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Starting threads with parameters in C# Please note: this page is now obsolete. It is now part of my larger article about threading. In the C# newsgroup, quite a few people have asked how parameters should be passed to new threads. In other words, if a new thread needs specific information in order to run (as it often does), how do you get that information to the thread? The ThreadStart delegate doesn't take any parameters, so the information has to be stored somewhere else. In some cases, you actually just wish to call a method in some class (possibly the currently executing class) with a specific parameter. Using ThreadPool instead One choice you should always be aware of when starting a new thread is whether it would actually make more sense to use ThreadPool, which will recycle threads for you, and queue items if the pool is full. To add a job to the pool, you merely need to call ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem with a WaitCallback delegate. Calling a delegate asynchronously A future solution: anonymous methods

Windows CMD Commands GitHub - valentjedi/ddd-dynamic: Domain Driven Design in Python, Ruby and other dynamic languages resources Git jQuery: The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library Generate JSON Data Using Web Service And SQL Server Stored Procedure Let’s know about Web Service Web Services are used for enabling an application to invoke a method of another application. These applications can be on the same computer or different computers. Web Services use protocols like HTTP, XML, and SOAP. Since these are open and well known protocols, the applications built on any platform can interoperate with Web Services. For example, a PHP application can interoperate with a Web Service built using .NET. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the protocol widely used by web services to send and receive messages. To know more about SOAP request and response, visit the below reference site. A web service is a web-based functionality accessed using the protocols of the web to be used by the web applications. Creating the web serviceCreating a proxyConsuming the web service Introduction to proxy in ASP.NET Web Service A proxy is a major part for the web service codes. Step1 Script Step2 Step3 Step4 Code Ref

Git Extensions | Free software downloads Triggers « Dr. WPF As we continue our series on ItemsControl, it probably makes sense to take a small detour and look at WPF controls in general. In this post, we will examine how WPF controls get their visual representation through styles and templates. Then we will look at how these techniques specifically apply to several ItemsControl classes. This article is fairly long and covers a lot of really important information, including the following: It is definitely worth taking your time to understand these concepts. I would also encourage you to keep kaxaml up and running as you learn about styles and templates. The Lookless Control Model When developers first start learning WPF, they are often very surprised to learn that a WPF control does not include a hardcoded visual representation. Why, you may be asking, is such a model better than the traditional approach of defining the visuals as part of the control? Introduction to Styles In this case, a style is created for a Rectangle. Introduction to Triggers

Desarrollo Web, Tu mejor ayuda para aprender a hacer webs. Git Reference Unlike centralized version control systems that have a client that is very different from a server, Git repositories are all basically equal and you simply synchronize between them. This makes it easy to have more than one remote repository - you can have some that you have read-only access to and others that you can write to as well. So that you don't have to use the full URL of a remote repository every time you want to synchronize with it, Git stores an alias or nickname for each remote repository URL you are interested in. You use the git remote command to manage this list of remote repos that you care about. git remote list your remote aliases Without any arguments, Git will simply show you the remote repository aliases that it has stored. $ git remote origin $ git remote -v origin (fetch) origin (push) git remote add add a new remote repository of your project Git addeth and Git taketh away.

HTML5中文网 - 中国领先的HTML5技术门户 Creating ASP.NET Web API with MVC 6 Posted by: Mahesh Sabnis , on 12/9/2015, in Category ASP.NET Abstract: In this article, we will build an ASP.NET Web API using MVC 6. In earlier versions of ASP.NET, Web API was provided as a separate Web API framework, but going forward in the ASP.NET 5 release, Web API is merged with MVC, termed as MVC 6. ASP.NET Web API uses the power of HTTP. As developers, we all know that the HTTP protocol is not just limited to delivering web pages, but is being used to build APIs on top of it that expose services and data. The advantages of HTTP is it is simple and easy to use and all platform supports HTTP. In this article, we will build an ASP.NET Web API using MVC 6. The following diagram explains Web API in application development The above diagram provides conceptual use of Web API. Implementing the ASP.NET Web API application To implement the Web API application, we will use Visual Studio 2015 and ASP.NET 5 RC1. Click on the OK button. The above class file contains following classes

Comprendre Git : Les branches Les branches permettent d'avoir un historique non linéaire et permettent de travailler pendant un moment sur une fonctionnalité particulière sans pour autant "polluer" le flux principal. Elles peuvent servir pour travailler sur des fonctions spéciales mais aussi être utilisée pour garder une bonne organisation avec des branches qui correspondent à nos différents environnements (master, recipe, dev, bugfix...). branch La commande branch permet de gérer tout ce qui a attrait aux branches (ajout, listing, suppression, renommage). git branch git branch <branche> git branch -m <branche> git branch -d <branche> Attention ! git branch -D <branche> checkout Une fois les branches créées il faut être capable d'aller d'une branche à une autre. git checkout <branche> Permet de se rendre sur une branche existante. git checkout -b <branche> git branch <branche>git checkout <branche> merge Merge permet de ramener une branche sur une autre et ainsi de la fusionner. git merge --no-ff <branche> Fast-Forward ?
