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Great Reads from Kira Talent | Recruitment Best Practices Blog One thing that’s not taught in school is technical recruiting. You develop skills to become a better programmer, get trained on how to perform well in interviews, but it’s always assumed that it will either take years before you’re in a position to interview a potential hire, or that the company you’re currently working for will teach you their secrets. As a result, I’ve put together a list of my recommend “must-reads” below that covers topics of recruiting, hiring and interviewing from various thought leaders in the industry. Reading all of these won’t turn you into an all-star technical recruiter overnight, but they will help you understand the fundamentals, key things to stay away from and best practices from people who have been doing it (and doing it well) for years. If you’re a technical recruiter, Joel Spolsky is a must-known name. He often writes on everything in recruiting/interviewing technical talent, and here are the top 5 posts by him: Good luck!

nwjs/nw.js shopify.github a Node.JS distribution with additional features airblade/vim-gitgutter How to Write An iOS App that Uses a Node.js/MongoDB Web Service Learn how to create an iOS app that uses a Node.js/MongoDB server as its back end! Welcome back to the second part of this two-part tutorial series on creating an iOS app with a Node.js and MongoDB back-end. In the first part of this series, you created a simple Node.js server to expose MongoDB through a REST API. In this second and final part of the series, you’ll create a fun iPhone application that lets users tag interesting places near them so other users can discover them. As part of this process you’ll take the starter app provided and add several things: a networking layer using NSURLSession, support for geo queries and the ability to store images on the backend. Getting Started First things first: download the starter project and extract it to a convenient location on your system. The zip file contains two folders: server contains the javascript server code from the previous tutorial.TourMyTown contains the starter Xcode project with the UI pre-built, but no networking code added yet.

Load Balancing without Load Balancers CloudFlare had an hour-long outage this last weekend. Thankfully, outages like this have been a relatively rare occurance for our service. This is in spite of hundreds of thousands of customers, the enormous volume of legitimate traffic they generate, and the barrage of large denial of service attacks we are constantly mitigating on their behalf. While last weekend's outage exposed a flaw in our architecture that we're working to fully eliminate, largely our systems have been designed to be balanced and have no single points of failure. We haven't talked much about the architecture of CloudFlare's systems but thought the rest of the community might benefit from seeing some of the choices we've made, how we load balance our systems, and how this has allowed us to scale quickly and efficiently. Failure Isn't an Option, It's a Fact CloudFlare's architecture starts with an assumption: failure is going to happen. Anycast Is Your Friend Unicast and Anycast are one-to-one routing schemes.

TooTallNate/NodObjC · GitHub Writing efficient CSS selectors 17 September, 2011 Efficient CSS is not a new topic, nor one that I really need to cover, but it’s something I’m really interested in and have been keeping an eye on more and more since working at Sky. A lot of people forget, or simply don’t realise, that CSS can be both performant and non-performant. This can be easily forgiven however when you realise just how little you can, err, realise, non-performant CSS. These rules only really apply to high performance websites where speed is a feature, and 1000s of DOM elements can appear on any given page. But best practice is best practice, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re building the next Facebook, or a site for the local decorator, it’s always good to know… CSS selectors CSS selectors will not be new to most of us, the more basic selectors are type (e.g. div), ID (e.g. More uncommon ones include basic pseudo-classes (e.g. ID, e.g. Quoted from Even Faster Websites by Steve Souders N.B. Combining selectors Now, we read these left-to-right. But
