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PHP Essentials

PHP Essentials

Practical PHP Programming PHP and MySQL Tutorial - Lesson 1 Open source has brought a lot more than Linux to the computing world. It has also given us PHP and MySQL. In the first installment of this three-lesson tutorial, we cover everything you need to know to begin developing database hubs. You’ll get instructions for installation on both Unix and Windows, and then you’ll learn some simple scripts that will insert information into a database and display that data on a web page. Lesson 2 covers more PHP/MySQL goodies than you could probably imagine:while loops, the ever-useful if-else statement. In Lesson 3, you’ll learn some of the secrets that will turn your simple data-driven site into a useful application.

JS & AJAX | 1stwebdesigner - Graphic and Web Design Blog In this tutorial, we are going explore the basics of jQuery animations for you to get prepared for advanced designs. Animations is the core functionality behind the interactive elements in web design. The design of a website plays a major role in attracting visitors on a consistent basis. Interactive designs get more attention compared to the plain old static designs. Technology is improving at a rapid pace to cater the advanced modern web designs. Let’s get started! Read More Hello Everyone! In the first part we identified the importance of WordPress plugins for you as designers and the basic structure of a plugin. I am happy to announce that SlidesJS has won the voting contest and I’ll be using it through the rest of this tutorial series. Read More Sliders are a common component used in website design and for various purposes. Layered Sliders – This is the latest addition to sliders with parallax effect.Fade In/Out Sliders – These types of sliders do not have controls. Read More Read More

Dive Into HTML5 ive Into HTML5 seeks to elaborate on a hand-picked Selection of features from the HTML5 specification and other fine Standards. The final manuscript has been published on paper by O’Reilly, under the Google Press imprint. Buy the printed Work — artfully titled “HTML5: Up & Running” — and be the first in your Community to receive it. Your kind and sincere Feedback is always welcome. Table of Contents “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.” Copyright MMIX–MMXI Mark Pilgrim PHP 101: PHP For the Absolute Beginner [box] For a complete list of Zend Training Courses – PLEASE CLICK HERE ! [/box] This area is intended for everyone new to PHP. It opens with a series of informal, entertaining tutorials written by Vikram Vaswani, founder and CEO of Melonfire. These tutorials build on a previously-published 5-part series which has now been updated and extended to embrace PHP 5, making parts of it suitable for those of you who already have worked with PHP 4 in the past. If you came here to learn about elementary PHP 4 or basic PHP 5, this is for you. PHP 101 (part 1): “Down the Rabbit Hole” An introduction to PHP’s variables and operators.PHP 101 (part 2): “Calling All Operators” The rest of the PHP operators (there are many), and simple form processing.PHP 101 (part 3): Looping The Loop Basic control structures explained.PHP 101 (part 4): The Food Factor Arrays, PHP array functions, and what it all means.

35 Beautiful Unusual Web Designs Advertisement Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Web designs are one of best way to present your portfolio. Designing a website is an art that designers do supernaturally with ideas. Unusual web design might be difficult to design for any designer. In this round up, we’ve showcases 35 Beautiful Unusual Web Designs and inspirational web designer portfolios that’ll take your breath away. Moocup Get London Reading HTML5 Readiness CL Designz Dean Oakley Creative Capital Real-Visuals Roland Olbeter Narfstuff Jiri Tvrdek Paolo Cavanna Zillu Pixelcool Grip Limited Juan Diego Velasco Pretty Production Stripes Design Marc Anton Dahmen Architecture HTC Sense Nick Jones Digital Podge Veerle Dave Werner Veboo Labs Julia Noda Abm Carol Rivello Stuff and Nonsense Creative Thien Llt Group Conspiracy Userbrain Neighborhood Studio Caava

Essential JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners I would like to thank Rebecca Murphey for inspiring me to open-source this mini-book and release it for free download and distribution - making knowledge both open and easily available is something we should all strive for where possible. I would also like to extend my thanks to the very talented Alex Sexton who was kind enough to be the technical reviewer for this publication. I hope that it helps you learn more about design patterns and the usefulness of their application to JavaScript. Volume 2 of Essential JavaScript Design Patterns is currently being written and will be more detailed than this first edition. At the beginning of this book I will be focusing on a discussion about the importance and history of design patterns in any programming language. One of the most important aspects of writing maintainable code is being able to notice the recurring themes in that code and optimize them. You may ask why it’s important to understand patterns and be familiar with them.

PHP eBooks » FREE eBooks Download » PHP Ebooks Free download site ZIP eBook File "7.18 MB" , eBook Downloads [604] Mobile web content adaptation techniques Introduction This article will help you pick from amongst the many techniques for building a mobile website. It doesn't describe how to do it, rather it instead tries to help you to pick the right approach. Before we begin it's worth clarifying exactly what the goal of the exercise is. Generally speaking, people who are looking to build a mobile site fall into two categories. trying to make an existing website work passably well on mobile devices or, building a mobile experience from the ground up These two goals are quite different and tend to result in different approaches and solutions. In order to distinguish between the techniques available this article will use the terms resolution independence and content adaptation respectively. Evolution of content adaptation This article is designed to serve as a reference that describes many of the content adaptation techniques available, and some of the benefits and issues with each one. Responsive Design Mobile-First Responsive Design Summary

The Best Way to Learn PHP Learning something from scratch is almost always an arduous affair -- you simply have no idea as to where to start, or not to start, to kick things off. I loathed learning about the idiosyncrasies of C++'s syntax when all I wanted to learn were some darn programming concepts. As I'm sure you can agree, this is a less than ideal situation. This is where the Nettuts+ "The Best Way to Learn" series comes into the picture. Today, we're going to figure out the best way to learn PHP. Assignment #1: Disregard the Naysayers If you're reading this, chances are that you've Googled a lot to decide which language to learn and how. Haters gonna hate! As the popular saying goes, haters gonna hate! And let's not forget the sheer proliferation of hosts and frameworks PHP has spawned. Assignment #2: Install PHP through [X]AMP You could just install PHP but it gets quite boring without a server and some sort of database to play around with. This is where you grab a package such as XAMPP. Author: David Powers

Responsive Web Design · Diseño Web, diseño gráfico y programación “Responsive Web Design“, en español “Diseño Web adaptativo” es el método que sugiere que el diseño y el desarrollo Web deben responder al comportamiento y entorno del usuario. En pocas palabras, un sitio Web se debería adaptar correctamente al dispositivo con el que se está navegado, dígase smartphone, tablet, Web browser, etc; lograr que el sitio se adapte visual y funcionalmente al medio con el que se está accediendo a él. Esta práctica se lleva adelante poniendo en juego un conjunto de herramientas; templates flexibles, imágenes que se ajustan, javascript para identificar los tamaños de pantalla, CSS media queries para establecer estilos según los dispositivos, etc. El sitio deberá automáticamente adaptarse al tipo de dispositivo mostrando su contenido de manera correcta para le usuario. Media Queries Existen dos maneras de aplicar media queries, una de ellas es dentro de una hoja de estilos ya creada y la otra es crear hojas de estilos específicas según el dispositivo. Javascript Sony
