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University of Virginia Library

University of Virginia Library
The Electronic Text Center (1992-2007), known to many as “Etext,” served the University community’s teaching and research needs in the areas of humanities text encoding for over fifteen years. Many of the resources once available on Etext are now available via VIRGO, the primary access point for all U.Va. Library digital texts and images. In the course of migrating thousands of texts from Etext to VIRGO, it was determined that certain resources were not eligible for inclusion. Founded in 1992, the Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia Library fostered innovation through technology and set an early precedent for the creation and use of digital materials by scholars in the humanities. Originally conceptualized by Deputy University Librarian Kendon Stubbs and led by David Seaman, the Etext Center rapidly became not only one of the first and best-loved digital repositories of our shared cultural record, but also the home of impressive new scholarly output.

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100 Extensive University Libraries from Around the World that Anyone Can Access Twitdom | Twitter Applications Directory with over 2200 apps! Free Programming and Computer Science Books SearchWorks (SULAIR) The 10 most-useful social media tools of 2012 (so far) | Articles | Social Media I'm partial to roundup posts about the latest and greatest social media tools. Compiling these posts helps me stay on top of the best ways to perform my day job. This edition features a bunch of new social media tools that you may never heard of, as well as a couple that have earned attention on the big blogs and review sites. Here are the 10 most-useful new social media tools of 2012 (so far): 1. Social media listening/monitoring tools seem to be unnecessarily complicated, but Mention is the exact opposite. File under: #Listening #Monitoring 2. This can be described as your “social front page,” pulling together all the stuff you're sharing in a well-organized and easy-on-the-eyes layout. File under: #Aggregator #Hub #Twitter #Facebook 3. Often when you’re tracking online campaigns you'll be asked to provide a summary of how many times a link has been shared. File under: #Analytics #Tracking #Stats 4. File under: #Stats #Facebook 5. File under: #Data #Visualization 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Alpha launch L’alpha publique de pearltrees est en ligne, stabilisée, ouverte. Ce n’est bien sur qu’un premier pas vers la vaste communauté d’éditeurs du Web que j’appelais de mes vœux dans le précédent billet. Mais c’est un pas véritable, je crois. Plusieurs centaines d’éditeurs bâtissent en ce moment leur propre Web. Je reviendrai souvent sur cette carte humaine en train de se construire, sur son sens et peut-être sur son rôle dans le développement du Web. A quoi pearltrees sert-il en général? La question se discute en ce moment dans de forts bons billets et continuera je l’espère très longtemps à se discuter. A quoi pearltrees pourrait-il vous servir, à vous, aujourd’hui, en particulier? 1- A organiser la carte de votre Web. 2- A guider vos amis ou vos lecteurs. 3- A vous laisser guider. … un Web auquel je ne peux que vous inviter à contribuer! Tags: pearltrees; édition du web

MIT Libraries, MIT Library 12 free social media tools to make your life easier With the myriad tools available to help you with social media, often it’s hard to know which ones to try. People ask me whether there’s “an app for that,” and I love when I can give them the right tool. Here are 12 of the best free tools, each one of which I use in my own business. 1. Buffer Buffer is a great little app to help you send tweets and posts at optimal times. 2. Whether your event is free or paid, Eventbrite is a fabulous way to manage it. The tool contains lots of features for customization of the event pages, email marketing to confirmed attendees, Facebook integration, and even the ability to scan QR coded tickets with your smart phone at the door. 3. A simple app that tells you the optimal times to tweet from your account. 4. An easy-to-use tool that helps you find Twitter accounts that are not following you back or are inactive. 5. This is the perfect way to create a quick screencast video for your blog or training sessions. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Internet Sacred Text Archive Perseus Digital Library
