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Essential tools for every web designer

Essential tools for every web designer
Every web designer requires the right tools to do their job. To create well crafted original designs you certainly need to be inspired to do so. Getting to that point is sometimes the hardest challenge in the field of web design. Luckily enough for us and our fellow design community there are tools available to assist in completing the job quicker and more efficiently. Below, I have outlined a list of tools I recommend for any web designer. Color Adobe Kuler (free) A great tool offered by Adobe which allows members to upload, create, and edit color schemes of their choice. Pictaculous (free) From the creators of Mailchimp comes a color palette generator different to any other. Colorzilla (free) ColorZilla for Google Chrome is an extension that assists web developers and graphic designers with color related tasks – both basic and advanced.ColorZilla includes a Color Picker, Eye Dropper, Gradient Generator and many additional advanced color tools. (free) Hues ($2.99) Typography Related:  Web Design Resources

Web Design For Dummies Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet Web design can be technically demanding, but don't underestimate the importance of the visual aspects. How your Web pages look — whether you're presenting pure information or adding navigation tools — has a great influence on how long visitors stay on your Web pages. So it pays to pay attention to design elements to achieve graphic good taste. Basic Web Design Tips When designing web pages, you need to think visually. Design the web page interface to fit within the first 800 x 600 pixels so that the important content is visible when the page first loads. The following figure puts these principles to practice: Web Design Tips for Graphics Graphics are a huge part of web design. Build all web graphics in 72 dpi, the standard display resolution of the web. Web Design Tips for Presenting Information As you design web pages, think graphically even when all you're presenting is pure information. Web Design Tips for Navigation Tools

Mozilla Labs : TogetherJS TogetherJS is a free, open source JavaScript library by Mozilla that adds collaboration features and tools to your website. By adding TogetherJS to your site, your users can help each other out on a website in real time! Built for the web. TogetherJS is implemented in JavaScript; no software or plugins to install, and it's friendly with existing web pages, while still letting developers customize the experience. By someone you trust. TogetherJS is built and hosted by Mozilla, so you know it's safe to use.

8 Useful Online Tools for Web Designers and Developers Finding stuff to make your life easier is one of our passions. Whether it be freebies like fonts and icons, or tools to help you do your job, we search and find them so you can focus on the important things. For this post, we’ve found some online tools that are useful for design and development tasks, and the best part is…they’re all free to use. 0 to 255 0 to 255 is a simple tool that helps web designers find variations of any color. Spritebox Spritebox is a WYSIWYG tool to help web designers quickly and easily create CSS classes and IDs from a single sprite image. jsFiddle JsFiddle is a playground for web developers, a tool which may be used in many ways. Frame Box Frame Box is an easy to use online tool for creating and sharing wireframes. CSS3 Generator CSS3 Generator is a simple tool that creates some cross-browser CSS3 code based on whatever values you want. ProCSSor ProCSSor is a powerful (and wholly free) CSS prettifier that lets you format CSS in the exact way you want.

Pixel Perfect Precision Handbook Almost a year and a half after the first release of the PPP handbook – we still love pixels. It seems like you do too as we’ve had some great feedback. We’ve been working hard to make it bigger, better, and more useful. Download the new handbook here… If you’re having any problems downloading from the above links then please try these instead… Here’s a quick run down of what’s new in version 2: Restructured – From our own experiences and what we’ve seen and heard from other people using the handbook, we realised a few things: We have been guilty of skipping over the program-specific tips and techniques when introducing newcomers to our pixel perfect practice so we could talk about design principles.There’s such a wide range of users and disciplines using the handbook as a guide to learn about interface design.It’s clear lots of you out there who are just after Photoshop advice and already know a lot about the foundations of design.

Using HTML5/Canvas/Javascript to take screenshots Free PSDs & Resources for Web Designers by Orman Clark Choose a website builder: 12 top tools | Web design After hours of looking online for some web design inspiration, you're ready to get started with a new site and now need a website builder. There are a multitude to choose from, so which is the best? Well, for a start, you'll be looking for a website builder that can create your website in the latest version of HTML, HTML5. We've scoured the web to find you the best HTML5 website builders – in no particular order – that fit these requirements and more. 01. If the website you need to build is an online store, Shopify is a good choice. There are loads of templates and themes so you can put your store together exactly as you want, and if you think you might need something more advanced in the future, it's easy to find an expert to help you. The 41 greatest free web fonts 02. Free and open source, Silex can be used entirely within the browser and works with you, whatever your skill level. There are plenty of templates - both free and paid - and widgets to choose from, plus built-in SEO. 03.

