Motivational Phrase
5 ways to build lasting self-esteem
Monica Ramos Many of us recognize the value of improving our feelings of self-worth. When our self-esteem is higher, we not only feel better about ourselves, we are more resilient as well. But as wonderful as it is to have higher self-esteem, it turns out that improving it is no easy task. Part of the problem is that our self-esteem is rather unstable to begin with, as it can fluctuate daily, if not hourly. Lastly, having high self-esteem is indeed a good thing, but only in moderation. That said, it is certainly possible to improve our self-esteem if we go about it the right way. 1. Positive affirmations such as “I am going to be a great success!” 2. Self-esteem is built by demonstrating real ability and achievement in areas of our lives that matter to us. 3. One of the trickiest aspects of improving self-esteem is that when we feel bad about ourselves we tend to be more resistant to compliments — even though that is when we most need them. 4. 5.
Required watching for any TED speaker: The science of stage fright
One thing can strike fear into the heart of the fiercest warrior, the most powerful CEO and the smartest person in any given room: having to speak in public. The thought of it makes the palms sweat, the heart beat faster and the limbs start to shake. An estimated 75% of people have a fear of speaking in public, and it’s something that nearly everyone who takes the TED stage must work hard to overcome. This TED-Ed lesson, the science of stage fright, just might help. In the lesson — which is taught by educator Mikael Cho and directed by animator Robertino Zambrano of KAPWA Studioworks — looks at stage fright not as an emotion, but as a physiological response. “Humans are wired to worry about reputation. The lesson explains exactly what happens in the body before speaking in public and, of course, gives suggestions on how to calm stage fright. Over on the TED-Ed blog, animator Zambrano shares what shaped the imagery for this very cool lesson.
The benefits of a good night's sleep - Shai Marcu
"Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." -- Benjamin Franklin, 1758 (in Poor Richard's Almanac) A third of our life is spent sleeping. How much sleep a person needs changes as one ages. A new mother needs seven hours of sleep per night, but her newborn baby needs 12-18 hours of sleep per night. The hippocampus plays an important role in helping us to remember. Research shows that during sleep our brain's structure is being altered. Many studies show the remarkable role of sleep in memory. Have you ever wondered if you can learn while you are sleeping? The track used in this animation is called “No Squirrel Commotion” by Chad Crouch.
Toastmasters Club Officers - Roles and Responsibilities - San Clemente Toastmasters
All officers are elected for either six months or one year, at the Club’s decision. Terms of office are from January 1st to June 30th and July 1st to December 31st for clubs with six-month terms, or July 1st to June 30th for clubs with annual officer terms. President The President presides at meetings of the Club, has general supervision of the operations of the Club. Vice President Education Second ranking officer of Club. Vice President Membership Third ranking officer. Vice President Public Relations Fourth ranking officer. Secretary/Treasurer (can be one or two positions) The Secretary is responsible for Club records and correspondence. The Treasurer is responsible for Club financial policies, procedures and controls. Sergeant at Arms Prepares meeting room for meeting. Immediate Past President The Immediate Past President supports the club officers. Officer Duties Each of the officers in a Toastmasters club has duties to fulfill in support of the members of the club.
Critical Thinking Exercises That Will Blow Your Students’ Minds
Editor’s note: This is an updated version of our article on critical thinking exercises that really stretch your learners’ abilities, with even more activities added. Real critical thinking exercises seek truth. It takes daring and independent thought to stray from conventional thinking and discover truths previously unfound. It could be said that critical thinking is at the heart of dispelling great myths about our world and changing the way a society views and acts in their world. According to Jon Warner, critical thinking differs from both analytical thinking and lateral thinking in the following ways: This slideshare states, “Critical Thinking is reasonable reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe or do … critical Thinking is best understood as the ability of thinkers to take charge of their own thinking.” Critical Thinking Exercises: Our Mind-Blowers So what are some critical thinking exercises that blow students’ minds? Ethical and Moral Dilemmas Sample image 1
PowerPoint Presentation Tips from 7 Stellar SlideShare Decks
With few exceptions, almost everyone is at least a little anxious about public speaking. Whether you’re gearing up for an important marketing presentation to the board—or making the toast at your brother’s wedding—you likely struggle to get those butterflies flying in formation. PowerPoint decks present their own unique challenges. Is your font large enough for the audience to see from the back of the room? Do your images support your message? Are you telling a story … or regurgitating the bullet points on your slides? To discover answers to these common questions, find solutions to the public speaking jitters and suggest some useful PowerPoint presentation tips, I turned to SlideShare. There’s certainly no shortage of compelling PowerPoint presentations on SlideShare. 1: “You Suck at PowerPoint” by Jesse Desjardins You may not “suck” at PowerPoint but you’ll find some stunning design in this presentation. 2: “Glossophobia—The Fear of Public Speaking” by Alaa Moustafa 6: “What Would Steve Do?
How the food you eat affects your brain - Mia Nacamulli
Your brain is like a machine that needs specific materials to function well. This website breaks down the different nutritional parts that are necessary, and how they interact with the brain. Take a look and learn about some brain food. Those amino acids are essential for brain function too. Don’t forget about those micronutrients! What happens if our brains, specifically young, growing brains, don’t get the nutrition they need? How sugar affects the brain - Nicole Avena How stress affects your brain - Madhumita Murgia What percentage of your brain do you use?