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25+ Useful Infographics for Web Designers

25+ Useful Infographics for Web Designers
Infographics can be a great way to quickly reference information. Instead of pouring over figures and long reports to decipher data, an infographic can immediately make apparent exactly what a dataset actually means. Below are more than 25 infographics that can be useful to web designers. Some are incredibly practical, some provide information that might be of interest to designers and some just present data that might be interesting to those who design websites all day. If you know of any good ones that we may have missed, please add them in the comments section below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Protovis Protovis composes custom views of data with simple marks such as bars and dots. Unlike low-level graphics libraries that quickly become tedious for visualization, Protovis defines marks through dynamic properties that encode data, allowing inheritance, scales and layouts to simplify construction. Protovis is free and open-source, provided under the BSD License. It uses JavaScript and SVG for web-native visualizations; no plugin required (though you will need a modern web browser)! Although programming experience is helpful, Protovis is mostly declarative and designed to be learned by example.

Réparation auto - L'Encyclopédie de l'automobile Accueil > Réparation autoVotre voiture est en panne? Une réparation est à envisager? Pas de panique, découvrez tous les conseils pour éviter les problèmes et faire des économies. Au delà de l'entretien périodique de votre véhicule (plaquettes de frein, suspensions,...), il arrive malheureusement que celui-ci tombe en panne, qu'il soit recalé au Contrôle Technique, ou que vous ayez un accident. Des travaux de carrosserie (aile, portière), ou des opérations importantes peuvent être indispensables : changement d'embrayage, de cardans, problèmes d'airbags, ou encore joint de culasse, les causes peuvent être diverses. Et avec les modèles récents bourrés d'électronique, le diagnostic ou remplacement de pièces coute très cher : ABS, ESP, GPS, radars de recul ...

13 Really Useful Online CSS Tools to Streamline Development CSS is nearly used on every modern website design. However, having to write and structure CSS code from scratch every time you have a project is extremely time consuming. Below, we present you with 13 amazingly useful CSS tools for hacking on writing time consuming code. All posts Marcin Ignac Data Art with Plask and WebGL @ Resonate My talk at Resonate'13 about Plask and how I use it for making data driven visualizations Fast Dynamic Geometry in WebGL Looking for fast way to update mesh data dynamically. Piddle Qui sommes nous? : Drivepad Carnet d'entretien auto Drivepad Carnet d'entretien auto DrivePad : Le site internet pour les propriétaires de voiture Avec l'essor d'internet, les automobilistes peuvent désormais trouver en ligne, facilement toutes les informations qui concernent l'achat et/ou la vente de leur voiture. A contrario, il est très difficile de trouver des informations sur l'entretien, la réparation... Ces informations existent mais elles sont parcellaires, éclatées et souvent issues de sites marchands. Aucun site ne permet de les retrouver en un seul et même endroit, d'avoir un suivi précis du véhicule, de mettre en concurrence les garages, d'obtenir des devis en ligne avant de se déplacer ...

50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers - Smashing Magazine Being a web designer is not easy. Not only do we need to have a good understanding about visual design, typography, information architecture, psychology and a plethora of other disciplines; in our work, we need to take care of so many details, so that our job becomes more and more time-consuming, requiring dozens of tools, attention span and an effective workflow for beautiful, timely and functional results. And this is where small time-savers become handy.

Chartist - Simple responsive charts You may think that this is just yet an other charting library. But Chartist.js is the product of a community that was disappointed about the abilities provided by other charting libraries. Of course there are hundreds of other great charting libraries but after using them there were always tweaks you would have wished for that were not included. Le budget automobile des ménages devrait augmenter de 4 à 6 % en 2011 Le budget automobile des ménages est stable depuis de nombreuses années. Il représente aux alentours des 12% (chiffres Insee/Bipe 2008) du budget global des ménages. Les Français arbitrent entre leurs dépenses ; c’est pourquoi, le nombre de kilomètres parcourus baisse. En 2008, avec le choc pétrolier, la baisse avait été très importante. Si l’on intègre l’achat de la voiture dans le budget, celui-ci devrait progresser de 6% en 2011 par rapport à 2010. En effet, les prix à l’achat des voitures pourraient augmenter en moyenne de 8%.

50 Lists to Write to Lift Your Spirits & Demanding Joy - StumbleUpon As a structural thinker, I love to make lists. Getting everything out of my head and down on paper in an orderly fashion puts me at ease. Rather than grocery lists and to-do lists, try some of these. They’re sort of an inventory of your life and all the good things in it. If your brain is more creative, your lists can be graphical or in the form of a mind map – whatever speaks to you. Alt Codes - How to make those Smiley Faces For those who would like to know how to do the copyright symbol © or the Registered Trademark symbol ® or other things like funny faces etc. For all of these you press the ALT key and while the ALT key is pressed down you put in the numbers from your NUMBER PAD on your keyboard- (it won't work using the numbers at the top of the keyboard) make sure your NUM LOCK is ON. There are all different kinds of codes, from those drivers use in a truckers report forum to Alt codes like those found here. Of course when truckers report in on a truckers report forum their codes are very different from those found below, they don't comment on copyright codes but rather codes of the road...even still codes are extremely important in various occupations. Below you'll find a comprehensive list to help you learn more about Alt Codes. ¤ - Alt 15 ¶ - Alt 20 § - Alt 21 | - Alt 124 Ç - Alt 128
