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Student Constructs Complete Apartment of 75 ft²

Student Constructs Complete Apartment of 75 ft²
552 Flares Twitter 12 Facebook 335 Reddit 1 StumbleUpon 198 LinkedIn 2 inShare2 Google+ 4 552 Flares × There’s a kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and even a patio Since 2000, China’s cities have expanded at an average rate of 10% annually. It is estimated that China’s urban population will increase by 400 million people by 2025, when its cities will house a combined population of over one billion. That limitations can actually boost creativity is shown by the Chinese architecture student who designed this 75 ft² wooden house (23 m²) Source: Imgur, Wikipedia smart architecture, prefabricated houses china, architecture china photos (20 votes, average: 4.80 out of 5)

Building Overview | Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability CIRS is a space for multidisciplinary education and research, and though it’s one of the greenest buildings on earth, living within the resources and energy flow available on the site and surroundings, its goal is to become the baseline which future buildings will surpass. Rather than simply reducing its environmental impact, CIRS enriches its environment by making use of resources that would otherwise go unused. CIRS sources energy from the ground and scavenges heat from neighbouring buildings, generates electricity from the sun, obtains ventilation from the wind and harvests its water from the rain. With its sustainable wood structure, large glass windows and living green walls and roof, the stunning four-story CIRS exterior blends harmoniously with the west coast beauty of the UBC campus. It is a short walk from trails that meander down forested cliffs to the ocean and beaches. To see construction photos, visit the CIRS photo gallery .

How To Pack A Whole Lot Of Living In 221 sq ft One of the key limitations in the design of many tiny houses is the fact that they have to be built on trailer chassis. Many zoning bylaws have minimum building sizes to keep the riffraff out and the property taxes up; many building codes have minimum room sizes and other rules that make it very hard to build small. By having wheels, it becomes a recreational vehicle and it can sneak under a lot of radars. But it's really tough to design a decent space in an 8'-6" wide (exterior dimensions!) space. © Tiny House Build Andrew and Gabriella Morrison have pulled it off in their 221 square foot home and write about it (and how they live in it) on the Tiny House Blog. To our surprise we have not felt, at any point, that we have had to make any compromises or sacrifices in our self designed and built home. By putting the kitchen at one end and the bathroom at the other, they are able to use the full width of the trailer and make them generous.

Vincent Callebaut Architecte ASIANCAIRNS TYPE: Architectural and Engineering ConsultancyCLIENT: Private Client, ShenzhenCONTRACT LOCATION: ChinaPROGRAM: 6 Mixed Uses Towers and Master PlanningSURFACE AREA: 320 000 m²ARCHITECT: Vincent Callebaut Architectures, SARL ParisVCA’S TEAM: Emilie Diers, Frederique Beck, Benoit Patterlini, Marco Conti Sikic, Vincent Callebaut SUSTAINABLE FARMSCRAPERS FOR RURAL URBANITYShenzhen, 2013, China At the end of 2011 in China, the number of inhabitants in the cities exceeded the number of inhabitants in the countryside. Whereas 30 years ago only one Chinese person out of five lived in the city, the city-dwellers represent now 51.27% of the total population of 1 347 billion of people. According to Li Jianmin, an expert in demography from the Tianjin University, the Chinese population will be urban at 75% within 2030 ! 1.1. The cities are currently responsible for 75% of the worldwide consumption of energy and they reject 80% of worldwide emissions of CO2. 1.2. 1.3. 2.1. 3.1. 3.2. 1. 3.3. 1.1.

Build This Cozy Cabin For Under $4,000 Related Content Build a Houseboat Here is a plan for how to build your own floating cabin, "The Live Aboard Houseboat." Rays of early-morning sunlight gently peek through the windows, easing you awake. In this article, I’ll show you how to build a 14-by-20-foot cabin featuring a sleeping loft over the porch for about $4,000. My own cabin adventure began in 1986, when I built one as an inexpensive place to stay while constructing my house — that’s when I began learning what makes cabin design and construction successful. What follows is a cabin plan with the hands-on know-how I wish I had 20 years ago. I believe in building for the long haul. A Firm Foundation Every well-built structure begins with the foundation. Cold climates are a different matter, and one of the best cabin foundations you can choose is established easily with minimal tools and time. The best way to mark your foundation outline is with 12-inch spikes pushed into the earth and connected with nylon string. Wall Framing

ARK | def_title The design work is related to the theme - Environment . Main use: hotel, housing. Site area: 4500 m2. Building floor area: 2900 m2. Total floor area: 14 000 m2. Keywords: Sustainable technologies, Natural Disaster Prevention. For architecture two aspects are of higher concern: the first one is maintenance of security and precautions against extreme environmental conditions and climate changes. The structural solidity is provided by compression behavior of the timber arches and tension behavior of the steel ropes. It’s a cupola building with a central bearing in a form of a tube with all engineering communications passing inside it. The building makes a single energy system. The building could be constructed in different climatic zones and in seismically dangerous regions, because the structure of the basement represents a shell without any ledges or angles. Planting of greenery – that’s the next step in creating a bioclimatic building.

Build A Log Cabin For $100 Living in a cozy little cabin nestled in the woods is part and parcel of the classic Thoreau-inspired lifestyle most folks dream of now and then. But the romantic vision of log-home life is shattered — for many people — by the sheer cost of such structures, which can be as high as that of equivalent conventional homes. That doesn't have to be the case, however. First Steps One of the ways in which we kept our expenses down was to choose an uncomplicated design for our cabin. The size of our cabin was limited more by our stamina than by the design. When our plans were drawn up, we chose a cleared and level site with nearby water, pitched a couple of large tents for temporary shelter, and packed in enough flour and beans to sustain us during a summer of hard work. Log Foraging Next on our agenda was the exciting — and often backbreaking — task of finding, cutting, and hauling in the logs that would soon become the walls of our home. A Fine Floor Raising the Walls The Second Story

Vertical Farming Designbeispiele für Farmscraper Vertikale Landwirtschaft oder vertical farming (englisch) ist ein Begriff der Zukunftstechnologie, welche eine tragfähige Landwirtschaft und Massenproduktion pflanzlicher und tierischer Erzeugnisse im Ballungsgebiet der Städte in mehrstöckigen Gebäuden (sogenannten Farmscrapers[1]) ermöglichen soll. Sie ist damit eine Sonderform der urbanen Landwirtschaft. Basierend auf Kreislaufwirtschaft und Hydrokulturen unter Gewächshausbedingungen sollen in Gebäudekomplexen auf mehreren übereinander gelagerten Ebenen ganzjährig Früchte, Gemüse, essbare Speisepilze und Algen erzeugt werden. Hintergrund[Bearbeiten] Dickson Despommier, Professor für Umweltgesundheit und Mikrobiologie an der Columbia University in New York City, entwickelte zusammen mit seinen Studenten 1999 die ersten Gedanken zur vertikalen Landwirtschaft. "Jedes Stockwerk wird sein eigenes Bewässerungs- und Nährstoffüberwachungssystem bekommen. Grundstruktur der Flavone Weitere Entwicklung[Bearbeiten]

Tiny Earthen Home Dome Project led by: Jeffrey Location: Aprovecho, Cottage Grove, OR Date: September 2011 – April 2012 Reclaimed timber ceiling feature, surrounded by earthen plaster The project began with an idea: by reducing the size of a house, we actually increase the space we live in. Having a smaller home forces us outside and into nature. My aim was to make a well built cabin cheaply; using material destined for the landfill as much as possible.I feel that much of the western world has become a ‘throw-away’ society. I wanted the cabin to be small, with room enough for only a bed, desk and small wood stove for winter heat. I decided on the geodesic dome as the shape for my cabin. To begin the project I constructed a nine-foot, ten sided deck using wood salvaged from a torn down shed and concrete pier blocks that were found on site. the skeleton of the dome To waterproof the roof, my plan was to use an old billboard canvass. To insulate the dome I used a combination of materials.

- LifeEdited 8 Survival Tips For Your Tiny House Build Having been involved in several construction projects over the last 20 years, I am deeply familiar with the physical and emotional process that happens when building. I liken it to the process of being in labor, something I have experienced twice being a mother of two. As it is with labor, just because I have been through it before doesn’t mean that I have figured it out and that I won’t go through many of the same challenges and frustrations that I have experienced before. When a process is intense, it is easy to forget and draw upon the learnings previously received which is why it is so helpful to have a variety of emotional tools to deal with challenges as they arise. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. For me, the process of building a house is like riding through a series of emotional peaks and lows. The third emotional stage can sometimes feel as intense as transition in labor. What about you?

Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung (KWK) bzw. Wärme-Kraft-Kopplung (WKK) ist die gleichzeitige Gewinnung von mechanischer Energie, die in der Regel unmittelbar in elektrischen Strom umgewandelt wird, und nutzbarer Wärme für Heizzwecke (Fernwärme oder Nahwärme) oder für Produktionsprozesse (Prozesswärme) in einem Heizkraftwerk. Es ist somit die Auskopplung von Nutzwärme insbesondere bei der Stromerzeugung aus Brennstoffen. In den meisten Fällen stellen KWK-Kraftwerke Wärme für die Heizung öffentlicher und privater Gebäude bereit, oder sie versorgen als Industriekraftwerk Betriebe mit Prozesswärme (z. B. in der chemischen Industrie). Die Abgabe von ungenutzter Abwärme an die Umgebung wird dabei weitestgehend vermieden. Vorteil der KWK ist der verringerte Brennstoffbedarf für die Strom- und Wärmebereitstellung, wodurch die Schadstoffemissionen stark reduziert werden. Einführung[Bearbeiten] Prinzip der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung mit einer Entnahme-Kondensationsanlage Technik[Bearbeiten] Brennstoffe[Bearbeiten]

Small House Society: Resources for Life “Better Living Through Simplicity.” History. Founded in 2002, the Small House Society is a cooperatively managed organization dedicated to the promotion of smaller housing alternatives which can be more affordable and ecological. Mission. Our desire is to support the research, development, and use of smaller living spaces that foster sustainable living for individuals, families, and communities worldwide. Media Contacts. Learn More. Directory of Builders. Featured Book World Interest Below are maps showing recent site visitors from around the world. Visitors – Global Visitors – Europe Visitors – North America Visitors – Australia Visitors – Asia Like this: Like Loading...
