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50+ Gorgeous Navigation Menus

50+ Gorgeous Navigation Menus
Ease of navigation is one of the biggest keys to the usability of a website. If visitors can easily find what they are looking for they will be more likely to stay on the website rather than leaving and going to some other site. Effective navigation can help to increase pageviews, improve the user experience, and even increase revenue and profit. As more and more users are accessing sites via mobile devices, responsive web design has continued to increase in popularity. One of the challenges of designing and developing responsive websites is to create a user-friendly navigation menu that works equally well for visitors on all types of devices. While a few years ago navigational menus were a primary visual element in almost every web design, many responsive websites are now opting for a navigation menu that is much less dominant visually. In this post we’ll showcase 40 different navigation menus of responsive websites. Looking for hosting?

70 Typographic, Clean And Minimalist Color Scheme Web Designs Hello there! It’s time for little inspiration and this time I wanted to showcase something different. You may know that very popular designer slogan – “More is Less”, and yes it’s often so true – unexperienced people tend to overcrowd, use too much colors in their designs. I just love these designs – they are very light, clean and usually uses only monochrome color scheme and just one or two bright colors for links or headers. You may also notice for such designs it’s more about grid, harmonic distribution through whole page and very silent, elegant accents. 1. One of the best clean, light and elegant websites I came across in this research. 2. 3. 4. 5. Very clean, yet professional web design. 6 .Made By On 7. Hot Meteor specializes in web, print, and branding. 8. Excellent accents leading your eye through whole page in the way author wants it. 10. 11. Visit his homepage – starting from index page you’ll get amazed how effectively Vitor Lourenco uses white space. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

5 outils en ligne pour webdesigner Utiles et rapides, les outils en ligne donne un véritable coup de pouce aux webdesigners dans les moments de stress. Pour toujours avoir les bonnes ressources sous le coude, je vous invite à lire suite. Sprite Cow Pourquoi s’embêter avec les repères et des sélections dans Photoshop lorsque Sprite Cow vous permet de générer du CSS directement avec vos images ? Testez c’est plutôt pratique ! Subtle Patterns Le site une galerie de motifs à télécharger pour vos designs web. Patternify Le site est un générateur de motifs, simple à utiliser. PrefixMyCSS Avec l’utilisation massive des CSS3, nous autres webdesigners perdons un temps précieux à préfixer nos déclarations pour qu’elles soit utilisables sous Webkit / Firefox et Internet Explorer. CSS3 Generator Très connu, celui-ci est un générateur de code CSS3 comme son nom l’indique. Cette entrée a été publiée dans Ressources, avec comme mot(s)-clef(s) generateur css, outils, Webdesign.

Web-Based Tools for Optimizing, Formatting and Checking CSS Stylesheets can get large real quickly, both in terms of length and file size. To ensure that your web pages render correctly and quickly, here’s a compilation of some of the best free, web-based CSS optimizers/compressors, code formatters, and validation services. Check them out and pick the ones that work best for you. Optimizing and Compression CSS Optimizer CSS Optimizer is a simple online optimizer that processes your current CSS and outputs the compressed version. Clean CSS Clean CSS is based on the popular CSS minifier, CSSTidy. CSS Drive Gallery- CSS Compressor CSS Drive’s CSS compressor has two modes, Regular mode and Advanced mode (which has a few more options that you can set). Online CSS Optimizer Online CSS Optimizer is another simple CSS optimization tool based on the CSS optimizer command-line application for OS X and Linux. CSS Compressor Another popular web-based CSS compression tool is Robson’s open-source CSS Compressor, (check out the CSS Compressor PHP source code).

40 Beautiful Examples of Minimalism in Web Design Minimalism is a design style that emphasizes simplicity and the removal of superfluous elements in one’s own work. It’s applied in art, architecture, print work, and in web design. There is something extraordinary about making something magnificent with limited resources, and in this showcase, you’ll find the work of talented designers that exhibit exemplary use of Minimalism theories applied to web design. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. monty lounge industries 9. 10. 11. el Candor 12. 13. design by silnt 14. 15. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. siteInspire 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 29. dConstruct 30. 31. 32. 34. 36. 37. tictoc 38. 39. 40. What do you think at Minimalism? Minimalism in web design is something that can be tricky to pull off (ironic isn’t it?). Related content

12 ressources Jquery et CSS3 pour vos photos Les outils modernes du web permettent de sublimer plus que jamais vos photos sur votre site web. Zooms, filtres, sliders, mise en page adaptative…bref autant de ressources pour présenter vos photos en ligne de manière originale. Vintage.js On commence avec Vintage.js, qui permet comme son nom l’indique de donner un effet vintage à vos photos. Une bonne idée qui s’inscrit totalement dans la tendance du vintage moderne actuel avec des applications comme Instagram par exemple. Il s’agit d’un site avec upload de photo, mais vous pouvez réutiliser le code qui est partagé sur GitHub. Effet miniature 3D au survol Une excellente ressource basée sur la propriété CSS3 3D Transform. iView Slider Un slider Jquery certes lourd mais très complet. CSS3 Tilt Shif Effect Ultra à la mode il y a quelques années, l’effet Tilt Shift (miniature) est désormais décliné dans un plug-in Jquery utilisant du CSS3. iPicture Permet d’ajouter dans infobulles dans une image. Effet de survol originaux avec les filtres CSS3

CSS Menu Builder | Free online navigation generator 14 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Front-end Web Development For web developers and designers, it can be difficult to memorize the syntax for multiple programming languages and frameworks, especially since they are always evolving and growing. This is where cheat sheets come in handy. Most cheat sheets are designed to be printer friendly, so you can have them laying around on your desk as quick reference cards. Here is a collection of useful cheat sheets specifically for front end web development that will help you with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. HTML 5 Cheat Sheet HTML 5 Visual Cheat Sheet (X)HTML Elements and Attributes HTML Cheat Sheet HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet CSS Level 2 Visual Cheat Sheet CSS 3 Cheat Sheet CSS Cheat Sheet (V2) CSS Cheat Sheet JavaScript jQuery 1.4 API Cheat Sheet jQuery 1.4 Cheat Sheet jQuery 1.4 Cheat Sheet mootools 1.2 cheat sheet JavaScript Cheat Sheet About the Author Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. Related Posts 1139 shares 20 Fresh CSS3 Tutorials Read More 559 shares

10 outils pour gagner du temps Je ne vous l’apprends pas, en tant que webdesigner nous cherchons continuellement à gagner du temps. Découvrez une sélection de 10 outils pour éviter de perdre quelques précieuses minutes… Sauvegardez vos liens en un clic pour avoir toujours ce qu’il faut sous la main. Fillerati Marre du lorem ipsum traditionnel ? Placehold Placez vos images facilement et rapidement. Xrefresh Vraiment super rapide et efficace ! Notesforlater Utile pour garder un lien de site sous la main pour le réutiliser pour un projet futur. Readability Outil en ligne pour estimer la lisibilité d’un texte. Estimator Estimez dans les grandes lignes le coût du développement et du design de votre futur projet web. Entitifier Pratique pour nettoyer du texte qu’un client aurai copier dans votre editeur JS à partir de Word. Minutes Please Contrôlez le temps que vous passez sur un site en entrant simplement son URL. Check My Colours Cette entrée a été publiée dans Ressources, avec comme mot(s)-clef(s) outils, ressources.

Understanding CSS Positioning part 1 | Understanding CSS Positioning part 1 Without a doubt, positioning, or the layout, is the hardest part of CSS. Not only because it ever so often varies between browsers, but also because CSS has a lot of ways to position an element, all with various (dis) advantages. This series of articles will thrive to explain the possibilities you have in positioning. It doesn’t only cover positioning, but also properties that define layout such as display and float, and a preview of the new CSS3 layout modules. This part will introduce the positioning and display property. Display:hehwha? Before we start, it is worth noting that there are basically two types of ways to display an element in CSS: block and inline. Display:block; Block can be, quite literally, seen as a block. Display:inline; Display:inline is somewhat the opposite. That leaves display:none, which is really easy for me to explain: it doesn’t display. There is a multitude of other display: properties such as table and inline-block. Flow
