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Blogging in the 21st-Century Classroom

Blogging in the 21st-Century Classroom
This year, I admitted a hard truth to myself. I wasn't having my students write enough. In an attempt to follow Kelly Gallagher’s advice that students should write more than we can assess, I decided to have them blog weekly. One Assignment, Many Objectives After giving students some practice and solidifying my ideas by talking to a colleague and past student, I developed this assignment. I tried to ensure that the assignment would: Address multiple Common Core standards Hold students accountable while minimizing stress Be structured enough to provide clarity while giving freedom to experiment Be varied enough to keep students engaged Get students to write for multiple purposes I introduced blogging to my juniors, reminding them to keep an open mind about this experiment (they could relate to that; I teach in a STEM school that focuses on life science and experimental research). It. Skill and Enthusiasm First and foremost, student writing is improving by leaps and bounds. Less Agonizing Pain

Demystifying the MOOC When massive open online courses first grabbed the spotlight in 2011, many saw in them promise of a revolutionary force that would disrupt traditional higher education by expanding access and reducing costs. The hope was that MOOCs — classes from elite universities, most of them free, in some cases enrolling hundreds of thousands of students each — would make it possible for anyone to acquire an education, from a villager in Turkey to a college dropout in the United States. Following the “hype cycle” model for new technology products developed by the Gartner research group, MOOCs have fallen from their “peak of inflated expectations” in 2012 to the “trough of disillusionment.” There are several reasons for the disillusionment. Eight of every 10 students enrolled in University of Michigan and University of Pennsylvania MOOCs in 2012-13 already had a degree of some kind. Photo A second problem is that when MOOCs replace traditional courses, an extremely high number of students fail.

21st century skills | room 290 - J. K. Rowling One of my new (school) year resolutions is to try to tap into the power of visual art. A single picture or image, if well-chosen, can often times communicate an idea more succinctly than words. Kleon could have written hundreds of words to describe the gap between where we are now and dreams we strive for. My interest in Kleon’s work led me to other visual artists, including the work of Dan Roam, whose “show and tell” premise is simple, but powerful: Anyone who has watched a TED Talk knows that this is the basic formula for many, if not most, of them. As an English teacher, I think I’ve got a handle on numbers 1 and 2. The thing is, I used to love to draw when I was younger. But visual notetaking has tremendous potential. Here, and below are two excerpts from a great infographic, “Why We Crave Infographics” – very meta! We also remember information much better when we engage our visual and kinesthetic senses into our processing. My first feeble attempts at sketchnotes.

Bologna: Liebe Uni, dieses Studium hätte ich in 30 Tagen geschafft Am Ende kommt ihr das Studium wie ein Deal vor: Zeit gegen Abschluss. Drei Jahre, für Referate, Folien und Warten auf den Professor. Eine Abrechnung Speichern Drucken Twitter Facebook Google + Liebe Uni, ich habe Dich mir anders vorgestellt, jahrelang hatte ich von dir geträumt. Anzeige In die Seminare wäre ich gar nicht gegangen, aus den Vorlesungen hätte ich nur die Folien mit den Klausurfragen gelesen, meine Hausarbeiten an einem Tag geschrieben, Sprechstunden hätte ich mir gleich gespart und am Ende in einer Woche die Bachelorarbeit getippt. Mein Studium der Asienwissenschaften bestand hauptsächlich aus Seminaren. Ich hatte mir vorgestellt, wie wir an der Universität wilde Debatten führen. Und um Seminare zu bestehen, braucht es keine Meinung. Noch schlimmer ist die Geringschätzung der Studenten.

Would a Course Syllabus Be Better as an Infographic? At the college where I teach, professors have the unique opportunity every May to develop a course outside of their typical curriculum. Teachers get to explore their interests in new courses as diverse as “The Chemistry of Cooking” and “Writing a Film Short.” Students are offered a wide variety of four-week courses that provide a break from their typical coursework. This past May, I opted to teach a course entitled, “Infographics in the popular media.” Students had a good time experimenting with the development of their own infographics, utilizing common design and communication techniques and playing around visual metaphors and rhetorical devices. As I developed the course, it occurred to me that if the subject matter was going to be on infographics, the syllabus probably ought to be an infographic as well. My typical syllabus for a college course, if I include the course schedule, list of assignments, and other policy information can run upwards of 15 pages. Related Articles

Warum der Erste Weltkrieg begann ▼ Bitte nach unten scrollen. 1 - Die Ursachen „Damit ist jeder Kriegsgrund entfallen“, notierte Kaiser Wilhelm II. am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkrieges an den Rand einer diplomatischen Note Serbiens. ► Optimiert für Desktop und Tablet: Alle interaktiven Elemente in dieser Story sind mit einem schwarzen Dreieck gekennzeichnet. „Über wenig wurde und wird in der Geschichtswissenschaft so intensiv geforscht und gestritten“, sagt Dr. „Über wenig wurde und wird in der Geschichtswissenschaft so intensiv geforscht und gestritten Daran ändere sich auch durch die aktuellen Publikationen von Christopher Clark und Herfried Münkler wenig, deren öffentliche Resonanz Kruse eher geschichtspolitisch als wissenschaftlich begründet sieht. „Angesichts der Schwäche des Osmanischen Reiches war im Laufe des 19. und frühen 20. Nach dem Attentat von Sarajevo am 28. Doch es kam anders. Eine weitere Begründung: „soziale, kulturelle und politische Krisen in vielen europäischen Gesellschaften“. ► Storify zum 1. Am 31.

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Hieroglyphs of the Future: Jacques Rancière and the Aesthetics of Equality ­We're not a surplus, we're a plus. The slogan appeared at the demonstrations of the French jobless movement in the mid-90s in journals, on banners, and on tracts printed by the political art group, Ne pas plier. It knitted the critical force and the subjective claims of the movement into a single phrase. To be "a surplus" (laid off, redundant) was to be reduced to silence in a society that subtracted the jobless from the public accounts, that made them into a kind of residue—invisible, inconceivable except as a statistic under a negative sign. A way to grasp the aesthetic language of the French social movements in the 1990s—and of the transnational movements now emerging—is through the work of Jacques Rancière and his writings on the politics of equality. The political is an opposite process, and it is rare. Rancière's description was in sync with its time. Metaphors are the hieroglyphs of an unknown language, the demand for an unheard-of community.

meine LiebLinks (KW 31) | konzeptblog Heute stelle ich nur einen Link vor, hinter dem sich aber eine ganze Serie interessanter Beiträge verbirgt: Learning with ‘e’s My thoughts about learning technology and all things digital – das ist die Website von Steve Wheeler, der als Associate Professor of learning technology am Plymouth Institute of Education der Plymouth University arbeitet. Steve verdeutlicht (mal wieder), dass auch in Bildungstechnologie und Mediendidaktik der übliche Verweis auf Behaviorismus, Kognitivismus und Kosntruktivismus (bei manchen heute auch noch Konnektivismus) der Vielfalt menschlichen Lernens nicht gerecht wird. Wer also Lernumgebungen konzipiert und gestaltet, sollte eher die von Steve vorgeführte Vielfalt im Hinterkopf haben.

My Open Learning: xMOOCs I participate frequently in MOOCs, both xMOOCs such as those offered through platforms edX and Coursera, and cMOOCs. cMOOCs offer a different learning experience; usually less structured where learning relies upon networked interactions using social media platforms. Click here for reviews on my completed cMOOCs. To read an in-depth article describing differences between the two types of MOOCs click here. I participate in MOOCs for different reasons that depend upon my learning goals and the amount of time I am able to commit to the course during its time frame. 1) Course auditor: Do not participate for the most part in course activities, discussions or assessments, though will read and review select course materials and discussion forums. 2) Active learner: Engage in the majority of activities, assignments and some discussions. ♦ Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4° C World Must Be Avoided, Coursera Course duration: January 27, 2014 – February 23, 2014 Participation level: Course Auditor

From Open To Connected It’s been gnawing on me over the last couple of years that in our haste to open up schooling, we may well have missed the greater and more important aims that “open” strives toward. And while there’s no way to protect words from being twisted or co-opted, the phenomena of “openwashing” and the long long O in MOOC are troubling indicators that what initially seemed to be the language of openness may have fought shy of the question of what the openness was for. How otherwise to explain a world in which broadcast lectures are touted as innovations or disruptions? Not that higher ed itself has not had its own complicity in the process, given that our practices of scaling and isolation have modeled much of what we see in the “content delivery” model of online learning. I tried to explore some of these concerns at Open Ed 2012 in Vancouver in a talk I called “Ecologies of Yearning and the Future of Open Education.” “Only connect.” Check out Caravanistas, I salute you.

What it feels like to be the last generation to remember life before the internet - Quartz I’ve long believed that speed is the ultimate weapon in business. All else being equal, the fastest company in any market will win. Speed is a defining characteristic—if not the defining characteristic—of the leader in virtually every industry you look at. In tech, speed is seen primarily as an asset in product development. What they fail to grasp is that speed matters to the rest of the business too—not just product. I believe that speed, like exercise and eating healthy, can be habitual. Through a prolonged, proactive effort to develop these good habits, we can convert ourselves as founders, executives, and employees to be faster, more efficient company-building machines. Speed, like exercise and eating healthy, can be habitual. This is how category killers are made. So let’s break this down. Making decisions A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan next week. General George Patton said that, and I definitely subscribe to it. This isn’t a vote for rash decisions.

Digital University soll Lehre an klassischen Unis verändern Online-Lernplattformen für Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) werden nicht nur neuen Zielgruppen kostenlose akademische Bildung auf Hochschulniveau ermöglichen, sie werden auch die Lehre an den Unis selbst verändern. Davon zeigt sich Hannes Klöpper, Managing Director von MOOC-Anbieter iversity überzeugt. Heute, Freitag, spricht er beim Forum Alpbach über die "Digital University". Unter einer "Digital University" wie der deutschen iversity oder den von US-Eliteunis initiierten MOOC-Plattformen wie "edX", an denen man ohne formelle oder finanzielle Hürden speziell konzipierte Online-Kurse bei den Koryphäen des jeweiligen Fachs besuchen kann, darf man sich laut Klöpper allerdings keine vollwertige Universität vorstellen. Es sei nicht das Ziel, Unis mit vollwertigen Abschlüssen online abzubilden. Plattformen sollen Qualität der Lehre steigern Vielfalt bringt neue Aspekte

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Open Online Courses: Higher Education of the Future? - Techonomy By Eric Rabkin One instructor’s firsthand look behind the scenes of the movement offering online education to the masses. I am “teaching” a MOOC, one of those massive, open, online courses through which Coursera and, more recently, edX offer people around the globe challenging learning experiences through a simple internet connection: video mini-lectures, machine-graded problem sets in some courses, peer-evaluated essays in others, discussion boards, and more. There’s no cost or credit for the “students” yet, but could this point the way to the “schools” of the future? I would guess that in forty-two years of on-campus teaching at the University of Michigan I have worked with between 12,000 and 20,000 students. As soon as most humanities colleagues hear about this course, their first response is, “Good luck grading all those essays.” These people also educate me. I feel a genuine connection with these people as, it seems, some feel with me, just as one does in a traditional classroom.

digital responsibility, media literacy, digital literacy, digital citizenship, internet safety, technology integration, project based learning, social media by dkherning Jan 20
