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iOS 6 GUI PSD iPhone 5 Teehan+Lax

iOS 6 GUI PSD iPhone 5 Teehan+Lax

Index of /fr/APPLICATIONS/APPLICATIONS Index of /fr/APPLICATIONS/APPLICATIONS Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory - Designing Mobile Apps, Where to Start? Mobile Design is an area of design that started to develop and evolve a couple of years ago. With the launch of the iPhone and the App Store in 2008, the development of mobile applications started to become a more interesting market, since there was finally good mobile hardware and ecosystem. With the development of more and more mobile apps, the design of such apps started to become increasingly more important, to create a good experience to the user, while creating powerful applications. Nowadays the design and development of mobile applications is a reality, and you already know that. Know your market One of the first things you should do to prepare and inform yourself to design mobile apps, is to own a smartphone. The biggest difference between developing a mobile application and a desktop application or even a website, is context, and this is what makes these mobile apps so powerful and interesting. Visual Inspiration Mobile Design Patterns Start Designing Mobile Apps Design Examples

Primer, o aplicativo de marketing digital do Google Já conhece o Primer App? Um aplicativo móvel do Google que oferece lições de marketing digital para startups, pequenas, médias e até grandes empresas. Lançado a cerca de 1 ano, o Primer foi redesenhado e hoje inclui novas funcionalidades e novas lições com conteúdos sobre branding, storytelling, remarketing, compra de mídia programática e marketing de conteúdo e marketing de busca (SEO). A ideia por trás do Primer é a de educar e fornecer a informação necessária para que empresários e profissionais de marketing possam aplicar de forma simples e objetiva os conceitos de planejamento estratégico digital. Através de atividades interativas, você aprende os conceitos do marketing digital, publicidade, conteúdo, mensuração e estratégia de uma maneira rápida, fácil, com exemplos práticos e cases para que você possa aplicar facilmente no planejamento estratégico da sua empresa. O que o aplicativo faz? Gamificação Plataformas O aplicativo é gratuito e está disponível para os sistemas Android e iOS.

iPad Apps and Bloom’s Taxonomy   I felt it was worthwhile to update the Top Post (over 25,000 views) on Langwitches: Bloom’s Taxonomy for iPads I have added links to each app represented on the visual. Remember: Exhibit memory of previously-learned materials by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers. describenamefindnamelisttell Suggested apps: Understand: Demonstrative understanding of facts and ideas by being able to: explaincomparediscusspredicttranslateoutlinerestate Suggested Apps: Apply: Using new knowledge. showcompleteuseexamineillustrateclassifysolve Analyze: Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. compareexamineexplainidentifycategorizecontrastinvestigate Evaluate: Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas or quality of work based on a set of criteria justifyassessprioritizerecommendratedecidechoose Suggested Apps Create: planinventcomposedesignconstructimagine Related Bloom's Taxonomy and iPad Apps 21. In "Featured Carousel" 7. 29.

Pandora UI for iOS - User Interface Pack After we released Impressionist UI, designers from all over the world requested a pack of elements for mobile interfaces. This is a challenge in today’s do-it-yourself mobile development world. Apple, the leader in qualitative design, introduced iPhone and iPad models with high-resolution Retina displays. This inspired us to meet the challenge. The result is Pandora UI, with default and custom elements to help designers and iOS developers, create beautiful applications. All the elements were made in Photoshop with vector Shapes, which are scalable without loss of quality. Let’s make beautiful applications! Release Date: April 10, 2012Last Update: October 15, 2012Version: 2.0 == Changelog == = 2.0 = Some fixed panels for iPhone and iPad on all skins, a few styles have been fixed. Video Presentation Pandora UI Samples (Design Examples) Pandora UI for iOS on Behance.

Os prós e contras do Muamber: o app que conecta viajantes e compradores Com nome sugestivo e proposta condizente, Muamber é o novo sistema mobile a fim de simplificar e tornar colaborativa a maneira de movimentar pequenas mercadorias pelo mundo. Basta alguém dizer que vai para o exterior que uma enxurrada de amigos e parentes surgem pedindo para trazer um estojo de maquiagem, um relógio, um tênis ou qualquer outro item que seja mais barato comprar no exterior. Sendo assim, por que não tornar essa prática um negócio ainda mais vantajoso? Como funciona? Ainda em fase de desenvolvimento, o aplicativo funcionará gratuitamente como uma união do app de relacionamento Tinder e da plataforma de hospedagem AirBnb. Nele, os viajantes se cadastram e comunicam suas rotas, espaço disponível na mala e quais produtos poderiam se disponibilizar a levar. O interessado compra o produto e direciona a entrega para o local onde o viajante está. Prós e Contras Gratuidade Liberdade Entrega Como participar do Muamber? 1. 2. 3. Veja também:

Bloomin' Apps This page gathers all of the Bloomin' Apps projects in one place.Each image has clickable hotspots and includes suggestions for iPad, Android, Google and online tools and applications to support each of the levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.I have created a page to allow you to share your favorite online tool, iOS, or Android app with others. Cogs of the Cognitive Processes I began to think about the triangular shape of Bloom's Taxonomy and realized I thought of it a bit differently.Since the cognitive processes are meant to be used when necessary, and any learner goes in and out of the each level as they acquire new content and turn it into knowledge, I created a different type of image that showcased my thoughts about Bloom's more meaningfully.Here is my visual which showcases the interlocking nature of the cognitive processes or, simply, the "Cogs of the Cognitive Processes". IPAD APPS TO SUPPORT BLOOM'S REVISED TAXONOMYassembled by Kathy Schrock​ Bloom's and SAMR: My thoughts

Mobile User Interface Patterns Important: If you like what we do, please consider supporting our site with a donation. pttrns NYT Now Content Screen Medium — Everyone's St... GUCCI STYLE Content Screen Paper – stories from F... Behance Content Screen Eidetic - Remember any... Jelly Content Screen Redd - reddit client Content Screen Wisely Content Screen Jukely – Concerts with... Readability™ Content Screen Quora Content Screen Coco's Workout World Content Screen Yahoo News Digest Content Screen TriplAgent - Discover ... Foursquare - Find Rest... Prev 1 2 3 4 5 Next Best Examples of Detailed iOS Icons for Applications We are all aware about the old saying “don’t judge a book by its cover”, but in modern’s world the philosophy has slightly changed. Now people like to see the cover of the book attractive and trendy before they turn the pages. If we start talking about the latest iOS icons application design, we will see that here also look is very important. However, the app itself needs to be great and effective, otherwise only look will not be able to make it successful and popular among the users. There are lots of icons designs that represent several subjects very accurately. In most of the cases the users like to have icons that have mind blowing designs along with lots of unique features and style. Why are iOS icons Important? Just imagine yourself in a store from where you want to buy tea cups. Normally, it is seen that users and visitors of a site tend to click on the icons that are attractive, creative and unique. iOS Icons Examples
