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TwitterFone: Send Messages to Twitter with Voice

TwitterFone: Send Messages to Twitter with Voice

Tweetwasters – Wastin First State of the Twitosphere in France On this blog I already published several posts with a detailed analysis of the twitosphere in a specific country. From time to time people ask me to have a closer look at their country, e.g. France. The first question in such an analysis is the number of Twitter users in France. Twitter locates 4371 Twitter users in France (Twitter users who explicitely mention France in their location), Twitdir reports 3367 Twitter users. Based on the location info in the Twitter profiles, I was able to find 6229 Twitter users in France, still active users. History of the Twitter accounts in France The graph below shows the history of the Twitter accounts from France. Private or public 769 Twitter acounts from France or 12% have chosen to keep their updates only available to their friends. Number of following A Twitter user can choose to follow one or more other Twitter accounts, called "following". 997 Twitter accounts from France or 16% do not follow other Twitter users.

Bloggage : BetterFLV: An Alternative to Adobes stock FLVPlayback Component When we first created our software we had this great idea. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could let our users change their skins out. We looked everywhere for an example, the closest thing we found was Youtube’s custom color control, nothing on the order of being able to create their own buttons and background. So then we started looking deeper into the FLVPlayback component and saw that there was already a way to swap out skins. So, stupidly, we started coding, wondering why in the world anyone else hadn’t tried this technique before. Lo and behold, we found our answer. Introducing BetterFLV We figured, if Adobe wasnt going to give us the control we were going to have to create a new Skin class and FLVPlayback Class, and that’s exactly what we did. BetterFLV extends the FLVPlayback component and has a companion class called Skin that controls the skin for the BetterFLV object. We didnt stop there. Best of all: It’s free. We are releasing BetterFLV as open source (GPL) How to use Done —jake

Tweet2Win - Win Gift Certificates for Activity on Twitter Twitter Search sobees - your social desktop aggregator How to use Twitter replies In this post Chuck Westbrook (follow him @cwestbrook) looks uses the analogy of Dinner Conversation to explain the basics of different types of communication on Twitter. Image by Thomas Hawk Twitter is a lot like a dinner with a large group of friends at a big table in a busy restaurant. Whispering: The Direct Message Sending a direct message is like quietly chatting with the person next to you at the table. On Twitter, you should lean in with a direct message when the discussion is private or if it just won’t be of interest to others within earshot. Talking Normally: An @ Reply to Begin the Tweet Tweets that start with an @ reply are like overheard parts of a ongoing conversation at the table, bits of dialogue spoken in a normal speaking voice. These Tweets will be overheard by some, but many people will just gloss over them, assuming that you are already engaged in a separate conversation. Telling Everyone: An @ Reply Inside of the Tweet Good Manners

Scheduler - Automation with Z-Cron Task and Job Scheduler With Z-Cron you can plan the execution of commands, programs or scripts, at particular times, so that recurring tasks on your PC are run automatically on schedule. Z-Cron is a central coordinating point for the scheduling or automation of software. Z-Cron can also be installed a system service. A system service is a program that starts automatically when Windows was booted, and runs in the background until Windows is shut down. With the Z-Cron scheduler you can have programs of all kinds started automatically by the system even if no user is logged in – for example nightly data backups with Z-DBackup. Example tasks that can be scheduled with Z-Cron: Starting and stopping of applications (also with parameters). These tasks can be started automatically at the following points in time: Daily (every x days). You can use Z-Cron scheduler in many different ways, for example: Regular data backup (for example with Z-DataDVD or Z-DATdump). Z-Cron Scheduler Functions Scheduler Freeware

Nouvelle version de Live Twit avec plusieurs options supplémenta Suite à quelques commentaires concernant la première version, le plugin llt (lbcd78 Live Twit) a été remanié. Tout d’abord, les nouveautés, on peut désormais choisir d’avoir plusieurs flux et déterminer la vitesse de changement des titres du flux affiché. Côté optimisation, la feuille de style n’est plus inclue dans la page mais dans un fichier dédié raccroché au Header du moteur de blog WordPress. Un petit bouton orange avec une flèche vers le bas a fait son apparition, il permet de revenir rapidement à la page de téléchargement de ce plugin. Pour prendre en compte les nouvelles capacités, l’interface de configuration présente dans le panneau de configuration de l’administrateur a été fortement modifiée (cf ci-dessous). En bas de l’interface, on peut observer le bandeau, il est identique à ce que donne le plugin en page d’accueil de votre blog. Il est disponible en téléchargement dans sa version 0.3 ci dessous : J’espère revenir très bientôt avec d’autres nouveautés.

My First Tweet: Find Your First Words

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