de cette méthodologie, j’aimerai resituer le contexte. Hotfix

Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 Install SmartGit via PPA in Ubuntu 13.10/13.04/12.04/Linux Mint This tutorial will show you how to install SmartGit/HG easily via PPA in Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10 and Linux Mint. As you may know, SmartGit/Hg is a graphical Git and Mercurial client which can also connect to SVN repositories. SmartGit/Hg runs on Linux, Mac OS X (10.5 or newer) and Windows (XP or newer). Git and Mercurial (Hg) are distributed version control system (DVCS). SmartGit/Hg depends on Java Runtime Environment. Once Java properly installed, press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:eugenesan/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install smartgithg

Cookie-based Authentication in AngularJS Single Page Apps are ruling the world and AngularJS is leading the charge. But many of the lessons we learned in the Web 2.0 era no longer apply, and few are as drastically different as authentication. Depending on where you build and release your AngularJS app, there are different ways to handle authentication and I hope this post clears some of that up. CORS is an oft-misunderstood feature of new browsers that is configured by a remote server. Like many browser features, CORS works because we all agree that it works. That means certain browsers do not enforce it, so it is not relevant there. Configuring CORS on the Server The way CORS works is the server decides which domains it will accept as clients. I won't get into the details of configuring CORS on the server side, but it's really just setting some headers. There is one header in particular you must have if you want to do session based authentication in a single page app: Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true which we show next.

How to git-svn clone the last n revisions from a Subversion repository A JavaScript library for building user interfaces | React A Simple Component React components implement a render() method that takes input data and returns what to display. This example uses an XML-like syntax called JSX. Input data that is passed into the component can be accessed by render() via this.props. JSX is optional and not required to use React. Live JSX Editor Compiled JS A Stateful Component In addition to taking input data (accessed via this.props), a component can maintain internal state data (accessed via this.state). An Application Using props and state, we can put together a small Todo application. A Component Using External Plugins React is flexible and provides hooks that allow you to interface with other libraries and frameworks. Input Type some *markdown* here! Output

Git et Subversion Aujourd'hui, la majorité des projets de développement libre et un grand nombre de projets dans les sociétés utilisent Subversion pour gérer leur code source. C'est le VCS libre le plus populaire depuis une bonne décennie. Il est aussi très similaire à CVS qui a été le grand chef des gestionnaires de source avant lui. Une des grandes fonctionnalités de Git est sa passerelle vers Subversion, git svn. Cet outil vous permet d'utiliser Git comme un client valide d'un serveur Subversion pour que vous puissiez utiliser les capacités de Git en local puis poussez sur le serveur Subversion comme si vous utilisiez Subversion localement. git svn La commande de base dans Git pour toutes les commandes de passerelle est git svn. Il est important de noter que lorsque vous utilisez git svn, vous interagissez avec Subversion qui est un système bien moins sophistiqué que Git. Installation Pour montrer cette fonctionnalité, il faut un serveur SVN sur lequel vous avez des droits en écriture. Démarrage

Easier Nested Layouts in Rails 3/4 • 55 Minutes Blog A layouts recap Any non-trivial web application will have multiple HTML layouts. For example, a login page may use a simple layout with no header and footer, whereas authenticated pages will have navigation bars and breadcrumbs. Rails offers a basic solution for this in the form of layout templates. <html><head> ... You can have as many layouts as you’d like, and Rails makes use of convention over configuration to automatically pair up layouts with corresponding controllers of the same name. Nested layouts, the (awkward) Rails way So far so good. Every page in the app needs the standard HTML boilerplate with our common stylesheets, JavaScripts. Some frameworks call this template inheritance. The official Rails guide provides an explanation with some examples. A nicer, helper-based approach If you do some searching (as you may have done to find this article!) An example Here’s how to use parent_layout to implement the “base” and “application” layouts from our earlier example. <! That’s it!

GUI Clients Git comes with built-in GUI tools for committing (git-gui) and browsing (gitk), but there are several third-party tools for users looking for platform-specific experience. Only show GUIs for my OS (Linux)0Linux GUIs are highlighted below ↓ TowerPlatforms: MacPrice: $59/user (Free 30 day trial) GitboxPlatforms: MacPrice: $14.99 Git ExtensionsPlatforms: WindowsPrice: Free git-colaPlatforms: Windows, Mac, LinuxPrice: Free GitEyePlatforms: Windows, Mac, LinuxPrice: Free gitgPlatforms: LinuxPrice: Free

java - How to increase IDE memory limit in IntelliJ IDEA on Mac? git-svn how to - Kuali Rice - Kuali Wiki Git is a version control system designed for distributed development. As such, it provides a model that is more flexible than SVN in a number of ways. It can be used in concert with SVN with the git-svn command (which is actually a set of commands, depending on how you look at it). Git uses a richer model than previous version control systems such as SVN, and because of that there is some learning that needs to take place to understand how to use Git. Git's integration with eclipse is needless to say less mature than SVNs, but it has progressed significantly and isn't too bad. Create and prepare your local repository Create a directory for your local git repo (this will be your project directory in Eclipse) Save yourself from accidentally committing project files Add temporary ignores in the master branch (Note: this is not well tested). Create working branches Commit back to SVN (in the safest way) Switching branches while you have uncommitted changes method 1: the stash Rough guideline:

How To Link The Wireless Subwoofer To Your Soundbar (HW-D Models) : | Samsung Page 1. Linking The Subwoofer To Your Soundbar Getting Started: The subwoofer's linking ID is set at the factory so the Sound bar and subwoofer should link automatically when the Sound bar is powered on. However, if the link indicator does not light when the Sound bar and subwoofer are both powered on or if your Sound bar has been serviced recently, follow the steps below to set the ID and link. You Will Need: A small, pointed object such as a paper clip Sound bar remote control Clear any obstacles between the Sound bar and the subwoofer Plug in the power cord of both the Sound bar and the subwoofer Power off the Sound bar if on, and leave off With the Sound bar OFF and the subwoofer connected to a power source locate the ID Set button on the back of the subwoofer, left of the serial number sticker. Using a small pointed object (paper clip) press the ID Set button for 5 seconds until the Standby indicator is turned off and the blue Link LED begins to blink rapidly. Notes:

Top 10 Freelance AngularJS Developers for Hire in July 2015 AngularJS is the framework of choice for multiple high-end web applications. The reason many teams choose this technology is because it is flexible and powerful, seems to evolve in the right direction, has a great community, and has countless extensions and integrations. There are also many Angular developers. Our hiring guide will help you find developers who strive to follow that high-quality approach. Working with Scopes Scopes are the data-model of Angular apps. Q: How does scope inheritance work in AngularJS? Scope inheritance in AngularJS is prototypal for child scopes, but not for isolated scopes. When building custom directives, it is possible to create an isolated scope. Directives also have the ability to transclude scope onto contained elements. At this point, it seems very important to note that it is possible to traverse scopes, in all directions. Q: What exactly are controllers? Controllers are bound to their scope, and so is their lifecycle. Q: Please explain what “. “.
