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Daniel Egnéus, illustrator

Daniel Egnéus, illustrator

Juan Francisco Casas e Ballpoint Artworks - Design Atento Juan Francisco Casas é um artista espanhol de 33 anos que consegue a proeza de fazer impressionantes desenhos realísticos usando apenas a boa e velha caneta Bic azul. O processo é assim: de uma foto digital, Juan amplia a imagem obtida e a transforma em enormes painéis desenhados a mão. E não tem nada de Photoshop. É pura habilidade mesmo. O trabalho desse artista é bem conhecido na Europa e leva o nome de Ballpoint Artworks. Saiba mais no site do designer | Busque também no Google

Charlotte Pringuey – Cessac Charlotte Pringuey – Cessac, dont l’œuvre se fonde sur une confrontation entre observation du monde contemporain et souvenirs personnels, “(…)s’inscrit dans la plus longue tradition de la peinture lorsqu’elle initie son art sur des peintures murales ou encore des dessins d’arbre sur le mur(…)”*, fruits de représentations réelles ou imaginées par cette ex-pensionnaire de la Villa Arson, passionnée d’archéologie et des premières pratiques picturales. “Charlotte puise également les sources de son travail dans le film d’animation lorsqu’elle en extrait des images de manière à les isoler du flux narratif via le dessin pour les proposer comme autant d’expériences sensibles. Ce processus d’analyse et de démontage du cinéma d’animation l’amène à repasser par plusieurs stades de fabrication de l’image depuis le dessin sur calque ou le celluloïd, en passant par les techniques d’animation du projet dessiné, jusqu’à la maquette. réalisation vidéo : Julien Mc Laughlin

TAKAHIRO KIMURA Jamie Wieck - Design, Illustration & Creative Thinking Maud Vantours FR | géometrie Photographie Coline Buhan Collective Series of illustration for a KixBox sample sale. SS/14Art Direction, Digital Art, Illustration2014 The project is inspired by retro-futuristic dream of space traveling. Furniture Design, Interior Design, Product Design2013 Every half year KixBox totally change the design of seasonal decorations and marketing material. As the main topic for seasonal decoration spring-summer 2013, I've chosen graphic symbols of urban textures. Folky series of DO PLU DO tees, 100% cotton, silk screen printed, limited edition.Design, Product Design, Fashion2009

Popular Animals Art Prints Popular Animals « PrevNext » « Prev1234 ... 80Next » Video Transcript What is art? From the materials we use to the hands that ply them, we match the care that goes into everything we make to that of the artist that designed it. It begins with those thousands of artists entrusting their original work to another. It's the paper that isn't just paper, but pressed European cotton. It's the archival quality inks that mean your print outlives you. It's the craftsmen that print, cut, check and pack your art. All together, thousands of steps were taken to make your Art Print. This is our process. This is our art.

Julien Gorgeart Exposition personnelle Une histoire vraieArtothèque-Musée des beaux-arts de Brest. A gauche :Henri Léopold LÉVY, Hérodiade Huile sur toile, 1872 287,5x235 cm A droite :sans titre, hérodiade Huile sur toile, 2014 120x160 cm Exposition Bruno Peinado, L’écho/ Ce qui sépareFRAC Pays de la Loire en bas, à gauche … et derrière moi marchent les étoilesDiptyqueEncre de chine sur papier42/29,7 cm Exposition Jardins sensibles - jardins secretsDomaine départemental de la Roche Jagu

Anne-Lise Boutin Severn Studios graphic design and illustration services Art & Design | Art Prints and Graphic Design 40 Scary Joker illustration Artworks Posted admin in Artwork on March 26th, 2012 / 4 Comments Advertisement Following our various posts on digital artwork and illisutrations, today we have gathered scary Joker illustrations for your inspiration. Joker is mostly know as the archenemy of Batman, Most merciful, wicked and intelligent Psychopath with a scary joker face. Hope you will like 40 Scary Joker illustration Artworks..

Wendy MacNaughton
