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Darik's Boot and Nuke

Darik's Boot and Nuke

Security Blog One-Time Pad Generator This page, which requires that your browser support JavaScript (see Why JavaScript below), generates one-time pads or password lists in a variety of forms. It is based a high-quality pseudorandom sequence generator, which can be seeded either from the current date and time, or from a seed you provide. Fill in the form below to select the format of the pad and press “Generate” to create the pad in the text box. You can then copy and paste the generated pad into another window to use as you wish. Each of the labels on the request form is linked to a description of that parameter. Details Each of the fields in the one-time pad request form is described below. Output Number of keys Enter the number of keys you'd like to generate. Line length Lines in the output will be limited to the given length (or contain only one key if the line length is less than required for a single key). Format Key length Each key will contain this number of characters, not counting separators between groups. Group length
