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Shine Love Guided Meditations and Mindfulness Training Articles by Nuit

Shine Love Guided Meditations and Mindfulness Training Articles by Nuit

Spiritual not Religious: In Search of Perfection [Article] Spiritual not Religious Alchemy of Soul Self-Development, Spiritual Development, Spiritual Poems, Spiritual Quotes, Alchemy of Love Spiritual not Religious: In Search of Perfection The purpose of life is the evolution of consciousness. In Search of Perfection God created Nature that is full of Chaos Where no two things are equal Where no sound, no colour, no shape is repeated Man copied God and created Symmetry, Mathematics, Music, Straight Lines Man copied God and created Perfection Together Man-made Perfect Eelements create an Absolute Disorder Together God-made Imperfections result in an Ultimate Harmony Alchemy of Soul ‘We train ourselves all through our life to waste energy following our inner narratives. Mindful Being by Nuit about Mindfulness Self Development Journey is a most amazing Journey we will ever embark on. Many have done this journey before us following their Gurus, or Sages. Alchemy of Soul Poem by Nuit Until… Worshiping Silence Ecstasy Transcends ExpressionThe Soul is Freed

Symbols of Love and their deeper Meaning Love Symbols Love Symbols and Signs Self-Development, Relationships, Spiritual Development, Symbols and Signs Love Symbols and Their Meaning Love knows no boundaries. Heart as a Symbol of Love We somehow naturally start with the heart as a symbol of love. It is interesting that the image depicted on the coins was the heart shaped seeds of a plant called Silphium, a type of fennel, that was used as a herbal contraceptive. The Greeks believed the plant was a gift from Apollo. The heart shape was most likely first associated with sex, and later with love... One of the first known depiction of a heart as a symbol of romantic love dates back to the 13th century. It is found in a French manuscript where a kneeling lover offers his heart to his lady. The heart shape is also formed by the heads of two doves in love, an animal associated with Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love. Doves as a Symbol of Love Doves are considered a symbol of faithful and eternal love because they mate for life. Maple Leaves

Conscious Relationships [Article]: What is Unconditional Love? Relationships, Spiritual Development, Mindfulness Articles What is Unconditional Love? Unconditional Love and Happiness The essence of this wonderful feeling, this joyful state of being is that openess to Love can and must be trained! Unconditional Love vs. Professor Arthur Arun, the New York psychologist, studied the dynamics of what happens when people fall in love and within his experiment he asked complete strangers to spend around half an hour togeter, to share intimate details of their lives with each other, and they were asked to stare into each others eyes for a few minutes, silently. So, what do you think? If you have experienced love, you will agree with me that being loved and loving fills us with a warm, secure, floating feeling. For Love to Become Unconditional it needs to become a Conscious Effort The love parents feel for their children, the love between partners, the love for friends are all wonderful exercises for worshipers of Love. Quotes About Unconditional Love
