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Social Media B2B

Marketing Trenches How to Proofread Typos Out of Your Content: 8 Tips April 10, 2014 • Yvonne Lyons Proofreading written content before publishing it is no longer a given, as evidenced by the number of careless typos I see everywhere. Content Marketing Without a Plan: Marketer Beware April 4, 2014 • Mike Sweeney “Can’t we just plan as we go?” The Content Creator’s Guide to Repairing Troubled Copy March 27, 2014 • Yvonne Lyons Every content marketing writer has produced copy that he or she thought was top-notch, and then received disappointing feedback. Six Secrets of a Successful White Paper March 20, 2014 • Emily Gaines Buchler For many, the term “white paper” conjures images of tedious government reports bound in, well, white paper. How to Use Ideas, Messages and Themes to Build Your Content Strategy

16 Must-Listen Business Podcasts How do you keep up to speed on what’s happening in business? Do you scan the Twitters, read your RSS feeds, or watch the news? For me it’s a combination of all of those things, though I will admit watching the news has become a rarity as I find current news in so many other forms. Following current news is great, but I find myself wanting something more. I want those inspiring ideas from thought leaders, jaw dropping debates on real business problems, and open discussions on what is changing in business. I love podcasts because I can take them anywhere. Entrepreneur on Fire Hosted by: John Lee Dumas Recommended by: Nichole Kelly John Lee Dumas knows what fire is all about. Listen In: Six Pixels of Separation Hosted by: Mitch Joel Mitch Joel has long been respected in digital marketing as a true visionary in the space. Listen In: Marketing Over Coffee Hosted by: Chris Penn and John Wall Marketing Smarts HBR IdeaCast eBook Ninjas

5 Ways to Generate Leads from a LinkedIn B2B Company Page Many B2B companies have been successful at generating leads from LinkedIn, but there are features of a company page that B2B marketers are just not aware of. Most B2B companies have company pages on LinkedIn where they include a keyword-stuffed paragraph or two of marketing-speak. It also shows the employees who work at the company. This is the most basic option for LinkedIn. 1. Products and Services The first thing that you need to do is enable the Products and Services function of the company page and begin adding products and services. 2. Want to test some new creative ideas? 3. Prospects don’t always like filling out contact forms because they never know who is going to contact them, but what if you could show them real people, with pictures and everything, that they could connect to for more information. 4. Each product and service entry has a space to link to a YouTube video, which appears embedded on the page. 5.

Social Media Modellen Internet How to Guide for B2B and B2C Marketing Online | Professional Web Services Internet Marketing SEO Business Solutions Online paper discusses the issues on how to establish a solid online marketing presence for both B2B and B2C websites. by: James A. Warholic Internet Marketing Services for B2B and B2C with Professional Web Services B2B and B2B Marketing Article Contents and Bookmarks Summary Marketing a B2B and B2C website requires a performance evaluation, a thorough understanding of the business being marketed, identifying the customer base, incorporating pertinent content with the keywords properly included, updating the content on a regular basis, establishing a foundation of trust with customers, and an understanding of the marketing channels available on the Internet. back to top Marketing Performance Evaluation First off, it is important to establish what the performance of the website is currently, before embarking upon any changes. Where is the traffic flowing from? Understanding the Business (B2B or B2C) Identifying the Customer Base Incorporate Relevant Content Into the Website Online Content Updates

DutchCowgirls Een nieuw onderzoek linkte Twittergebruik aan offline relatieproblemen. Twitter was oorspronkelijk gemaakt om mensen te helpen zich meer verbonden te voelen. Best ironisch, want actief gebruik maken van de dienst kan juist problemen veroorzaken binnen je relatie.... lees meer Jouw eigen favoriete muziek streamen ziet er sinds vandaag nog mooier uit. Voor digital en social natives is het hebben van een iPad net zo gewoon als het kopen van wearables om je hardlooprondje te meten of iPhone op te laden. Owwww, no! Welke actrice speelt de rol van Anita Dendermonde?

OnlineResults Vragen?T (088) 646 37 00Neem contact op » Online Reputatiescan voor € 995,- Vul snel het formulier in OnlineResults is a partner of OnlineResults is a member of U overweegt het inzetten van social media voor corporate brandingDagelijks leest u succesverhalen over LinkedIn, Twitter, Hyves, weblogs, fora en talloze andere sociale media. En regelmatig worden er nieuwe social media gelanceerd. OnlineResults heeft ruime ervaring met social media marketing: Online Reputatiescan » Brainstormsessie » Social Media Strategie » Social Media Strippenkaart » Workshop Social Media » Referenties social media:Onder meer de Nederlandse Bloedbank Sanquin, het technisch uitzendbureau Toptech en de Nederlandse Kamer van Koophandel voor België en Luxemburg profiteren dankzij OnlineResults reeds van de voordelen en kansen van sociale media.

Frankwatching Fijn dat je er bent ;-) Je ziet het goed: Frankwatching zit achter een cookiewall. Dat doen we niet omdat we met cookies inbreuk maken op je privacy. We gaan achter de wall omdat de wet over cookies zo complex en tegenstrijdig is, dat dit de enige werkbare en betaalbare oplossing is om aan de wet te kunnen voldoen. Op Frankwatching vind je functionele, analytische en advertising cookies. Functionele cookies zorgen ervoor dat de site goed werkt. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan cookies voor onze zoekfunctie. De cookiewetgeving Op 5 juni 2012 is de Nederlandse cookiewet in werking getreden. Cookies op Frankwatching Sommige cookies plaatsen wij (first party cookies), andere worden door partijen geplaatst waarvan er content op Frankwatching getoond wordt, zoals bijvoorbeeld social media sites en adverteerders (third party cookies). Op Frankwatching worden vier soorten cookies gebruikt. 1. Dit zijn cookies die noodzakelijk zijn om de site te laten functioneren. 2. 3. 4. Cookies uitzetten Geen button?
