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Blogging in the 21st-Century Classroom

Blogging in the 21st-Century Classroom
This year, I admitted a hard truth to myself. I wasn't having my students write enough. In an attempt to follow Kelly Gallagher’s advice that students should write more than we can assess, I decided to have them blog weekly. One Assignment, Many Objectives After giving students some practice and solidifying my ideas by talking to a colleague and past student, I developed this assignment. I tried to ensure that the assignment would: Address multiple Common Core standards Hold students accountable while minimizing stress Be structured enough to provide clarity while giving freedom to experiment Be varied enough to keep students engaged Get students to write for multiple purposes I introduced blogging to my juniors, reminding them to keep an open mind about this experiment (they could relate to that; I teach in a STEM school that focuses on life science and experimental research). It. Skill and Enthusiasm First and foremost, student writing is improving by leaps and bounds. Less Agonizing Pain

So...You Wanna Use Blogs In The Classroom Blogging is an important part of who I am as a professional. I can use this space to share resources with you, reflect on my own practice and try to figure out how to be a better educator. It is my public reflection on technology, leadership and learning. Think about when you were in school. You write an essay. Blogging changes that for kids. More and more teachers and classrooms are embracing blogging in the classroom. There are lots of platforms to use. Five Steps To Starting A Classroom Blog-Ms. Two Critical Tips For Blogging Projects-From my good friend Bill, this post offers some more great advice on blogging in the classroom and how to make it successful. Collection Of Blogging Resources-When I think of classroom blogging I think of Silvia Tolisano. Tips For Blogging With Students-Sue Waters (from Edublogs) also has written a lot about blogging with kids. Student Blogging Guidelines-Some teachers will want some guidance in place when they undertake blogs with kids.

Simple Teaching Tip New beginnings → Shiny shoes, Crisp new uniforms, Bulging backpacks, Brand new lunch boxes, Untouched exercise books Yes its back to school time here in Australia, week one is already over and the […] The International Conference on Creativity and Academic Excellence → I along with two Year 6 students Charlotte and Michelle, presented this week during the first day of The International Conference on Creativity and Academic Excellence which is being held […] Perseverence and Persistence → I have had this post in a half written form for some time now ever since in fact I read this quote. When trusting your teacher is wrong → My class have one lesson a week as a timetabled computer lesson.

Raps and Book Raps Home Page Current & planned raps Join a reading adventure! A rap supporting reading and literacy, this offers a range of exciting reading ideas, activities for K-10, resources and ebooks to dip into, and a space for you to share your reading adventures. This rap and gallery remain available throughout 2013. Term 1, 2013 All about me, all about you is a 5 week rap, commencing on Monday February 25, supporting autobiographical writing in Stage 3 and 4 English. Raft, river, rainbow fiction blog is a 5 week rap, commencing on Monday February 25, supporting narrative writing in Stage 3 and 4 English. Term 2, 2013 Band of heroes fantasy quest is a 5 week rap, commencing in Term 2, Week 3, on Monday May 13, supporting narrative writing in Stages 3 to 5 English. Term 3, 2013 Hats, boxes, magic, moon is a 5 week rap, commencing in Term 3, Week 3, on Monday July 29, supporting narrative writing in Stages 3 and 4 English. Term 4, 2013 Book Week 2012: Use the activities in Join a reading adventure! Term 4, 2012

Classroominating 10 ways to create a learning culture I first posted this at the start of 2011… A new school year is about to begin in Australia. It’ll be the first time in nearly 30 years that I don’t have a class to teach and it’s not an easy adjustment! For as long as I can remember, I have started the year by planning the first day for my new classes. Reflecting on all those new beginnings, I realise how much teaching and learning have changed… and how much I have changed. What needs to happen on ‘Day 1′ ? I used to think… Explain your expectations.Establish rules.Know everyone’s names.Arrange seats to minimalise talking.Organise books.Talk about homework.Tell them what they’ll be learning.Make sure they listen.Get students working right away.Show a firm hand. Now I think… 10 ways to create a learning culture… Two years later, I still like that list. … and a more relevant title! Like this: Like Loading...

An Inquiry into Distraction Sometimes the most spontaneous ideas turn out well. The elementary tech coach and I were meeting the other day about technical stuff, but I couldn’t get something off my mind, and so our conversation turned to focus and the distractibility of computers. Our students are privileged. It’s amazing what they can do on their laptops. My colleague and I then and there decided we’d get into a discussion with the students. What is concentration We started the conversation with students with: “What is concentration?” Next, we created a concentration scale: How focused are you? How well do you focus? After they put their dot, we asked them: “What made you put your dot where you did?’ It’s easier to focus when I’m excited about the subjectI focus more when I’m playing soccerWhen I’m at home by myself, I’m focusedIt’s easier when I’m not talking to friendsI get unfocused when I’m online Bing. We had now been having a conversation about concentration for one hour. Typing using our utmost focus

Bianca Hewes | D.I.Y. teaching and learning Just Blog It! Blogging Tips & Ideas Why Blog? You don't start blogging for awards. You blog because you are passionate about your profession, and have ideas & content to share with potential readers. If you blog it, they will come. Eventually. It may just take a while! Start When You're Ready, Already! No Excuses! Keep an Idea Folder Going! Schedule It. Get Graphic! Share Shamelessly! Adding Video & Widgets to a Wikispaces page is really easy! Be You! "My Tip: YOUR VOICE is the BEST VOICE.I always appreciate blogs that embrace an original, authentic voice. Give Credit! Buy Your Name! Be Thankful! Lastly, be stubborn! What are YOUR blogging tips? Can't Get Enough of Miss Critter Sharpe? Credits & References: Pictures of Critter Sharpe used with her Mommy's permission Video of Critter Sharpe from YouTube Pictures of my furry first cousins Boo & Bentley from my auntie Life With Lynn's Blog (I'm so proud of her!

10 20 ways to think about your class blog… One of the ways I like to encourage learning based on my school’s learning principles is to promote the use of class blogs. In the lower primary years, the blogs are often used to communicate with parents and to share the learning that takes place at school. As we move higher up in the school though, the class blog has the potential to be so much more than that. I’ve written about class blogs several times in the past, but my thinking has changed as I have watched the blogging experience unfold at my school. A great post this week by Andrea Hernandez, entitled Where is the Authentic Audience? I think that a class blog is not (just)… (With apologies if you use your blog successfully in some or all of these ways!) Some questions to consider… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Like this: Like Loading...

Making “Fair Use” Fun Talking to kids about copyright and fair use can be about as exciting as discussing algebraic properties. Even mentioning the words “fair use,” especially to seventh graders, is guaranteed to elicit a lukewarm response. However, what I learned teaching a lesson on “Fair Use” from Common Sense Media’s Digital Literacy and Citizenship curriculum can be best summed up as a mathematical equation: Relevant + Relatable = Fun Here’s the relevant part. For most of us, it’s hard to get a real appreciation for copyright law until we’ve created a piece of work we feel is worthy of protection. The lesson became easy to relate to when the students performed and posted their original songs to YouTube and then discussed how they would feel if someone sang their song in public and/or, a) didn’t give them credit, b) claimed it as their own. In a world where cut, copy and paste have become automatic reflexes, all of this is confusing, murky, grey area stuff. Agreed.

Blog « PASS IT ON Goldie Alexander has authored 75+ books for adult and young readers of all ages. Today she is going to talk about her latest two novels for readers 9-12 Neptunia, Cybertricks 2043, and her junior novel: Gallipoli Medals. You are in the unusual position of having three books out at the same time. How did this happen? It was just one of those extraordinary co-incidences. Gallipoli Medals is published by the Anzac Society. How did these ideas form and grow? Most of my ideas come from what I have read, what is happening around me, movies and TV I watch, conversations I listen to on trams and trains, my own grandchildren and what children suggest when I visit schools. Here is something about these latest books Neptunia: “Cassie Georgiana Odysseos has the potential to become an Olympic swimmer. Cybertrick 2043 “It is 120,43 AD, and Pya, Zumie, Jafet and Trist, live in tiny Cells cared for by tutor-holos only able to communicate via an avatar. Your characters are strong and resourceful.

Langwitches - home Easy Group Blogging With Posterous Spaces Tim Rylands' Blog - to baldly go....... Using ICT to inspire Snappy Words is a bit like InstaGrock, GraphWords, WordSift and Visuwords and has the advantage that you can sometimes double click on a node to dig deeper. It’s an online interactive English dictionary and thesaurus that helps you find the meanings of words and draw connections to associated words. You can easily see the meaning of each piece of vocabulary by simply placing the mouse cursor over it. Learn how words associate in a visually interactive display. Get ideas to help write content for your blog, article, thesis or simply play with words! For younger children, Snappy Words shows that words are malleable, playful delights, to be picked up & juggled with. Type words in the search box and click Go or simply hit Enter. Place the mouse cursor over a word to view the meaning.Double click a node from the branch to view other related words.Scroll the mouse wheel over words to zoom in or out. Try out GraphWords, WordSift and Visuwords to see which one you find the most useful.

digital responsibility, media literacy, digital literacy, digital citizenship, internet safety, technology integration, project based learning, social media by dkherning Jan 20
