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Réalisations - Alim. led Electronique > Réalisations > Alimentations > Alimentation d'une LED Dernière mise à jour : 06/03/2016 Présentation Les lignes qui suivent décrivent comment utiliser une LED de façon isolée ou en groupe, avec des tensions alternatives ou continues. Pour plus de renseignements concernant ce composant, merci de vous reporter à la page Théorie - LED. Bases - Alimentation en basse tension continue Une LED, si on l'alimente directement et sans autre forme de procès à une source de tension continue (pile 9 V neuve par exemple) ou à une source de tension alternative (secondaire d'un transformateur 220V / 9V par exemple), a 99% de chances de griller. Sur le schéma qui précède, la valeur de la résistance R1 est donnée à titre indicatif, la tension V n'étant pas spécifiée. La LED utilisée pour les deux expériences qui suivent est une LED verte fonctionnant de façon nominale avec une tension de 2,2 V et un courant de 20 mA. Valeurs typiques de tensions et courants pour quelques LED Remarques Oulà !

MIDIbit | littlebits MIDI interface ABCelectronique, portail de l'électronique Dangerous Prototypes | A new open source hardware project every month Motors and Microcontrollers 101 Electric motors are a key way of converting electrical power (voltage and current) into mechanical power (torque and speed), and because electric motors are simple and reliable machines, they can be found all over, in many different shapes and sizes. Just considering a normal (gasoline-powered) car, there are a great number of electric motors: the powerful starter motor and alternatoralternating windshield wiper motorsintermittent-use power windows and door locksthe blower fan that moves hot and cold air into the cabinthe tiny motors inside the CD player And I'm sure you can think of others. While a full analysis would have to look simultaneously at the motor and the attached mechanical system, in this video tutorial we're just going to address the electrical side of the system. Here are some photos and drawings related to the video (click to enlarge): Our final motor control circuit looks like this: Spinning the motor makes a voltage. Go give them a try! Maximum forward current.

» Electrónica completa b e a . s t [an error occurred while processing this directive] Magnetic Levitation using Hall effect Sensor Feedback, and Matched resonant wireless power transfer This work was completed initially for a final project for Joe Paradiso's class MAS.836 - Sensor systems for Interactive Environments, taken Spring 2oo5. Click to watch the following movies:Magnet Levitation Movie [100 megs], or in Small form. Motivation: My goal is to build the subsystems to be able to magnetically [stably] levitate a lightbulb that is powered at all times through the air using a matched resonant air-core transformer. In order to levitate a lightbulb, there are three main systems that needed to be explored and techniques that needed to be developed. Implementation: The general goal setup is as shown to the right. Around the electromagnet sits another coil, the primary of an air-core resonant transformer; the secondary winding sits near the neodymium magnets inside the light bulb. Hall Effect Sensing: One problem remains.

Robótica y Electrónica Hobby projects - Simple electronic circuits Computer microphones Learn how to interface electret and dynamic microphones to the standard computer sound card. Metal detectors Theory of operation and schematics of the most common metal detectors used today: Very Low Frequency (VLF), Pulse Induction (PI) and Beat-Frequency Oscillator (BFO). Wireless microphone The wireless microphone transmitter can be built in an afternoon with simple, affordable and widely available parts.
