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Sixty Years Of Memories For my dad's 60th birthday last week, I wanted to do something really fun. My dad and I talk a lot about the past---nostalgia runs in our blood, I think---and we both love to reminisce. Inspired by Jordan Ferney's Postcard Birthday Poster, I started batting around an idea: what if I could get everyone from my dad's past to contribute a memory they had of him? What if I had all those people send their memories to me, and then I put each one into an envelope---sixty total, of course---and had him open them, one by one, on his birthday? That would be a lot of memories, right? So I wrote an email. Hello everyone! If you're receiving this email, you probably know that our dad, Patrick Burns, is turning 60 next month (much as he would hate us to be reminding everyone, I'm sure.) And this is where you come in! If you have a spare moment in the next few days, we would be so grateful if you'd jot down a favorite memory you have of our dad and put it in the post. Thank you so much again.

Free Classic AudioBooks. Digital narration for the 21st Century 20 GIF Reactions to Real-Life Situations (9.26.11 Here’s a fresh round of animated GIFs that perfectly characterize how it feels when we encounter these everyday scenarios. When someone steps on the back of your shoe When someone you hate says something funny When you have too much sugar When you see your ex after the breakup When you’re in the back seat and the front windows are down When people don’t warn you before taking your picture When your phone rings while you’re trying to take a nap When lyrics websites won’t let you copy the lyrics When people smoke near you When your girlfriend calls to tell you her problems When you’re watching something for the first time and say, “That’s where that GIF is from!” When you feel people staring at you When you have a message on tumblr When you have to sneeze, but it won’t come out When you were at a pet shop as a kid When you are at a pet shop today When you ask for a bite of food and your friend says, “Actually, you can have the rest.” When you’re at a restaurant and you see your food coming Related Posts:

25 Spectacular Movies You (Probably) Haven't Seen Pt. 2 Human Traffic Very unique comedy about the drug/club culture in the UK. Five friends ponder society, drug use and their own lives as they go about their usual weekend of snorting, smoking, popping, dancing and sex. The Matador Pierce Brosnan plays an assassin going through a mid-life crisis as he approached retirement. The Good, The Bad, And the Weird Two comical outlaws and a bounty hunter fight for a treasure map in 1940s Manchuria while being pursued by the Japanese army and Chinese bandits. Tucker and Dale vs. A group of college students go camping for the weekend and, through a series of unlucky events, begin thinking that the harmless Tucker & Dale (pictured above) are trying to kill them. New Kids Turbo An absolutely nutty movie from the Netherlands. Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang KKBB is a murder-comedy (?) Big Trouble Big Trouble is one of those movies where all of these different people end up intertwined at the end of the movie. Once Upon A Time In The West Persepolis 13 Assassins Dr. Drive

Comfort Trailer Home “ProtoHaus” Do you want to travel with home comfort? If yes – check this amazing timber trailer home. ProtoHaus is a timber frame or “stick built” house with accent on sustainability, functionality, and aesthetics. It’s fabricated primarily from recycled and reclaimed materials. The building process was overseen and assisted by S. C. Modern Small Apartment With Delightul Details Advertisement Looking planning solutions for tight spaces? Development of a small apartment with a modest surface is always a challenge for anyone. The experience and professionalism of designers, but also the original concept, creativity and imagination put their stamp on the work done over time. Economy, functionality and privacy describe perfectly this project. It displays interesting features that range from the floor plan and sculpted-wooden volume that contrasts very well with beautiful minimalist furniture. Design Team: Jordan Parnass, Darrick Borowski, Danny Orenstein, Sean KarnsPhotography: Frank Oudeman, Sean Karns

quotes 526 427 66 1220 960*♥ maddy jonas edited and created these IMAGE QUOTES and SAYINGS they are for your use, pink, cream, beige, lavender, green, blue, lilac, sand, beach, ocean, quote,lyric, ily, I love you, peter pan and wendy turned out fin, joe jonas, nick jonas, Kevin jo 47 1299 2915 258 1308 1071 2162 2857 218 119 2375 689 608 150 632 3533 2423 1335 1450 96 1424 1151 108 1257 1331 1989 167 2666 1676 686 1159 668 314 1897 59 2219 407 7 47 221 1247 2962 1199 1179 865 1637 2780 2549 478 125 1511 473 83 1167 1390 68 137 816 1425 39 49 768 361 707 668 641 25 395 811 520 279 248 33 185 24 150 265 505 3098 8 Ways to be UBER Charismatic What did JFK, Marilyn Monroe and Hitler all have in common? They were all renowned charismatics that lit up every room they entered. You’ve most likely met one of these kinds before. The guy/girl at the party. Robert Greene studied these people and detailed the methods one can use to become a charismatic in his book “The Art of Seduction.” Purpose Pick a cause, a goal, a vision and live it. Mystery Become mysterious (like Bruce Wayne) by being unpredictable. Saintliness Think Gandhi. Eloquence Speak slowly and hypnotically, with random pauses if needed. Theatricality Be larger than life. Danger/Spontaneity Radiate dangerous, rebellious sexuality. Vulnerability Have a soft side and love your followers. Magnetism Develop a piercing gaze. DO NOT COMMENT.

How to Stop Worrying Undoing the Worrying Habit Once acquired, the habit of worrying seems hard to stop. We're raised to worry and aren't considered "grown up" until we perfect the art. Teenagers are told: "you'd better start worrying about your future". To the extent that worrying is learned/conditioned behaviour, it can be undone. Centuries-old cultural conditioning has given us a nasty neurosis: the belief that happiness must be "earned". Laid on top of the first neurosis is the idea that spending money will make you happy. So: we never stop working, we never stop spending money, we're never really happy – ideal conditions, coincidentally, for a certain type of slave economy. You won't stop worrying if you think it serves you. The fight-or-flight response (FOF) is useful on rare occasions of real danger. Worrying is never useful. Rearranging the mental furniture This deceptively simple technique is effective because it bypasses the psychological obstacles mentioned above. Accelerator-Brake analogy

15 Ways to Get Past an Awkward Moment Aug 13, 2012 We’ve all been in awkward situations, our lives are full of them. Nobody’s perfect, but how you handle it can turn an awkward moment into a partial win. Below you will see 15 awkward situations and what these people did to try and turn it around. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. *Bonus* If you enjoyed this post, the Sifter highly recommends: Happy End This is a story about cats and dogs that have found a new home and regain their will for life… Related Posts 10 Reasons Why Dogs are Better Than Cats Cat Island, Japan Seven Awesome Reasons Why Dogs are Men’s (and Women's) Best Friend Problems with Husky Secrets of Dogs and Cats Funny Cats Black Animals Luxurious place for cats
