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Cold Hands Warm Heart: Sewing Tips for Beginners

Cold Hands Warm Heart: Sewing Tips for Beginners
I don’t consider myself the best in the world at sewing, however, I have been doing it for quite a few years now and have learned a few things over the years that I feel are worth sharing (Side note: I started sewing at around age 8 when my Grandma gave me an old sewing box of hers. Back then my sewing projects mainly consisted of cutting the legs off my jeans and then sewing up the bottom to make a ridiculously ugly denim purse. I thought I was awesome and those denim bags would be my claim to fame one day). If you are like me and are self-taught at sewing then you know that it is a gradual process that includes stumbling upon random bits of information that, over time, improve your technique and skill level. Here is a list of things I wish I would have known sooner and some Blog articles that have helped me along the way: 1) The importance of ironing and steaming your projects 2) Interfacing…My new best friend This zipper pouch is not interfaced. 3) Using straight pins

Мастер- класс | Записи в рубрике Мастер- класс | Дневник Анжеличка БОЛЬШУЩЕЕ КОЛИЧЕСТВО мастер-классов ПО ВЯЗАНИЮ... СПИЦЫ, КРЮЧОК, ВИЛКА...в помощь для желающих научиться вязать, или пополнить свой сундучок знаний... Огромное количество мастер - классов на сайте МАГИЯ ВЯЗАНИЯ. Мастер классы сделаны в помощь для желающих научиться вязать, или пополнить свой сундучок знаний. ЛИЦЕВЫЕ ПЕТЛИ Лицевые и изнаночные петли - основа вязания спицами. ИЗНАНОЧНЫЕ ПЕТЛИ Для того, чтоб провязать изнаночную петлю, нить располагаем перед работой. СБОРКА ПЛЕЧЕВОГО ШВА Хочу показать вам один из вариантов сборки плечевого шва . СПОСОБЫ КЕТЛЕВАНИЯ. ЗАКРЫТИЕ ПЕТЕЛЬ В КОНЦЕ ЛИЦЕВОГО РЯДА 'ЗАДОМ НАПЕРЕД' При таком способе можно закрывать петли для пройм в одном ряду с двух сторон одновременно ЗАКРЫТИЕ ПЕТЕЛЬ КРЮЧКОМ ПРИ ВЯЗАНИИ СПИЦАМИ При закреплении петель крючком плотность края зависит от величины крючка. ЗАКРЫТИЕ ПЕТЕЛЬ ПРОТЯГИВАНИЕМ При закрытии петель протягиванием петли последнего ряда провязываются в соответствии с .... КРЕСТООБРАЗНЫЙ НАБОРНЫЙ КРАЙ. ВЯЗАНЫЙ ЛИФ.

DIY: 12 Fashion Projects Recycling is an important part of life. Ditto for diy fashion! You just cannot throw away your old discarded clothes. You need the bits and pieces for embellishing the plain Jane types and create a brand new clothing line absolutely for you! So get started by rummaging your wardrobe and drawers along with all corners of your house. Convert that expensive woolen dress into a loose tank top by adding lace on the sides. There is no dearth of ideas when it comes to diy fashion. Denim Tees Side Lacing Supplies: Jersey, Small T-shirt. Tutorial: Trash to couture Embellished Blouse for the real you Credit: StyleReload Metal Buckle hold up your brand new-old dress Dots in Gold make you bold Full Tutorial on I SPY DIY Blog Starry starry dress Zip it up! You can find full tutorial for this project on Trash to Couture Blog. Vibrant pink on dull tee Full Tutorial on wobisobi Blog Backing up your couture dress Photo: kambrey danielle Great adornment makes a Diva Full tutorial on Trash to Couture Blog

Patrons de couture | Les créas de Laeti Je voulais vous parler de ce livre qui vient de sortir en librairie et qui fait déjà parti de ma bibliothèque. Bon d’accord pour le moment, il est sur ma table de chevet voir squatte de temp en temps à coté de la machine à coudre. J’aime bien ce livre pour plusieurs raisons : - Il explique les bases - Il vous donne des indications sur comment bien utiliser un patron de couture - Il vous guide pour modifier son patron en fonction de l’effet voulu - Quand on merde et que ça plisse en fonction du type de pli il explique pourquoi on a obtenu ce résultat pourri. - …. Et le tout avec schémas et explications (et pas façon Burda – celles qui ont tentées les patrons burda comprendront) !! Bref un livre qui vous guide bien et vous permet d’évoluer quand comme moi vous n’avez jamais pris une seul cours de couture. Bonne lecture Vous aimez cet article ?

Breslo :: Comunitatea artizanilor handmade din Romania - cumperi si vinzi orice produs handmade, vintage sau materiale pentru mestesugarit Lovely Style: DIY: Clothes & Accessories I think this is cool | We Heart It Add to collections You don't have any collections… Be creative and start beautiful collections to organize your hearts and share with friends. report this entry Reporting an entry If this image belongs to you or is your intellectual property, please submit a copyright notification instead of reporting it. We encourage users to report abusive images and help us moderate the content on We Heart It. If you want to un-heart an image to remove it from your gallery, don't report it. Why are you reporting this entry? Added by Hannah I think this is cool You might like these too Log in and add tags to this image to see more things you might like! Cool braid

Pop Couture | La couture gratuite ! Jurnal de croitorie, tricotat si quiltuit: Tutorial pentru incepatoare - Modificarea tiparului (pattern alteration & truing) Duminica dimneata in pauza de cafea. Afara este intunecat, vor fi 18 grade maximum si ploua intr-una. De acum inainte asta ne va fi soarta. Sfarsit de vara olandeza. si pe care vreau sa-l transform ca sa pot croi aceasta rochita sarafan de la Zara: Primul lucru pe care trebuie facut este sa stabilesti diferentele dintre tipare / modele: * Spatele este aici dintr-o bucata, dar fata este din doua bucati. * Dublura (facing) trebuie adaugata in fata, atat la corsaj (bodice), cat si la fusta. [Fig. 1] Vedeti mai sus ca m-am cam chinuit sa aflu cat trebuie sa adancesc decolteul. [Fig 2] Liniile hasurate din partea dreapta a tiparului de pe Fig. 1 sunt liniile originale ale tiparului (linia albastra este linia de taiat / cutting line, linia rosie este linia de cusut / sttiching line).Dupa ce am fost multumita de rezultat, am copiat noile linii pe cealalta jumatate. Apoi am marcat linia verticala pe se va indoi partea din dreapta, care la femei se inchide deasupra partii din stanga. [Fig. 3] 2. 4.

Oversized Cropped Tank or Vest DIY Fashion What you’ll need. . . * NOTE: as you wear it the edges will curl a little …which actually makes it look better for a cropped look, pull it back more or cut the center shorter * NOTE #2: instead of ribbon you can cut strips out of the left over t-shirt, shoe laces, lace, anything! Voila! See how I wore it by clicking the links below… DIY Crop Vest with Jeans | DIY Cop Top with Tropical Skirt Have Fun! * Find all my DIYs here Une fée dans l'atelier Parcourir Les cours de couture auront lieu à la boutique de machine à coudre Centre PFAFF, 5, rue de Rivoli, à Paris. Métro Saint-Paul Le vendredi de 10h à 12h et le samedi de 16h30 à 18h30. Tarif : 35 € le cours de 2 heures 67 € les 2 cours 99 € les 3 cours 130 € les 4 cours 160 € les 5 cours Inscription et réservation au 06 11 38 75 18 ou par email : Cette catégorie est actuellement vide.

DE TOATE...: Rochite Sunt in cautare de rochite pentru copii mici pana la 2-3 ani:) Am gasit doua rochite care poate fi descarcat tiparul cu PDF...clic pe imagine -daca aveti si voi rochite cu tipare as vrea sa-mi scrieti:)
