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Afraid To Trade - By Corey Rosenbloom

Afraid To Trade - By Corey Rosenbloom Blog MarketClub Trader’s Blog I hope I'm not dating myself too much, but I remember when the neighborhood chain drugstore was almost a one-stop shop for human needs. For example, you dropped off your film to get developed. You could get the ointment for that embarrassing itch. You could even get a BLT and some fries. (Not necessarily in that order.) The BLTs and fries are long gone, but the chain drugstore on the neighborhood corner has continued to evolve and embed itself into our daily lives. By far, the two biggest players in the drugstore space are Walgreen Co. Article source: TraderFeed Robotic Nation Evidence VIX and More Kevin's Market Blog Trading Blog - Trader's Narrative oftwominds Slope Of Hope with Tim Knight Markets Data Center Home - Market Data, Indexes, Stock Quotes &

Lagging Psychology at Turning Points Over the past few weeks, we’ve been debating the state of the economic recovery. The posts that have emphasized the shift in data towards the positive have generated a lot of pushback. This is something that I want to discuss in general terms — I want readers to not only understand my perspective, but to grasp what typically occurs heading into recessions and recoveries, into new bull and bear markets. (Note I am speaking generally, and not referring tot he details of this cycle). Over the next week, I will put together a broad overview of the positives and negatives of the economy, looking at the risks and opportunities presented. Today, I want to look at the big overview. Consider: • Humans have an unfortunate tendency of to overemphasize our most recent experiences. Consider this chart, which I first showed back in 2005 — but its worth reviewing again: If you like these sorts of things, there are more psychology visualizations after the jump . . .
