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Five Ways to Become Happier Today

Five Ways to Become Happier Today
Transcript Question: What can people do each day to be happier? Tal Ben-Shahar: The first thing to do to become happier, paradoxically, is to accept painful emotions, to accept them as a part of being alive. You know, there are two kinds of people who don't experience painful emotions such as anxiety or disappointment, sadness, envy; two kinds of people who don't experience these painful emotions. They are the psychopaths and the dead. Question: Are there specific things people can do? Tal Ben-Shahar: Then I think -- yeah. Physical exercise contributes a great deal to happiness; in fact, there is research showing that regular exercise, three times a week for 30 to 40 minutes of aerobic exercise, could be jogging or walking or aerobics or dancing, three times a week of 30 to 40 minutes of exercise is equivalent to some of our most powerful psychiatric drugs in dealing with depression or sadness or anxiety. Question: How can we cultivate gratitude? Tal Ben-Shahar: Okay.

Christophe André Psycho Actif, le blog de Christophe André
