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CSS3 Snippets for Front-End Web Developers

How to line up TABLE cell contents (TD) How to I get things to align properly within my tables? example To place text or graphics where you want in a TABLE Cell (TD) Just find the look you like, and find the ALIGN and VALIGN values. ALIGN is for horizontal placement and VALIGN is for the vertical. How to Create a Social Media Editorial Calendar January is always a fresh time to fine tune online marketing habits. One good place to start is the social media editorial calendar. You remember, that file you started last year and haven’t opened since? On the flipside it could be a daily master plan that you did follow that made your analytics go through the success roof.

Koloria: Free Icons Set Dear readers, designers, developers and bloggers, I am pleased to announce you my second free icon set, Koloria. It contains more than 160 pixel perfect icons (32×32 pixels) and is suitable for various types of commercial or open source projects. Preview Koloria Icon Set - 35949 downloads A Free Multipurpose Icon Set I designed Koloria in order to cover as many needs as possible. Best CSS Code Snippet Sites On the web there are many different code repositories of web programming languages from which you can take free or licensed, but mostly free, small snippets for personal and professional use. Many are also collaborative communities that share code and discuss with others. Here is a small selection: asdfgas CSS Tricks CSS Tricks offer CSS code snippets but also some for HTML, HTAccess, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP and Wordpress. Although it is an HTML5 repository, labels filter snippets for CSS3 very well.

CSS3 :First-Of-Type Structural Selector One thing that I love about CSS3 is is the new addition of selectors that allow us to target elements specifically without relying on the class, id or other element attribute, and one that we will cover here is the following selector, :first-of-type. The :first-of-type selector will target the first child of the specified element, for example, the snippet below will target the first h2 on the web page. h2:first-of-type { /* style declaration */ } The :first-of-type is also equal to :nth-of-type(1), so rather than selecting only the first of the type, we can further select the second, the third and so on. The following snippet will target the second h2 element on the web page.

8 Visual Content Apps to Create Stunning Images and Videos Do you want to present visual messages in new ways? Are you looking for new design tools to help you create visual content? Social media is nothing without images. From simple blog graphics to memes and videos, visuals help us communicate with and engage our audiences. In this article I’ll show you eight design resources and tools that can help you create visual content quickly and easily.

15+ Free Patterns for your Designs Here at WDL we love to gather good resources for our readers, specially because we know that having a solid library to count on is really important to every designer. Today we will show you 15+ free patterns to give your next project a nice and subtle touch. From backgrounds to specific areas of a layout, patterns can add a lot of personality to a design, so check them out. Subtle Light Tile Pattern Vol5 Wood Pattern Background Maze White Beveled, Pressed & Shadow Borders with CSS This week, I’ve been doing some website re-tooling. I’m converting my WordPress site from a self-built theme to a fully awesome and optimized Standard Theme without changing my overall design. Of course, I am making some minor changes here and there with things I didn’t like or could be better.
