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101 Landing Page Optimization Tips

101 Landing Page Optimization Tips
An Opinionated Guide to Conversion Do you have abandonment issues because your landing page bounce rate is through the roof? Wasting precious time and money on ineffective PPC campaigns? Never fear. The tips are broken up into 14 chapters: You can also download the original 101 Tips as a PDF. Chapter 1: The Fundamentals Sticking to the fundamentals can take you from having a terrible landing page to having one that people find hard to poke holes in. Send people to a relevant and targeted pageYour homepage is a mish-mash of goal oriented communication – and usually for good reason. Chapter 2: Trust & Security With the proliferation of spam, pyramid and get-rich-quick schemes found in online marketing, becoming a leader with regard to trust can give your pages an instant leg up. Show a phone numberBy having a phone number present, it tells people you are legitimate and that there are real people at the end of the line. Chapter 3: Landing Page SEO

Why the marketing technology genie isn't going back into the IT bottle InformationWeek just published a guest article of mine, Why Marketing Should Run Its Own Technology. While I’ve been advocating greater technology leadership to marketers for a while, this is my first attempt to “reach across the aisle” and make my case directly to the IT community. Always up for a lively conversation, I don’t pull any punches, describing three structural differences in this new era of technology-driven marketing that I believe will limit IT’s ability to control it. Admittedly, in the seemingly zero-sum game of corporate budgets and power, ceding anything is rarely a popular opinion. But if IT can better understand the forces behind these changes, I hope it will inspire open discussion and fresh ideas for embracing the future. Because in the big picture, this isn’t a zero-sum game inside an organization — the real competition is in the marketplace. A recent report by the CMO Council and Accenture, surveying both CMO’s and CIO’s, reached two conclusions.

Anatomy of a Landing Page: Design Elements Exposed Bryan Eisenberg | March 26, 2010 | 8 Comments inShare3 Understand the 10 key elements of a landing page from headline to presentation. Landing pages have become an important part of the marketer's toolbox. To create effective landing pages, you should understand the anatomy of a landing page and it should be part of your landing page and optimization framework. Not all of the following elements always need to be on a page to create an effective landing page. Logo: The visitor needs some way to identify who they are potentially doing business with. Look at your landing pages and your competitors' to see if you can identify these essential elements. In my next column, I'll explain the five dimensions of landing page element design that impact its effectiveness. If you would like to see some of these elements in action, you can sign up for an upcoming Webinar I am doing on April 1, 2010 - "Don't Be April's Fool: Proven Techniques To Maximize Your Advertising ROI."

4 Proven Strategies to get Discovered on the Internet The game has changed! The power of the internet means it’s now possible to build a broader and more profitable online audience by carefully applying some specific approaches and techniques. All it takes is confidence and an internet connection. According to new research, 78% of internet users conduct product research online (Source: Hubspot). This has changed the game for the marketing companies relying on outbound marketing approaches, such as email newsletter campaigns, TV advertising and telemarketing. More people are online than ever before. More people regularly use the internet to shop and investigate products and services before they decide to buy. Most of us have adapted quickly to being online so that internet use has become more sophisticated. People are more likely to avoid unwanted online ads by using techniques and technology such as popup blockers, email spam filters, and call rejection. How to get discovered # 1: Make the Link Better links equal better business What is a blog?

Email Marketing: scopriamo 3 tool per le nostre campagne Affidabilità, personalizzazione, filtro antispam: scopriamo le caratteristiche di alcuni strumenti utili a far partire campagne di Email Marketing! Dopo aver appreso i 10 segreti dell’email marketing grazie a Keshagura vediamo oggi alcuni Tool attualmente in circolazione per realizzare la nostra nuovissima e fiammante campagna di email marketing. Prima di iniziare ricordatevi di tenere in considerazione i tre step fondamentali per ogni campagna di email marketing che colpisca nel segno: budget, timeline e business case. Il budget è uno degli aspetti fondamentali soprattutto perché dobbiamo tenere in considerazione il costo della maggior parte dei tool. 1 – iContact State tranquilli, la “i” non indica un prodotto Apple e quindi anche i fedelissimi del mondo Android potranno utilizzarlo senza avere sensi di colpa. Il tool è stato pensato e realizzato per consentire anche ad utenti alle prime armi di creare una campagna di email marketing in modo piuttosto veloce e semplice. 3 – Mail Chimp

Metadata – the New Language of Marketing October 28, 2010 Monday I talked about the social networking bubble. Marketers are getting sucked into the social-networking vortex and can’t find their way out. Business information is just getting started. Metadata is the new lingua-franca of business. Accurate metadata is the new currency of marketing. Markets are conversations. Personal data will shift the power balance in the conversations. Example: media. Example: authentication and authorization. Interruption advertising will have to change. Brands will never recover. The Open Web will overtake today’s silo-based social web, giving people the ability to manage relationships and data from anywhere, any time, using any device, without relying on a single company or web site. Your industry needs your help, and you can’t afford to ignore it any longer. SEO will still be valuable, and it will keep evolving. What I’m describing are the arms, legs, trunk, and ears of the pull elephant.

Anatomie d’une Landing Page qui Convertit Très Bien Une landing page est une page de votre site dont l’objectif est d’amener vos lecteurs à accomplir une action précise telle qu’effectuer un achat par exemple. L’optimisation d’une landing page consiste à améliorer le pourcentage de visiteurs de votre site web qui sont convertis en clients ou qui génèrent un lead (comme remplir un formulaire). Une landing page réussie est optimisée au niveau de son contenu et des éléments visuels qui la composent. Si le sujet vous intéresse, je vous invite à consulter l’infographie ci-dessous de Neil Patel qui présente l’anatomie d’une landing page qui convertit très bien. Tags: landing page Catégorie: E-marketing Trends: Be Discovered in 2013 via Content Curation and the Interest Graph My name is Ally Greer. I’m a marketer with expertise in content marketing and curation. You’ve probably never heard of me. With over 500 million users on Twitter, 175 million on LinkedIn, and over a billion on Facebook, you probably haven’t heard of most people on the Internet. That said, I’m certainly not here to tell you how flooded the Internet is and discourage you from jumping into the information pool. In a digital world characterized by an overwhelming amount of noise, everyone is struggling to find relevant content from people and brands with an expertise on a specific subject. According to Michael Brenner, cofounder of Business 2 Community, content curation is the process of identifying relevant content for your audience from multiple sources, modifying or editing that content to reflect the needs of your audience and delivering the content to the appropriate channels of distribution. The truth is, you’re probably already curating content. Enter a platform like

The Secrets of What Makes a Product Go Viral Ten years ago, had you ever heard of the hand sanitizer Purell? It existed, but nobody really used it. Then one day, it was everywhere. Grocery stores placed dispensers at the door, nail salons gave it to clients, and people started carrying travel size bottles in their bags. With little advertising, how did Purell catch on? Jonah Berger, an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business, has dedicated his career to answering that question. "People often think that contagious products just get lucky," Berger says. According to Berger's research, specific circumstances and attributes empower consumers to share a given product. Related: Creative Problem-Solving Strategies to Test Your Business Idea As many as half of consumers' purchasing decisions are driven by word of mouth marketing -- it's trustworthy and far more targeted than traditional advertising. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Related: 7 Steps to Get Publicity for Your Business

Placebo, es-tu là ? par Jean Brissonnet - SPS n° 294, janvier 2011 « En fait, vous n’avez pas besoin de donner un placebo pour obtenir un effet placebo et donc nous pouvons maintenant réfléchir à comment nous pouvons maximiser la composante placebo dans des soins de routine. » Damien Finniss 2010 La scène se passe dans un bloc chirurgical où l’on se prépare à effectuer une opération de la cataracte. Le patient est étendu sur la table d’opération. On est passé quelques minutes plus tôt pour étaler sur sa cornée le gel anesthésique qui permettra de réaliser l’opération sous simple anesthésie locale. – « Il est prouvé, affirme le chirurgien, que dans un traitement médicamenteux, 30 % de l’action obtenue est due à l’effet placebo » – Non, affirme le chirurgien, du ton de celui qui tient la première place, ce fait est avéré et a été prouvé par de nombreuses études ». L’anesthésiste hoche la tête avec un léger sourire, mais ne rétorque pas. Historique de l’effet placebo La remise en question Les polémiques Figure 4

E-commerce : 14 leviers pour booster son taux de conversion | Canal-Web, le Blog Canal-Web a souhaitée vous retranscrire un article, très intéressant, du Journal Du Net portant sur les leviers d’accroissement des taux de conversions des E-commerçants. Chronique de Hervé ZobenbiehlerE-Business Architect, Activis Web-to-store, showrooming, comparateurs, avis des internautes, indice de confiance… Si l’achat en ligne a engendré une mutation profonde de notre manière de consommer, les e-commerçants doivent sans cesse renouveler d’ingéniosité. Avec des milliers de sites e-commerce et des internautes versatiles, la génération d’un volume de trafic sur son site est nécessaire et convertir ces visiteurs en clients est stratégique. Développer ses ventes relève d’une juste combinaison de leviers mêlant expérience du web, connaissance de votre visiteur et vos produits mais aussi audace. Comment améliorer vos performances digitales ? Conseil N°1. On la néglige trop souvent : la baseline. Conseil N°2. Assurément, vos métas tags doivent être efficaces et votre site GOOGLE friendly.

Meet Lior Ron, The Guy In Charge Of Google's Big Attempt To Kill Samsung And Apple With An 'X Phone' Google's $12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola wasn't just for patents. It wants to make a phone that can compete with the iPhone and Samsung's successful line of Galaxy phones. To make those phones, it chose Lior Ron to lead development of an "X Phone" at Motorola, the Wall Street Journal reports. From the outside looking in, Ron appears to be an unusual choice to develop a new smartphone for Motorola. For the last five years he's been working on mapping projects at Google. While good maps are important for a smartphone, they are hardly the deciding factor for anyone looking at buying a new smartphone. He appears to have no hardware experience. He lists himself as the cofounder of two companies — GaitAid and Mapsicle. Google needs Motorola to deliver a hit. Beyond the smartphone profits, Google is concerned about the growing influence of Samsung. Forking would mean that Samsung takes the base layer of Android, then starts customizing it. We don't know what Samsung is going to do.

joliprint : Turn any webpage into a readable PDF E-commerce : les taux de conversion de chaque secteur | Canal-Web, le Blog Canal-Web a souhaitée vous retranscrire un article, très intéressant, du Journal Du Net portant sur le performances de 9 secteurs d’activités sur le web. Kantar Media Compete et Google mettent à jour leur baromètre des performances e-commerce. Au programme : taux de rebond, de refus, d’abandon et de conversion sur 9 segments. Kantar Media Compete et Google profitent du salon E-Commerce Paris pour publier la deuxième édition de leur baromètre sectoriel de la performance de conversion des sites e-commerce français. « Cette deuxième édition montre que sur l’ensemble des marchés, les taux de conversion sont en léger repli par rapport à l’an dernier, analyse Philippe Plichon, directeur du pôle Transaction chez Google France. Prêt-à-porter et chaussure : un taux d’abandon de 64% Au 1er semestre 2013, le taux de conversion des sites de prêt-à-porter a baissé de 16% par rapport à l’année précédente (voir le précédent baromètre). Le High-tech bénéficie d’un taux de conversion élevé Méthodologie :

Creative Google Maps Manipulations by Christoph Niemann | Tech V By Ryan Deal posted April 15, 2010, 9:28 pm | Maps are boring but they get you places… most of the time. Well, that is until now. New York Times illustrator Christoph Niemann has created a series of Google Map Manipulations that are clever, unique, and darn creative. Here’s a bunch of our favorites which are also available as prints. Enjoy!
