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The 20 Greatest Motivational Quotes Of All Time

The 20 Greatest Motivational Quotes Of All Time
inShare9 5If you like the following post, you can get an expanded version with 50 quotes as an ebook by signing up for my newsletter in the box on the left. Not only that, but you’ll get the heads up on forthcoming free books and Life Coaching specials as as well as my ebook that takes an in-depth look at goal setting. The 20 Greatest Motivational Quotes Of All Time I was playing about on Twitter the other day when I noticed an exchange about Life Coaching between two people I vaguely know. One person had made a comment (and I paraphrase) “Life Coaches are psychotherapists that can’t be bothered to finish their training” As you can imagine I had to have my say and I was told by the person in question that they managed to learn all they needed to learn about self development from reading blogs and furthermore nobody needed to hire a Life Coach. This exchange had me thinking for the millionth time, “There is no how it is, only how it is for you” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

5 Benefits of Meditation I Didnt Expect (and How They Can Make You... I’m not a meditation teacher. I’m not even a very enthusiastic meditator. I’ve averaged about 20 minutes once a week for the past couple of years, and any serious meditator will tell you that’s not enough to really benefit you. Except it seems like it is, because I’ve noticed some benefits that I can’t attribute to anything else. I’m sure I’d get far more benefit if I meditated more regularly (I’m experimenting quietly with doing that). But here’s what I’ve gained even from a rather hit-and-miss practice. Well-known benefits of meditation Everyone who knows much about meditation knows that it helps to decrease negative thoughts and increase positive ones. What I didn’t expect were the benefits I’m about to describe. 1. Meditation is, let’s face it, boring. Which is my point. That doesn’t sound like much of a benefit, until you reflect that the ability to do boring stuff is a key element of success. Practice that isn’t very entertaining is the way to become an expert, a success. 2. 3. 4.

the flowerchild dwelling: do what you can. – Mozilla Firefox I know that there are some of you who feel "behind." Like something hasn't *clicked*, yet. It feels like you're running in place. Isn't that the pits? You're doing everything you possibly can, but it feels like you're just not moving forward. Eff. When will things change? I know. But, I want to tell you: things do change. Keep going.

10 Websites To Make You Think | The Online Learning Blog from Study2U Supposedly browsing the internet requires more brain power than watching television. Although judging from some of the websites we’ve come across that assumption is cast into doubt. Here’s some of the sites we like that might get your brain to sit up and listen. Ted A conference that started in 1984 bringing together experts in technology, entertainment and design quickly grew into so much more. New Scientist The New Scientist website carries new articles from the magazine as well as the NS archive of over 76,000 pieces. Big Think The Big Think website is a collection of ‘global thought leaders’ who offer their thoughts and analysis on world events and other important developments. Café Scientifque ‘for the price of a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, anyone can come to explore the latest ideas in science and technology’ Breathing Earth This fantastic website by David Bleja demonstrates CO2 emissions and world population growth in real time on a global map. Arts & Letters Daily How Stuff Works

Things My Boyfriend Says People Search - Find People with MyLife™ – Mozilla Firefox Affirmations - Dream the Biggest DREAM - StumbleUpon There is no greateror more powerful affirmation than; I INTEND TO FEEL GOOD(repeat as often as necessary!). Affirm the following each morning and each night for the next 30 days or until it becomes the truth for you. I am abundant in every good way. Infinite money is mine to earn, save, invest, exponentially multiply, and share. My abundance is making everyone better off. I embrace abundance and abundance embraces me. All is well. I can accept whatever I am feeling today. I am exactly where I am supposed to be today. I listen with love and gratitude to my body's messages. Love fills me and heals me as I open to connect with the people in my life. Today I can handle whatever comes up, knowing that I am surrounded with all the positive energies of good and love in the universe. I have the courage to look without fear at what needs to be changed in my life. Every experience is perfect for my growth process. Today I am letting a power greater than myself remove all my fear. I trust my inner wisdom.

30 Very Funny Books--Seriously By Gina Barreca, Ph.D. It's a dreary day, so I thought I'd indulge myself and come up with a list of my favorite comedies. A caveat, however: this is not a fancy English-professor-y list of the finest, most exquisitely crafted, most erudite or intellectually sophisticated works on paper in the language. This is a list of the books that make me laugh until my mascara starts to run. These are books to read over your first cup of coffee or just before you go to sleep . Remember: a day you've laughed is day you haven't wasted--even if you didn't get out of bed. Some days you need a jump-start to get to the funny parts of life. You've probably heard of most of these titles, and maybe you've already read several of them. You ready? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. And of course this is just the beginning.

English Grammar 101 - Foreword – Mozilla Firefox Welcome to English Grammar 101. The author, Marvin Van Horne, originally created this instructional series from his love of language and the real world needs of his students. Once created, he quickly realized the series could not only benefit his students but anyone interested in improving his or her knowledge of the English language. Over his thirty-six year career, Marvin developed a teaching method that allowed students to learn language concepts and experience the language at the same time. Using this method, students were encouraged to repeat each lesson as many times as necessary until they scored 80% or better. This repetitive technique lead to dramatic improvements in a student's ability to learn and retain the concepts. Each lesson contained in English Grammar 101 is completely self correcting. This grammar series may be used for individual study, or as an instructional series for language art classes, alternative education settings, home schooling, or ESL courses.

The Art of Self Loving; a Puja to Yourself | Illuminated Mind In my past I’ve had a lot of failed relationships. I was never able to understand why these relationships failed until I took a closer look at myself. I realized that I was seeking approval and love from my partner, before I found it within myself. If we don’t have an adequate amount of self love, we’ll likely search for it somewhere outside ourselves. Love must first come from within. How can we cultivate love within us? In India, they have a practice called a puja. Here are some suggestions for making a puja to yourself: 1. Spend some time alone with yourself. Here are a few suggestions: Take yourself out to a movie. 2. Write a gratitude journal entry. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. 8. Aroma therapy. I hope you enjoy these simple suggestions for making a puja to yourself. What do you do to show yourself love? Related articles: If you enjoyed this article, please digg, stumble or share with one of the other links below. Share: Get everything you need to finally leave your job for good.

The Creators of Dorm Life | Destination Success | magazine Take one “born-again comedian,” (Chris Smith), a handful of talented actors, writers and friends, then add a video recorder, and you have Dorm Life, an exciting online mockumentary that follows 10 lovable (or not–so-lovable) characters as they navigate the residential halls of “5-South” dorm hall. Co-creator, Brian Singleton (Marshall Adams), says he and his friends had a vision. “Most [college shows and movies] are stereotypically told from a fraternity Greek system. We wanted to tell the story of the dorms, which has just as much adventure and romance and drama and discoveries as the Greek system. [Living in dorms] is something that’s been touched on a lot less.” Written and performed by current and former UCLA students, Dorm Life aims to add comedy to nerve-wracking issues every college student must face. And with Dorm Life’s standard five minute shorts, checking out an episode or two is the perfect way to spend a few minutes on your laptop while waiting for class to begin.

30andbroke: Oh God, you don’t even know… - bloom
