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The Public Domain Review | Online journal dedicated to showcasing the most interesting and unusual out-of-copyright works available on the web Brands of the World™ | Download vector logos and logotypes Ptak Science Books JF Ptak Science Books Post 2726 This is a short bit about incompleteness, the discharge of connection and of knowing. And no, I'm not talking about The Incompleteness Theorem, the big revolutionary one...just a little incompletelness, the small “i” incompleteness, that sometimes doesn't even make it to the first “e”. It is the sort of frustrating incompleteness that holds you hard when you think you know something, but you really don't—and then you wonder if you knew it at all, once the connections are made and the analysis done, when the answer is more surprising and insightful than you thought you knew. A big Incompleteness set in the two days ago, thumbing through a volume Jean Le Clerc's mini-massive journal, Bibliotheque Universelle et Historique, which was printed in Amsterdam in the late 1680's and early 1690's, and in its 25 volumes or so covers only about five years in the history of ideas (covering 1688-1792). As J.R. Notes - Free Stock Photos and Free Images
