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Brain Connection Brain Teasers & Brain Games for Kids » Brain Connection

Brain Connection Brain Teasers & Brain Games for Kids » Brain Connection

ARVUTIÕPETUS Vajutades OPTIONS, saab ise valida mängu raskusastme (Level) ja kujundid (Tiles) - numbrid, tähed või pildid. Samuti saab ise sisse/välja lülitada taimeri ja heli ning muuta kujundite paigutust mängulaual. Vajutades HINT, saab kontrollida, kas oled kujundid lohistanud õigesse kohta, valed variandid kustutatakse. Ühenda punktid. Alusta number 1-st.

Tunnid arvutiklassis Educational Games – Free Online Learning Games for Kids – Knowledge Adventure First Grade Educational & Learning Games Online Puzzle games are an easy and fun way to keep your children occupied and learning at the same time. Tinkering with the right puzzle can grab your child's attention and help them develop more patience and improve their attention span. Indeed, our puzzle games help inspire better problem solving skills and reasoning skills in kids. Problem solving involves persistence and creative thinking. Kids must learn to assess a situation and figure out the right approach. Valuable lessons are learned through trial and error. Kids learn basic problem-solving strategies of persistence, and looking for patterns, similarities, and differences. We have wide variety of puzzles designed specifically to help develop a child's memory.
