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Nude Photography by Minneapolis Photographer Matt Blum

Nude Photography by Minneapolis Photographer Matt Blum

Norm MICHAEL WOLF | PHOTOGRAPHY | HONGKONG all images copyright michael wolf WANG (Women Against Non-essential Grooming) Women’s difficulty with pull-ups is about more than biology | Fit and Feminist (via rememo) And I always want to point out here: women, on average, possess more lower-body strength, while men, on average, possess more upper-body strength. There’s a lot of overlap and it isn’t always individually applicable, but that’s the generalization, averaging across the population. But we SOCIALLY value upper-body strength, and upper-body muscles. So we construct women as weaker, because we refuse to measure them on the body parts where they may be stronger, we devalue those. Lifting is mostly done with the legs. Push-up and pull-ups are upper-body strength exercises. (via iknewiwouldregretthis) This stuff plays into all sorts of other body image problems, too. (via dancing-painted-bears) (via terribaeddel-magpie) (Source: brutereason) 'The Birthmark' - Nathaniel Hawthorne In the latter part of the last century there lived a man of science, an eminent proficient in every branch of natural philosophy, who not long before our story opens had made experience of a spiritual affinity more attractive than any chemical one. He had left his laboratory to the care of an assistant, cleared his fine countenance from the furnace smoke, washed the stain of acids from his fingers, and persuaded a beautiful woman to become his wife. In those days when the comparatively recent discovery of electricity and other kindred mysteries of Nature seemed to open paths into the region of miracle, it was not unusual for the love of science to rival the love of woman in its depth and absorbing energy. Such a union accordingly took place, and was attended with truly remarkable consequences and a deeply impressive moral. "Georgiana," said he, "has it never occurred to you that the mark upon your cheek might be removed?" "Shocks you, my husband!" "None! "And you did dream of it?"

ENIGMA FOTOS by Jonathan Irvin | For the love of Photography Why Dove’s Latest “Real Beauty” Video Gets It All Wrong Originally published on BodyLoveWellness and cross-posted here with their permission. Alternately titled: “Please, Please, Stop Sharing That Video.” Chances are, someone has sent you this video and told you how inspiring it was. To be honest, I didn’t find it inspiring at all. Instead, it just made me angry. Here we go again, with Dove pretending to empower women to love their bodies, with the big honking caveat that you should love your body only when you’re more conventionally attractive than you realize. In case you haven’t watched the video, the premise is that women are their own worst enemies, who focus on and emphasize their own worst physical qualities. A sketch artist draws their faces based on their descriptions, and then redraws their face based on the description of someone who just met them. That may sound inspiring (ish), but it doesn’t work for a number of reasons. Here are my top five (in no particular order). 1. 2. 3. What if people see you as “less beautiful” than you are? 4.

anton kusters I don't want to be a 'natural beauty' Photo: Getty Images. Posed by model. It must be nice to be a “natural beauty.” To be gorgeous without effort or even interest. This type of beauty is perhaps the most impressive. It’s hard to escape the concept of natural beauty. I was disturbed. But we are always talking about girls’ appearances, actually. Advertisement It sets up a strange dynamic. Being beautiful in track pants is a major accomplishment. Being beautiful without makeup is a triumph. Being beautiful early in the morning, while exhaustedly walking the dog or slogging miserably to work—success!! A few months ago, in the New York Times Room For Debate session on makeup, a man proudly trumpeted his wife’s ability to look super hot without even putting makeup on! Now imagine a woman who’s gotten “work done.” We women often put a lot of effort into, and pay a lot of money to attempt to “look natural.” It can all seem a little ridiculous, when you lean back from it for a second and squint.

Daniel Ochoa de Olza - Maldito Insolente Nació en Pamplona en el año 1978. Desde una temprana edad recibió clases de dibujo y pintura en el taller de Antonio Eslava, donde obtuvo las bases de su formación artística. Más adelante compaginó su estudios de Bachillerato con diferentes trabajos y destinó sus primeros ingresos a una cámara fotográfica con la que asistió a cursos de iniciación en la Agrupación Fotográfica y Cinematográfica de Navarra, de la que es socio desde agosto de 2001. Ese mismo año fue aceptado en la Escuela de Arte de Pamplona para cursar estudios de Fotografía Artística. Terminados los estudios oficiales, continúa su formación asistiendo a la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Barcelona, ciudad en la que asiste a cursos y talleres de especialización a cargo de Donovan Willie (Magnumphotos), Jordi Guillumet, Carlos Bosch… Ha expuesto sus imágenes en espacios de arte como el Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona (CCCB). Fuente del texto: Facebook: Artículos similares:

«Faisons la révolution de la vulve !» Emma, une Australienne de 24 ans, a lancé le Large Labia Project (le projet grosses lèvres). Sur son blog, elle recueille des photos de vulves pour défendre la différence et lutter contre le diktat du porno qui imposerait des lèvres toujours plus courtes et fines. Ce Tumblr n'est pas un site érotique, un espace où il n'y aurait que des photos d'organes génitaux en gros plans. C'est avant tout un lieu où poser des questions, discuter, se mettre en confiance. Pourquoi et quand avez-vous eu l’idée de ce projet ? Emma : J’ai eu l’idée de ce blog il y a un an en regardant un documentaire sur une chaîne australienne. Beaucoup de femmes m’ont dit aussi qu’elles avaient une vision négative de leurs lèvres à cause des pornos qu’elles ont vus. Le problème, c'est le porno ? Ne vous méprenez pas. Mosaïque de photos de vagins prises sur le blog Large Labia Project. Combien de propositions de contribution avez-vous reçues ? Au départ, ce n’était que moi et mes lèvres. Sûrement.

Kate Rentz | Photographer America's Forgotten Pin-Up Girl Word of the day: Zaftig /zäftig/ adjective: (of a woman) Having a full, rounded figure; plump. Meet Hilda, the creation of illustrator Duane Bryers and pin-up art’s best kept secret. Voluptuous in all the right places, a little clumsy but not at all shy about her figure, Hilda was one of the only atypical plus-sized pin-up queens to grace the pages of American calendars from the 1950s up until the early 1980s, and achieved moderate notoriety in the 1960s. “She’s a creation out of my head. Despite being one of history’s longest running calendar queens alongside the likes of Marilyn Monroe, even the most dedicated vintage enthusiasts probably won’t have come across Hilda before. “[Duane Bryers] had the chops to have been one of the greatest pin-up artists in America, but possibly his lust for ample-sized women prevented that,” admits the online gallery curator and Hilda collector, Les Toil. Of the moment he first discovered the lost Hilda watercolour illustrations, Les recalls:
