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tPago Les 100 bonnes idées à importer en France (1 à 10) Tickets de bus par SMS, distributeurs de livres, vente de médicaments à l’unité... Voici les dix premières bonnes idées suggérées par nos riverains de l’étranger. Le vendredi 5 juillet, nous avons lancé un appel à nos riverains vivant à l’étranger. Nous avons déjà reçu des dizaines de suggestions, que nous vous présenterons petit à petit. Merci de nourrir cette rubrique en nous envoyant de courts textes décrivant des trucs que vous souhaiteriez importer en France (quelques paragraphes et, si nécessaire, une photo ou une vidéo). Les chauffeurs de taxi qui vous reconduisent, vous et votre auto Prague, République tchèque Capture d’écran du service Drink SOS, à Prague A Prague, en République tchèque, la tolérance pour l’alcool au volant est de 0,0 degré. Il mobilise deux conducteurs : l’un vous reconduit chez vous, dans votre propre voiture, l’autre suit au volant d’un autre véhicule pour pouvoir ramener le premier chauffeur. (Merci à Guillaume.) Des machines distributrices de livres En Vendée

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Perrier Secret Place Perrier believes that drinking water at a party is the best way to not miss a single thing. After all – when you are more aware, you experience more. Perrier Secret Place is an immersive digital experience that lets you live the ultimate party you've always dreamed of. Through a 90-minute film that works like a video game, users are invited to experience the perspective of 60 different characters – experiencing the party not just through one point of view, but 60 wild fantasies. Our goal was to give people the opportunity to live an experience they've only dreamed about. This idea is only possible thanks to the technology we have at our disposal today.

Run That Town The Australian Bureau of Statistics was looking for ways to get people more engaged with Census data to help them understand why the data matters and how it can help guide planning and policy decisions. But most people don’t get a chance to make those kind of decisions. To them, the Census data can just seem like so many numbers. Instead of trying to tell Australians how much this data matters, our goal was to create an accessible and engaging way they could use that data for themselves. We took the data from every postal area in Australia and turned it into a mobile game.

Local Attorney Ad Goes Viral with More Than 5 Million YouTube Views If you own a local business, how would you like your ad to be viewed more than five million times in just over a week. Yeah, we thought so. Well, that’s what happened to personal injury lawyer Jamie Casino (real name Jamie Biancosino) when he posted a video he had made for local airing in the Savannah, GA, area during last week’s Super Bowl to YouTube. Of course, Casino’s ad was not seen nationally at first like those of many of the major Super Bowl sponsors. The key to the ad’s success may be the video itself. “You take a big chance when you do things like this. He says the spot is not so much an ad for his law firm (though, clips from his law ads clearly appear at the beginning of the video.) If we are to believe the narrative of the video, Michael’s death turned his brother Jamie’s life around. Full of dark imagery, heavy metal music, pyrotechnics, and dramatically shot vignettes, the video tells the story of Jamie’s journey. Image: Video Still
