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Les 10 outils qui simplifient la vie du community manager Publication, modération, suivi de l’e-réputation, gestion de campagnes publicitaires sur les réseaux sociaux… le métier de community manager a de multiples facettes et nécessite d’avoir recours à certains outils pour être plus efficace. Les services proposés sont nombreux, je vous propose une sélection de 10 outils simplifiant la vie de nos chers community managers… 1 : Buffer : publier sur les réseaux sociaux au bon moment Je vous ai déjà parlé de Buffer, c’est un outil qui va vous faire gagner un temps fou dans votre planning éditorial. Vous pouvez retrouver le test complet ici : Animer ses comptes Twitter et Facebook avec efficacité grâce à Buffer. Et tester l’outil ici : Buffer. 2 : Power Editor : gérer plus facilement vos campagnes publicitaires Facebook Power Editor, c’est un peu l’Adwords Editor de Facebook. 3 : Debugger Facebook : vérifier que les pages s’affichent bien lors des partages Facebook Etes vous sûr que les pages de votre site s’affichent bien sur Facebook ? En complément…

AppMakr :: iPhone App Maker | Make your own iPhone App | Free iPhone App Maker With the rise of smartphones and mobile apps, businesses of all sizes are looking for ways to develop their own applications without the need for extensive coding knowledge or hiring expensive development teams. In this era of technology, no-code app builders have emerged as a popular solution, allowing individuals and businesses to create their own customized applications with ease. Appy Pie is one such no-code app maker that has gained significant traction in recent years. But how does it compare to traditional app development? Here, we’ll explore the key benefits of using both the app development methods. Minimize risk Building an app from scratch is fraught with potential pitfalls, and investing a significant amount of resources into traditional app development can leave you exposed to considerable risk. Manage your app without a developer For many people building their first-ever app, managing it effectively can be an afterthought. Faster GTM Quality and speed without compromise

Analyze your Facebook page | Likealyzer Social Startup: Percolate “What should I say?” It’s the question and number one challenge brands ask themselves every day, according to Noah Brier, co-founder of Percolate, a social SaaS startup dedicated to answering that call. “Percolate is interested in helping brands create content at social scale,” Brier explained. Percolate started in 2011, a few years after Brier met his co-founder James Gross at likemind event, what The New York Times called “a monthly kaffeeklatsch for creative professionals” (and something Brier co-founded as well). Brier was at The Barbarian Group and Gross was at Federated Media, and both realized that there was a need not being met: helping brands figure out what to do with all of the fans and followers they were collecting. Brier knew that the potential was there, but first helping brands move away from “the blank boxes” of Facebook and Twitter needed to happen. Which is why Percolate is designed for their main users: community managers.
