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Categories, Links, and Tags

Categories, Links, and Tags
Ontology is Overrated: Categories, Links, and Tags This piece is based on two talks I gave in the spring of 2005 -- one at the O'Reilly ETech conference in March, entitled "Ontology Is Overrated", and one at the IMCExpo in April entitled "Folksonomies & Tags: The rise of user-developed classification." The written version is a heavily edited concatenation of those two talks. Today I want to talk about categorization, and I want to convince you that a lot of what we think we know about categorization is wrong. In particular, I want to convince you that many of the ways we're attempting to apply categorization to the electronic world are actually a bad fit, because we've adopted habits of mind that are left over from earlier strategies. I also want to convince you that what we're seeing when we see the Web is actually a radical break with previous categorization strategies, rather than an extension of them. PART I: Classification and Its Discontents # Q: What is Ontology? And yet. Domain

Search v Enterprise Content Management Systems Written by Joe Tong on 29 March 2012 in Market Trends Photo credit: osuarchives/ A great debate has arisen (if you aren’t already aware) between those that believe in structure, taxonomies, ontologies and organization with those that believe that search technology is good enough for us to toss everything into one big bag and let the search engines sort it out. Elaine Svenonius and her book Intellectual Foundations of Information Organization (core reading for library science students) advise us to do the hard work of creating and maintaining organizing systems so that filing and retrieval is easy. Think of the difference between early Yahoo, and Google’s search engine breakthrough. So which approach do we take in our enterprise? What happens when we introduce the social layer into our enterprise systems? Keep reading Guident’s post “Which is more important: Search or ECM systems?”

Knowledge representation Knowledge representation and reasoning (KR) is the field of artificial intelligence (AI) devoted to representing information about the world in a form that a computer system can utilize to solve complex tasks such as diagnosing a medical condition or having a dialog in a natural language. Knowledge representation incorporates findings from psychology about how humans solve problems and represent knowledge in order to design formalisms that will make complex systems easier to design and build. Knowledge representation and reasoning also incorporates findings from logic to automate various kinds of reasoning, such as the application of rules or the relations of sets and subsets. Examples of knowledge representation formalisms include semantic nets, Frames, Rules, and ontologies. Examples of automated reasoning engines include inference engines, theorem provers, and classifiers. Overview[edit] This hypothesis was not always taken as a given by researchers. History[edit] Characteristics[edit]

About WordNet - WordNet - About WordNet La pratique du social bookmarking, les folksonomies et la gestion documentaire au service de l’enseignement de la traduction spécialisée 1 Étant donné, d’une part, que les termes originaux du domaine du social bookmarking sont anglo-amér (...) 1Les folksonomies, terme émanant du Web 2.0 et désignant l’indexation libre par l’apposition de mots-clés ou tags (étiquettes) à des articles, des photos, des sites, et tout autre contenu du web, offrent des possibilités indéniables à un groupe d’étudiants qui s’entraîne à la traduction spécialisée, au sein d’un établissement supérieur à dominante linguistique (LEA gestion-économie-commerce). Ces étudiants ne possèdent pas encore de connaissances suffisantes dans les domaines concernés pour avoir le réflexe de choisir, en langue-cible, le bon équivalent en termes de contenu conceptuel. 2 Thomas, S., Joseph, C., Laccetti, J. et al, 2007. « Transliteracy : crossing divides ». First Mond (...) 7Ainsi, Serres évoque le concept de « translittératie » comme littératie voisine à la culture informationnelle. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. A) Compréhension du TO Tâches pragmatiques Tâches lexicales Figure 1

039;Tagging' Lets Ordinary Users Organize the Internet Products - Structured Dynamics Structured Dynamics' growing product portfolio is geared to power the semantic enterprise. It leverages existing assets with interoperable technologies and linked data. Our products and applications enable users to discover, connect, communicate, and share knowledge in new and innovative ways. We share your vision to get information to interoperate, regardless of legacy or form. SD's flagship product is the Open Semantic Framework. OSF can integrate and manage all types of content — unstructured documents, semi-structured files, spreadsheets, and structured databases — using a variety of best-of-breed engines. Modern IT architectures are evolving to become Web-based and layered. The basic architecture of the Open Semantic Framework pivots around the OSF Web Services; there are now nearly 30 providing a wealth of functionality. This basic architecture from user interface to engines is quite simple in design: The premise of the entire stack is based on the RDF data model.

Kurt G?'s Ontological Argument Kurt Gödel is best known to mathematicians and the general public for his celebrated incompleteness theorems. Physicists also know his famous cosmological model in which time-like lines close back on themselves so that the distance past and the distant future are one and the same. What is less well known is the fact that Gödel has sketched a revised version of Anselm's traditional ontological argument for the existence of God. How does a mathematician get mixed up in the God-business? Gödel was a mystic, whose mathematical research exemplified a philosophical stance akin to the Neo-Platonics. In this respect, Gödel had as much in common with the medieval theologians and philosophers as the twentieth-century mathematicians who pioneered the theory of computation and modern computer science. Talking about proof theory often feels like discourse about God: When you talk about God, you have to discuss issues like "if God created the Universe, then who created God?" A biographical sketch g and t

TESL/TEFL/TESOL/ESL/EFL/ESOL Links - ESL ESLThis is a sub-page ofThe Internet TESL Journal'sTESL/TEFL/TESOL/ESL/EFL/ESOL LinksLinks of Interest to Teachers and Students of English as a Second Language There are currently 10192 registered links.Main Page | Links for Students | Links for Teachers | What's New Categories: Activities for ESL Students (The Internet TESL Journal)

Folksonomies: Tidying up Tags? 1. Introduction A folksonomy is a type of distributed classification system. It is usually created by a group of individuals, typically the resource users. Users add tags to online items, such as images, videos, bookmarks and text. In this article we look at what makes folksonomies work. 2. Probably the major flaw of current folksonomy systems – and the number one gripe for those happier with more formal classification systems – is that the tagging terms used in those systems are imprecise. Some users do not consider this a problem; they may argue that tags are there primarily to help the particular end-user who is submitting them. 3. So what exactly are tags? Two well-known examples of folksonomy systems, to which we will refer extensively in this article, are™ [3] and flickr™ [4], both services owned by Yahoo. In order to understand how we can make tags more searchable it is important to understand users and why they submit certain tags. Power laws and tag distribution 4.

Many-to-Many Maintenir à jour l'index Solr d'un site Drupal | Whisky Echo Bravo Pour certains sites Web, il est essentiel que l'index de recherche soit mis à jour très fréquemment. C'est le cas de sites où la fréquence des ajouts ou modifications aux contenus est très grande; à la limite, avec une fréquence d'indexation trop basse, le système pourrait alors ne jamais venir à bout de la liste de contenus à indexer! Certains sites, par ailleurs, dépendent de requêtes de recherche pour alimenter directement une interface de navigation, rendant particulièrement désirable la présentation de données aussi actuelles que possibles. Nous avons été confrontés à ces enjeux récemment dans le projet d'une communauté en ligne. Le présent article décrit la manière dont nous avons résolu ce type de problème sur un site Drupal utilisant le module Apache Solr. Lancer le cron plus souvent Mais il y a un hic : L'exécution du script cron.php d'un site Drupal implique un grand nombre de tâches autres que l'indexation. Lancer le cron plus intelligemment Des alternatives Conclusion

10 Spelling Bee Game Websites That Help Your Children Spell Words Right You would think that getting the right spelling wouldn’t be important enough to warrant competitions that are fought tooth and nail. In fact, Spelling Bee contests are not only keenly fought in many English speaking countries but also broadcasted live in some just like a regular sports event. That proves something as simple as getting the spelling right has enough of crowd pulling power. Though children form the main focus group, a lot of the competitions are open for adults too. The next Scripps National Spelling Bee is still a few months away in the United States. Visual Thesaurus Spelling Bee The well known online word app throws two challenges ““ a Tournament Spelling Bee and the Community Spelling Bees. The Times Spelling Bee You can have a feel of a real world Spelling Bee competition on this U.K. based site. Tumble Bees The word game takes your help to build a honeycomb for the bees with the rightly spelled words. BigIQKids Catch the Spelling Spin and Spell Miss Spell’s Class
