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Damn You Art School

Damn You Art School

Dreamscapes: The Fantastical Photographs of Lieko Shiga As the old expression “a canary in a coal mine” suggests, the small songbirds have long been a symbol of a type of early-detection system — a way of indicating something that might otherwise remain unknown. And just as the old coal mine canaries alerted miners to invisible gases and fumes, the camera is capable of capturing moments that might pass unrevealed, or undiscovered. The striking pictures in Japanese artist Lieko Shiga’s series, Canary — currently on display at the Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam FOAM — references this powerful metaphor with images that are not immediately recognizable, nor easily understood, but that are nevertheless laden with meaning. The Amsterdam show is comprised of an extensive body of work first published as a book in 2007 — a book that has since become something of a classic among photobook collectors. Shiga’s work is strongly reminiscent of the black and white photography of Masatoshi Naito. Lieko Shiga is a Japanese fine-art photographer.

Facilitación Gráfica | Curso en Línea: Transforma ideas en imágenes atractivas y diagramas que ayuden a la gente a entender situaciones complejas y decidir acerca de sus siguientes pasos Zulma Sofía Patarroyo Fundadora y directora de PATALETA una empresa de facilitación y documentación gráfica con sede en Colombia. Zulma tiene varios años de experiencia internacional en diseño y facilitación de procesos de aprendizaje en organizaciones de todos los sectores. Diseñadora gráfica de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Zulma tiene además un MA en Multimedia del del London College of Communications, un posgrado en pedagogía del Institute of Education (Londres) y tiene formación en facilitación creativa y consultoría en aprendizaje organizacional de la escuela danesa kaospilot (Piloto del caos). Colombiana, viajera apasionada por el aprendizaje, el liderazgo y la gente. Los ámbitos que más interesan a Zulma son la sostenibilidad, la innovación, la educación, y el emprendimiento social.

Najbardziej kreatywna społeczność w sieci - HOME Generative Scribing – kelvy bird We trip and climb our way through the weeds of societal transformation, facing intertwining threads of sorrow and possibility, to ascend. At a recent ecology gathering outside Berlin – immersed in a community of global stewards of change – i faced an inner struggle to access true “will.” This was not caused by fear, but by despair; making a few inky marks over a small two-day span seemed like a futile effort to positively touch what was going on in the world. I had landed with a heaviness from the current state of affairs in my country (the US) – mind-boggling inequality, a political circus, the Orlando massacre… among much else – to the morning news of Brexit and again-tumbling markets. A foggy, heated, 94°F landing. Here’s the tale of the unfolding then… another drawing, another unravel. Earlier this year, I had seen an exhibit of Aboriginal art at the Museum of Civilization in Quebec City, and was stunned into silence at the communally derived, cultural storytelling. I woke.

The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff! Studiedagen Schoolbreed kennismaken met innovatieve onderwijstechnologie Creative Learning Lab organiseert studiedagen voor scholen op basis van een uniek programma met ‘hands-on’ workshops, demonstraties en trainingen. Studiedagen zijn bedoeld om onderwijzend personeel te inspireren en motiveren om nieuwe mediatechnologie te gebruiken in de onderwijspraktijk ter verrijking en verdieping van leerervaringen. Het programma biedt onderwijsprofessionals de mogelijkheid kennis te maken met uiteenlopende toepassingen van technologie en media. Naast de samenstelling van het programma, is Creative Learning Lab ook verantwoordelijk voor de organisatie, productie en coördinatie van de studiedag. Voor wie? Kosten De schaalgrootte en de kosten voor een studiedag worden samen met de aanvrager besproken. Contact U kunt contact opnemen via .

Sin Palabras Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego - Konsultacje w sprawie digitalizacji Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego zaprasza do udziału w konsultacjach projektu Konkluzji Rady Unii Europejskiej w sprawie digitalizacji i udostępniania w Internecie dorobku kulturowego oraz w sprawie ochrony zasobów. Prezydencja duńska opublikowała projekt Konkluzji Rady Unii Europejskiej, stanowiący odpowiedź na zalecenie Komisji Europejskiej z 27 października 2011 w sprawie digitalizacji i udostępniania w Internecie dorobku kulturowego oraz w sprawie ochrony zasobów. Zgodnie z projektem państwa członkowskie powinny kontynuować działania na rzecz rozwoju Europeany (Europejskiej Biblioteki Cyfrowej Ponadto według duńskiej prezydencji należy wspierać tworzenie systemu opartego o partnerstwo publiczno- prywatne. Chodzi tu o wspólne działania firm i instytucji publicznych na rzecz rozwoju cyfryzacji. W związku z powyższym, zwracamy się z uprzejmą prośbą o Państwa opinie, uwagi i komentarze na temat propozycji Konkluzji.

The character animation workflow for Awesomenauts One topic that I have been asked repeatedly to write about, is how we made the animations for Awesomenauts. This is indeed a big and interesting topic, so today, I would like to discuss that in more detail! I have previously shown how we make characters aim in all directions and shoot in all directions, but that did not explain the workflow and tools that our artists use to actually make those animations and put them in the game. Today's post will! The core animation work for Awesomenauts is done in After Effects. This may come as a surprise to people who don't know the tool, since After Effects is mostly known as a video editing tool, but it is actually a great general animation tool. It is also a big step up in comparison to Swords & Soldiers, which was animated in Flash. Another reason not to use Flash is that Flash is a rather basic animation tool. After Effects is only one part of our total animation workflow, though. A particularly important choice here is how to make animations.

How to Create a Bold Bedroom - Bold Bedroom Decorating Ideas Photo: Ngoc Minh Ngo, Design by Lindsey Coral Harper; Courtesy of Scot Meacham Wood (headshot) Q: How do I create a relaxing master bedroom retreat, but still incorporate bold colors? —Brenda L. A: Thanks for such a great question! I love the phrase, "relaxing retreat." One question that we always ask when working with clients is how a particular room will be used. I'd also like to point out that you have other opportunities to make a space bold instead of just using paint. Look at this bold bedroom from designer Lindsey Coral Harper — it's all about the details! Cheers,Scot ----See More: How Do I Hang a Chandelier?

The Parallax Scrolling Effect: 40 Examples and Tutorials In this round up, we have some fantastic examples and uses of the parallax effect for you. The parallax scrolling effect, now a firm design trend, is a technique that uses multiple background images that move at different, yet synchronized, speeds as the user scrolls down (also, less popularly, horizontally) a web page. The overall effect gives the viewer a seamless and intriguing browsing experience that just looks damn good! At the bootom of the page we have also included a selection of tutorials to help get yopu started. Q Music Titanic Iutopi Cultural Solutions Farmhouse Fare Cheese Please Smokey Bones Grab and Go Micro-Site for Mario Kart Wii Putzengel Nike Better World OK Studios Ben the Bodyguard Egopop Creative Studio The Beatles Rock Band XHTML Slicing Sullivan NYC I to Sie Ceni Air Jordan 2012 Micro-site for Mario Kart Wii Unfold Dentsu Network ResIm Jan Ploch Kry-Ptis Anna Safroncik Unfinished Business Volkswagen-Beetle Appmiral Atlantis World’s Fair Johan Reinhold Beautiful Explorer Bagigia Activate Drinks

Polski design, meble, odzież damska i męska online, The Whispered World The Whispered World is a traditional-style point-and-click adventure game for Microsoft Windows. It is designed by Marco Hüllen, developed by Daedalic Entertainment, and published by Deep Silver[1] in Europe and by Viva Media[2] in the United States. The four-act game takes place in a fantasy world and features a sad 12 year-old clown as its hero. The graphics are 2D and are all hand-drawn and animated. As of September 2010, the game has a cumulative score of 70/100 and 71% on Metacritic and GameRankings respectively. Plot[edit] Screenshot The game takes place in Silentia, a dream fantasy world of a young, sad circus-clown named Sadwick. Sadwick wanders off to a nearby forest and meets Bobby, a Chaski, messenger of the King. Shana directs Sadwick to a nearby island to find mysterious Kalida who eventually takes him near Corona. Upon repairing the mechanism, a blue sphere from Sadwick's nightmares appears saying that Sadwick is inevitably ending the world. Characters[edit] Gameplay[edit]
