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aymrc: A selection of Backgrounds made for Space Dandy #9, episode imagined and directed by Eunyoung Choi. I had the chance to paint every backgrounds which took 4 and ½ month for 340 cuts. If you like those I can make an other selection :) Anyway I encourage you to watch the show!You can also follow me on twitter : I don’t usually reblog anything for Anime Backgrounds, but given the nature of this I’m going to make an exception.

trabalhos é aluno do curso de graduação em Mídia Digital da Puc-Rio. Atua desde de 2006 na área de motion design em diversas empresas e produtoras. Como aluno, desenvolveu com a orientação de Claudia Bolshaw e Vera Damasio o projeto Contos de Museu em 2012. 2009, Globo Ciência e Playboy TV, pela produtora Made For Tv. 2008, Festival do Rio de Cinema, pela produtora Total Filmes. 2007, J.Carlos a Figura da Capa e D.João no Brasil, direção de Stânio Soares no Canal Futura. 2006, Memória do Movimento Estudantil, direção de Silvio Tendler na produtora Caliban. Expansão: Cinematografia Digital / Mostra do Filme Livre / Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effect / AnimArte e Canal Futura; Curso de vídeo Geração Futura – Canal Futura / Escola de Arte e Tecnologia Kabum!

NyaaTorrents Anime Charts Fuyuzora Kogarashi has spirit abilities, and has been possessed by ghosts since he was a kid. This has caused a lot of trouble in his life, but now he has learned to fight back against the evil spirits! Unfortunately, he's now also very poor, homeless, and hoping for a happier, more normal, high school life. In his search for housing, he's introduced to a very cheap boarding house called Yuragi-sou, which was formerly a popular hot springs inn. Kogarashi doesn't think this is going to be a problem for him, and the rest of the house's tenants appear to be sexy women. Source: MU The Pantless Anime Blogger Random Curiosity
