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Green & Thrifty Cleaning Products

Green & Thrifty Cleaning Products
Hopefully all this de-cluttering is getting you all excited for the deep, deep cleaning that is going to happen soon! I don’t know how it is for you, but with every box of stuff I get rid of I feel like another little load has been lifted off my shoulders. We are still going to take some time in the next week for more weeding and purging, but in the meantime I thought it would be a good idea to also start gathering some of the necessary tools you’ll need to get your space spic & span. I have always had a bad habit of thinking that more cleaning supplies would result in a cleaner house. The thing is, until he said that, I actually thought they might. As hard as it was to finally accept the sad reality that there are no magic mops, I am happy to report that we are now down to one broom, one dustpan, and one mop in our broom closet, and that is just exactly enough. Here is my magic list of 10 essential green & thrifty cleaning products: {P.S. And here is how to use them! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Related:  DIY

Trucs et astuces : déboucher les canalisations sans polluer Pour déboucher vos canalisations, il existe des astuces naturelles et efficaces. Elles permettent d’éviter les déboucheurs chimiques qui peuvent causer de graves brûlures et altèrent significativement la qualité des eaux. Le packaging très évocateur des déboucheurs chimiques de canalisation que l’on voit dans les rayons droguerie en dit long sur le côté destructeur des produits. La sélection de consoGlobe De toute évidence, la meilleure des solutions contre les canalisations encrassées reste la prévention. Au fil des jours, cheveux, matières grasses, restes alimentaires etc. s’agglutinent jusqu’à former des bouchons qui viennent se loger directement dans les tuyaux. Ils rendent alors impossible ou du moins beaucoup plus difficile l’écoulement des eaux. Pour éviter les désagréments, respectez quelques principes simples : Versez l’huile usagée dans un récipient que vous jetterez à la poubelle. L’eau bouillante pour déboucher les canalisations Page suivante :

10 Amazing Cleaning Tips It is time for me to get some Spring Cleaning done around here! I am sharing today 10 Cleaning Tips and Tricks that will change your life. These are amazing ways to clean your home with things that you may have around. Pure awesomeness! Let me show you… Clean Your Air Conditioner Unit yourself. Save money and increase your system’s efficiency. Step by step directions over at The Family Handyman. Grout Cleaner I hate dirty grout. This cleaning solution is made with just four ingredients: water, baking soda, ammonia (or lemon juice) and vinegar . Get the recipe over at A mum’n the oven. Tub Scrub Here’s a nontoxic way to clean your tub. Get the recipe over at Use a simple bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide to clean windows, mirrors, toilet, and bathtub. Get all of the details at Desiring Virtue. All-Natural Homemade Floor Cleaner over at Nature’s Nurture. Hello awesomeness! How to keep your Tupperware Stain and odor free. Who knew that newspapers and lemon could do the trick! Besos Desiree

Charles Bukowski, Arthur C. Clarke, Annie Dillard, John Cage, and Others on the Meaning of Life by Maria Popova “We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.” The quest to understand the meaning of life has haunted humanity since the dawn of existence. Pulitzer Prize winner Annie Dillard: We are here to witness the creation and abet it. Ralph Morse Albert Einstein's study shortly after his death, Princeton, New Jersey Legendary science writer Stephen Jay Gould: The human species has inhabited this planet for only 250,000 years or so-roughly.0015 percent of the history of life, the last inch of the cosmic mile. Bill Owens Graduation dance Frank Donofrio, a barber: I have been asking myself why I’m here most of my life. Leonard Freed Harlem summer day Science fiction writer Arthur C. A wise man once said that all human activity is a form of play. Franco Zecchin Sicily Literary icon John Updike: Ancient religion and modern science agree: we are here to give praise. Abbas Fireman at scene of bomb explosion, Belfast, Northern Ireland Myron Davis

Les 46 astuces les plus brillantes que tout être humain devrait connaître pour se faciliter la vie Par Clément P. il y a 1 an La vie est faite de petits soucis en tout genre. Heureusement, il existe des moyens simples de contourner toutes les petites galères du quotidien ! En voici quelques unes. C'est si bête et simple que ça en devient génial, et pour certaines on se demande comment on n'y a pas pensé plus tôt ! 1. 2. 3. Parce que les glaçons ça fond, et c'est fait avec de l'eau...Et l'eau, c'est le Mal.4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Versez une demi-tasse de bicarbonate de soude et une tasse de vinaigre dans un évier bouché. 10. 11. Parce que personne ne vole un stylo rouge....12. 13. 14. 15. Utilisez du scotch transparent/brillant sur l’objectif de l’appareil photo pour réparer la mise au point/ le flouté/ éviter les problèmes de réfraction de lumière de la lentille et améliorer la qualité de l’image ! 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Une lampe de poche standard attachée à un bidon d’eau peut illuminer une pièce tout entière ou une tente.23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Tee-shirt froissé? 31. 32. 33. 34.

Creatively Domestic: Homemade OxyClean What a great inexpensive laundry fix! This came from The Grocery Cart Challenge and I was so excited to give it a try. I feel like I go through gallons of Shout at a time, so I needed to step up my spot removal a notch. When you have a child, you never quite know what you'll be praying comes out in the wash. Let's stop that conversation there! *Updated 9/28/11* I've been using this concoction for over two years and I've had ALOT of questions about this Homemade Oxyclean, so I thought I'd show everyone exactly how I use it. Here is my plastic dishpan that I have stashed in my laundry room and a batch of the Oxyclean mixed up and ready to go. As for baking soda vs. washing soda: I use baking soda and have found it to work really well. Here is one of my son's jumpers that I want to get some weird funk out of. This is how I left the clothing sit for an afternoon, (hello gray yoga pants with chocolate ice cream on them...tee hee... Homemade OxyClean recipe from The Grocery Cart Challenge

The Unread: The Mystery of the Voynich Manuscript Stored away in the rare-book library at Yale University is a late-medieval manuscript written in a cramped but punctilious script and illustrated with lively line drawings that have been painted over, at times crudely, with washes of color. These illustrations range from the fanciful (legions of heavy-headed flowers that bear no relation to any earthly variety) to the bizarre (naked and possibly pregnant women, frolicking in what look like amusement-park waterslides from the fifteenth century). With their distended bellies, stick-like arms and legs, and earnest expressions, the naked figures have a whimsical quality, though their anatomy is frankly rendered—something unusual for the period. The manuscript’s botanical drawings are no less strange: the plants appear to be chimerical, combining incompatible parts from different species, even different kingdoms. (Click on the images to expand.) I first learned of the Voynich in 2010. Much can be written about Wilfrid Voynich. - Apprenez à tout réparer The Best 15 Cleaning Tips Thinking about cleaning? If my house could talk it would thank every single visitor that comes to stay overnight. picture source So these 15 Cleaning Tips are for me! I can imagine my house saying to my guests things like… Dear Guest, thank you because my owner scrubbed behind the toilet for the very first time in months. Thank you, because every bed smells fresh and clean. Thank you, because the floor has been mopped, the mirrors are sparkling, and the bathtub doesn’t have any laundry inside. Thank YOU. Sincerely, Desirée’s House Well, with the Holidays approaching rapidly and guests visiting for dinners and parties, I thought to share the Best 15 Cleaning Tips that I have found around. Baby Powder as Stain Guard Sprinkle a little on the shirt’s underarms and collar, then iron to prevent sweat stains on white shirts. How cool is that? More details about this tip over at Real Simple How to clean a Microfiber Couch Step by step awesome tutorial over at 551 East Heavy Duty Floor Cleaner Recipe Love it! WOW!

17 wonderfully weird websites you should bookmark right now In 2012, it’s estimated the internet hosted an incredible 634 million websites. Even if you checked out a thousand a day, it would still take you over 1700 years to visit them all. But happily, you don’t need to live over 200 lifetimes to discover the Web’s most wonderfully weird websites. Why? Because we’ve done it for you. – The most fun you’ll ever have with an eel and a mouse. – The funkiest place on the web for cat lovin’ music fans. – This is how you get to the point. – The epicenter of the known internet. - Perfect place to visit when you’re having a bad day, – Little dogs like you’ve never even seen them before. - Sometimes you just need to chill out. - The easiest way to type essays. – An orgy of little dog fun. – This is what happens when the internet starts tripping.
