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Nigel Barber: Atheism to Defeat Religion By 2038 Countries with the best standard of living are turning atheist. That shift offers a glimpse into the world's future. Religious people are annoyed by claims that belief in God will go the way of horse transportation, and for much the same reason, specifically an improved standard of living. The view that religious belief will give way to atheism is known as the secularization thesis. The specific version that I favor (1) is known as the existential security hypothesis. The notion that improving living conditions are associated with a decline in religion is supported by a mountain of evidence (1,2,3). That does not prevent some serious scholars, like political scientist Eric Kaufmann (4), from making the opposite case that religious fundamentalists will outbreed the rest of us. Moreover, as religious fundamentalists become economically integrated, young women go to work and produce smaller families, as is currently happening for Utah's Mormons. Sources1.

Jornal Eletrônico - Gente de Opinião Philadelphia Lynn Trial Revives Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal (RNS) Ten years ago, the Roman Catholic sex abuse scandal dominated the headlines with horrific stories of priests preying on vulnerable youths and a church hierarchy more concerned with protecting clergy instead of kids. Now, it's back. A Philadelphia jury is deliberating whether, for the first time, a high-ranking church official will be held criminally accountable. However the jury rules, the case carries symbolic freight far heavier than the grim details in the trial of Monsignor William Lynn, former secretary for the clergy in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Lynn's trial brings the ugly mess to mind "like it was yesterday," said Mary Jane Doerr, associate director of the U.S. The statistics are staggering: More than 6,100 accused priests since 1950, Doerr said. During Lynn's 10-week trial on charges of child endangerment and conspiracy, prosecutors dialed back to 1994. If convicted, Lynn, 61, could face a sentence of 10 to 21 years. "No one said to his bishop. Also on HuffPost:

Mudança e Divergência Associação Brasileira de Ateus e Agnósticos notalatina Pope John Paul II Declares Evolution to be Fact! Pope John Paul II, on the 23rd of October, 1996, while speaking to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences plenary session at the Vatican, declared the evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin to be fact, tacitly acknowledging that man evolved from the apes, and reducing the biblical account of Genesis to that of mere fable! The Full Text of John Paul II's comments on evolution online at New Advent, a Roman Catholic web page. (Note that my comments below are keyed to the original official Vatican press release shown above, not this apparently complete translation of the Pope's remarks, which were delivered in French.) I will address just a few key quotes of John Paul II that were mentioned in the above October 23rd, 1996 Vatican Information Service press release, (article N.182). To begin with, in the second paragraph, two sources of "truth" are mentioned, one being the conclusions of modern science, and the other being Revelation of truth from scripture or the church.

Olavo de Carvalho - Sapientiam Autem Non Vincit Malitia CATHOLIC LIBRARY: Truth Cannot Contradict Truth (1996) Address of Pope John Paul II to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (October 22, 1996) WITH GREAT PLEASURE I address cordial greeting to you, Mr. President, and to all of you who constitute the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, on the occasion of your plenary assembly. I offer my best wishes in particular to the new academicians, who have come to take part in your work for the first time. I would also like to remember the academicians who died during the past year, whom I commend to the Lord of life. 1. He asked those whom he called the Church's "senatus scientificus" to serve the truth. 2. 3. In his encyclical Humani Generis (1950), my predecessor Pius XII had already stated that there was no opposition between evolution and the doctrine of the faith about man and his vocation, on condition that one did not lose sight of several indisputable points. 4. What is the significance of such a theory? 5. 6. 7. It is significant that in St.

tradingcafe Note to smug atheists: Yes we win the debates but we have little real power. - Pittsburgh atheism (Commentary with links.) I remember one person at one of the black atheism Facebook groups I belong to, I can't remember if its Black Free Thinkers or the African American Humanism group, asked what books to read in order to get well read on the new Atheism. (Just for the record those books are here, here, here and here.) But what I wanted to say but forgot is that he or she could just as easily have looked up Youtube videos from the Big Four (Dawkins, Harris, Dennett, and the late Christopher Hitchens.) and gotten just as much an education on the basics. The best debate (for atheists) is The Intelligence Squared Debate which features the late Hitchens and the actor Stephen Fry destroying one church lady from the Catholic Church--the Churchlady and a Monty Python member in drag all into one--and a black African Bishop who also couldn't defend the Catholic Church's close to evil position on the use of condoms. However, I think this has made my fellow atheists smug. Pretty horrifying.

Nova Economia Revista VEJA | Edição 2069 | 16 de julho de 2008 Religião Como Cristo, mas antes dele Uma lápide de pedra indica que a idéia de um messias sofredor que ressuscitou ao terceiro dia já existia no judaísmo É o sonho dourado de todo colecionador: descobrir que o objeto comprado meio que por acaso possui, na verdade, valor incalculável. Essa é a constatação a que vários estudiosos estão chegando a respeito de uma lápide de pedra de menos de 1 metro de altura, com 87 linhas de texto em hebraico, que o suíço David Jeselsohn adquiriu há cerca de uma década. Não é, claro, que a comunidade científica acredite estar diante de uma "profecia". A parte mais controvertida da lápide é o ponto em que aparece a frase "em três dias".
