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Death Star Ice SPHERE Mold Zombie Trailer Park en MiniJuegos Los usuarios deberán leer y aceptar las Condiciones Generales y la Política de Privacidad de la presente página. El uso o acceso a esta página implica el conocimiento y la plena aceptación de las advertencias legales y condiciones que a continuación se detallan. Las presentes condiciones podrán ser modificadas, entre otras cosas, para su mejora o la previsión de aspectos y servicios no ofrecidos inicialmente o adaptación a modificaciones legislativas, sin necesidad de previo aviso al usuario, entrando en vigor dichas condiciones desde el momento de su publicación. Si no aceptas las nuevas condiciones que se publiquen deberás dar de baja el servicio. Las presentes Condiciones Generales sustituyen a todos los Condiciones Generales que se declararan aplicables en la celebración de un acuerdo anterior. Si no estás conforme, no deberás hacer uso del contenido y de los Servicios. Te recomendamos que imprimas el presente documento para futuras referencias. Titular de la web Moosite, S.L.

Labradorite Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. La labradorite è una varietà di anortite con un ratio di albite/anortite che varia da 30/70 a 50/50. Con formula chimica (Na, Ca)(Al, Si)4O8 con tracce: Fe; K; H2O. Nelle sue forme e colorazioni migliori è utilizzato in gioielleria, questi pezzi hanno la particolarità di possedere un gioco di colori dal riflesso metallico normalmente varianti tra il blu e il verde, ma nei pezzi migliori può mostrare tutto lo spettro dei colori. Utilizzo[modifica | modifica sorgente] In gioielleria viene lavorata comunemente a cabochon, i pezzi migliori possono anche essere tagliati. Morfologia[modifica | modifica sorgente] Granulare, sovente in blocchi compatti Origine[modifica | modifica sorgente] Giacimenti principali[modifica | modifica sorgente] Giacimenti secondari[modifica | modifica sorgente] Forma in cui si presenta in natura[modifica | modifica sorgente] Galleria[modifica | modifica sorgente] Altri progetti[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Adding Color To The Most Iconic Photos In History [to_like id="51475"] [/to_like] From The Web Leave a comment comments Tags: color historical photos, historical photos color HUB09 Keyboard Shortcuts Timeline SShuffle JNext KPrevious FFancy AAdd to List CComment HShare EnterView Thing Slideshow JNext KPrevious FFancy CComment PPlay / Pause LLoop Share This Thing Share This Comment Share This List Share This Gift Campaign Share {{name}}'s Profile Preview Widget size px x px Contents Add this to your website by copying the code below. About Fancy Anywhere Fancy Anywhere enables your visitors to buy things on Fancy directly from your own blogs and websites. To + Add email addresses or user names Note Your browser is out of date To get the best possible experience using Fancy we recommend that you upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer or other web browser. Security Update The Heartbleed Bug For more information visit Due to the recently discovered vulnerability "Heartbleed", we have signed you out to protect your account. Don't show this again Join Fancy today Discover amazing stuff, collect the things you love, buy it all in one place. Are you a business?

Flip Flop Flyin - Lollipops This style of character-drawing began when I was asked by the British advertising agency Mother to work on their campaign for the Observer Music Magazine. That "Abba to Zappa" campaign was, delightfully, rather successful. Hurrah. For ages these characters had no generic name, informally being known (by me alone) as Ommpops. When some of these drawings were exhibited at the Rock en Seine festival in Paris, I had a lot of fun secretly watching people try to guess who they are, so I've not labelled them here. Driftwood Decor: 24 Dramatic Art Lamps & Lighting Designs It is as if these designers set an insane challenge for themselves: see just how many there are to craft pieces and parts of every kind of lamp and lighting fixture ever created – all from recycled scrap and found driftwood. One of the fascinating results of this design experiment: a number of lights in which the wood takes on opposite rolls from one object to the next – acting as the suspension cable for a ceiling light or stalk of a table lamp in one case, then as their respective shades in the next. Likewise, the contrasts within a given kind of light – such as the series of simple table lamps shown above – is particularly stark when you set them next to one another. From similarly-sized sticks and single stand-alone logs to random pieces of driftwood stacked upon one another, the effect varies dramatically.

Top 20 music games you can play online Rhythm games, compose-your-own-music games, memorise the tune game, even music fighting games... we have them all and more. If you like music and you like gaming, then we hope you will enjoy our list of 20 music games that can be played in your browser for free. Without further ado, to the games: 1Take a Walk 2Vuvu Hero Our second game could not be more different than our first. Some people have reported problems trying to play this game. 3The Sound Walk Featuring a dark moody ambience and story line, Sound Walk is an innovative side-scrolling music action game. 4Music Catch 2 Catch the yellow, green, blue and purple notes while avoiding the evil red ones - all to some of the best music we have heard in a Flash game. 5Punk-O-Matic 2 Compose your own punk music and have a band play your creation. 6Chaoz Escape Survive as long as you can in this vector-style music action game. 7Super Crazy Guitar Maniac 3 The developer of this game could really do with going on a graphic design course. 15Bells

Binary - it's digitalicious! How binary works: The binary number system (aka base 2) represents values using two symbols, typically 0 and 1. Computers call these bits. A bit is either off (0) or on (1). When arranged in sets of 8 bits (1 byte) 256 values can be represented (0-255). Using an ASCII chart, these values can be mapped to characters and text can be stored. It's not magic, it's just math! See also:Hex | Octal Please note: This application only encodes and decodes 8-bit ASCII text and is for entertainment purposes only.

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