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What You Can Do Are you being bullied? Do you see bullying at your school? There are things you can do to keep yourself and the kids you know safe from bullying. Treat Everyone with Respect Nobody should be mean to others. Stop and think before you say or do something that could hurt someone.If you feel like being mean to someone, find something else to do. What to Do If You’re Bullied There are things you can do if you are being bullied: Look at the kid bullying you and tell him or her to stop in a calm, clear voice. There are things you can do to stay safe in the future, too. Talk to an adult you trust. Protect Yourself from Cyberbullying Bullying does not always happen in person. Always think about what you post. Stand Up for Others When you see bullying, there are safe things you can do to make it stop. Talk to a parent, teacher, or another adult you trust. Not saying anything could make it worse for everyone. Get Involved You can be a leader in preventing bullying in your community.

Après les Etats-Unis et la Suède, l'Italie observe également une pluie d'oiseaux morts L'Italie est, après les États-Unis et la Suède, le troisième pays à observer une pluie d'oiseaux morts. C'est au nord-est du pays, à Faenza, que des tourterelles et des pigeons sont tombés du ciel. Certains y voient la fin du monde, d'autres une étrange coïncidence. Après les Etats-Unis et la Suède, l'Italie est également frappée par une pluie mystérieuse d'oiseaux morts. Le phénomène s'est déroulé à Faenza, au nord-est du pays, avec cette fois-ci des tourterelles et des pigeons. Mais contrairement aux autres chutes d'oiseaux observées depuis quelques jours, la raison serait ici connue. Lire également : - Une pluie d'oiseaux morts s'abat sur une ville de l'Arkansas - La Suède également touchée par une pluie d'oiseaux morts Vous êtes déjà abonné ?

How to Use Twitter to Build Your Students’ Personal Learning Networks Licensed Under CCSA/stevegarfield You may be familiar with the Toyota Venza commercial where a young woman expresses concern over her parents’ 19 Facebook friends compared to her own 687 friends; all the while, her parents are out mountain biking. To many students, puppy videos and amassing a ridiculously large circle of “friends” is the epitome of social networking. Unbeknownst to them, another kind of network exists within their favorite social networks: the personal learning network (PLN). It’s up to savvy professors to direct students’ attention away from the puppy videos and toward conversations about research, trends and resources within their fields of study. Dr. Transforming Twitter From a Social Network to a PLN Drawing on social-constructivist pedagogy, Rhode knew he wanted his graduate students, who were in-service teachers, to engage with the subject matter and each other. So, what makes Twitter the perfect tool for building a robust PLN? Create hashtags for the course.

‫أدمين هرّابينو - الفيديو الذي فسخه النهضواين عديد المرات | Facebook‬ The Learning Project It's been said and discussed often here and many places that a real shift for educators is moving from teacher to learner. Not so much moving, we still need teachers, expertise matters but until we see ourselves as learners and intentionally show are students we can't be the educator our students need us to be. Last week I began my ECMP 355 course with largely freshman pre-service teachers. I'm trying to get them to consider something new. Last year i read Ewan's post about a 100 hour challenge. 1. 2. 3. 4. That's it. I'm really looking forward to my own learning but also watching others learn as well. Photo: Related Posts ‎Liste TKTL Ben Arous - قائمة التكتل بن عروس‎ A List of Free Must Have PDF Tools for Educators 1- PDF Aid PDF Aid is a cool web tool that allows users to easily extract images from PDF files. The tool is completely free and very simple to use. If you have a PDF containing several images and wondered how to extract all these images with a single click then PDF Aid will definitely be your solution. 2- PDF Reader PDF Reader is an amazing free tool that you can use to annotate your PDFs just as if you are editing a word document. 3- PDF to Excel Converter PDF to Excel Converter is a cool web tool that allows users to turn any PDF to Excel for easy editing. 4- PDF Converter PDF Converter is a great tool that allows its users to create PDFs from virtually any document format or convert PDF documents to Word, Excel and PowerPoint. 5- Web2PDF This service is particularly useful for those who have already set up a classroom blog or website or even a personal blog. 6- Booklet Creator As its name entails , it enables users to easily and quickly convert any PDF document to a printable booklet.

Libye : « La vérité est que nous négocions avec la France et non avec les rebelles », affirme Saif al Islam Le Gouvernement libyen de Mouammar Kadhafi mène des négociations avec le Gouvernement français, déclare Saif al Islam, un fils du colonel dans un entretien accordé à la presse algérienne, à paraître lundi. « La vérité est que nous négocions avec la France et non avec les rebelles », affirme Saif al Islam dans le journal El Khabar, lors d’une interview réalisée à Tripoli. « Notre émissaire auprès de (Nicolas) Sarkozy a indiqué que le président français a été très clair et lui a dit, ‘nous avons créé le conseil (des rebelles) et sans notre soutien, notre argent et nos armes, le conseil n’aurait jamais existé’ », ajoute al Islam. « La France a dit : ‘lorsque nous serons parvenus à un accord avec vous (Tripoli), nous obligerons le Conseil à cesser le feu’ », ajoute encore al-Islam. Paris, qui a été en pointe sur l’intervention militaire en Libye, semble avoir fait évoluer sa position sur le conflit, signe d’une impatience croissante à l’égard des maigres progrès enregistrés sur le terrain.

30+ Open Wikis Every Educator Should Know About | Education Technology, Apps, Product Reviews, and Social Media – Edudemic How Students Benefit From Using Social Media 12.65K Views 0 Likes A lot of criticism has been leveled at social media and the effect it has on the way students process and retain information, as well as how distracting it can be. However, social media offers plenty of opportunities for learning and interactivity, and if you take a moment to think about it, it's not too hard to see how students benefit from using social media. 3 Tech Tips Your Grandma Could Teach You 2.02K Views 0 Likes Those who have been using technology, in some form, have a few tech tips you should know about. C inné Why All Librarians Should be Vocal Advocates Photo by Talk Radio News Service Today, I had the opportunity to attend “Women 2020: How Women Are Reshaping the Economy, Politics and the World,” an event hosted by the National Journal magazine focused on bringing influential women in Washington together to discuss the evolving role of women in the economy, policy and politics. Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi headlined the event, and several women leaders spoke at the event, including Anu Bhagwati from the Service Women’s Action Network, Margaret Ann Hamburg from the Food and Drug Administration, and Rand Construction CEO Linda Rabbitt. At one point during the event, Pelosi told the audience about the weekly Tuesday dinners that she would have with several Democratic Members of Congress, including Sen. Barbara Boxer and Rep. Barbara Kennelly. Emily Sheketoff Executive Director, ALA Washington Office Like this: Like Loading...

Que va faire Microsoft avec #Skype ? Passage en revue des raisons stratégiques d'une telle acquisition Microsoft vient donc de réaliser la plus grosse acquisition de son histoire en s'offrant Skype pour plus de 8,5 milliards de dollars, en cash, dette incluse. Si le roi de la VoIP est cher payé, rappelons que le service affiche encore des pertes malgré des revenus en hausse, il constitue néanmoins une pépite avec ses 663 millions d’inscrits dont 124 millions d'actifs tous les mois et 8,1 millions d’utilisateurs payants, soit le numéro un mondial de la VoIP. Pour Microsoft, les conséquences de ce rachat sont multiples, autant en termes stratégiques que pour le développement de ses produits phares. -Un mouvement défensif fort En jouant la carte de la surenchère face à Google ou Facebook, Redmond coupe l'herbe sous le pied à ces deux géants. -Une offre de produits collaboratifs particulièrement boostée Segment porteur, les logiciels de collaboration et de communication unifiée sont en effet au coeur de l'offre Entreprise de Microsoft. Côté grand public, Microsoft a le choix.

The Flipped Classroom: Pro and Con In 2012, I attended the ISTE conference in San Diego, CA. While I was only there for about 36 hours, it was easy for me to pick up on one of the hottest topics for the three-day event. The "flipped classroom" was being discussed in social lounges, in conference sessions, on the exhibit floor, on the hashtag and even at dinner. People wanted to know what it was, what it wasn't, how it's done and why it works. What It Is According to the description on ASCD's page for the newly released book, Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day, by flipped-classroom pioneers Aaron Sams and Jonathan Bergmann, "In this model of instruction, students watch recorded lectures for homework and complete their assignments, labs, and tests in class." The authors go on to explain that the model is a mixture of direct instruction and constructivism, that it makes it easier for students who may have missed class to keep up because they can watch the videos at any time. What It Isn't

اشتباكات في قلب العاصمة التونسية وأحيائها ومزيد من القتلى والجرحى دبي – أمال الهلالي تواصلت الاشتباكات في قلب العاصمة التونسية والأحياء المجاورة لها مما أسفر عن سقوط المزيد من القتلى والجرحى. وتحدثت أنباء عن عودة انتشار الجيش بعد ساعات من انسحابه. وأكد الصحفي سفيان الشورابي في اتصال هاتفي مع "العربية نت" أن مواجهات دامية تدور حاليا في حي "لافايات" وحي "الباساج" بقلب العاصمة، أسفرت عن سقوط قتيل على الأقل، كما لقي آخر مصرعه برصاص الشرطة في شارع "ليون". وتوقفت وسائل النقل العمومي التي تغطي غرب العاصمة وجنوبها. وفرقت قوات الأمن بالقوة مسيرة نقابية دعا إليها الاتحاد العام التونسي للشغل انطلقت من بطحاء محمد علي وسط تونس. وعيّن الرئيس زين العابدين بن علي أسامة الرمضاني مستشاراً خاصاً له، وكان قد أقاله بن علي من منصب وزير الاتصال على خلفية الاحتجاجات الأخيرة، عقب أن أقال اليوم الخميس 13-1-2011 أقرب المستشارين له وهما عبدالوهاب عبدالله وعبدالعزيز بن ضياء. وأكد توفيق العياشي الصحافي بجريدة الطريق الجديد المعارضة في حديث لـ"العربية.نت" استمرار انتشار الجيش بوسط العاصمة. وأضاف أن مواجهات تجري في مدينة منزل بورقيبة التابعة لمحافظة بنزرت، سقط فيها قتلى من رجال الشرطة.
