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246 Healthy Recipes (That Won't Break the Bank)

246 Healthy Recipes (That Won't Break the Bank)

51 Paleo Snacks Anyone Can Love No grains? No problem. Paleo eaters may shun grains, processed vegetable oils, and refined sugars, but that doesn’t stop them from enjoying plenty of delicious dishes — and creating some downright ingenious recipe substitutions. Whether you’re a longtime primal eating fanatic or just curious about what it’s like to go back to dietary basics, we’ve got 51 delicious Paleo-approved snacks for whenever hunger strikes. Paleo Classics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Prosciutto Wrapped Melon A sweeter combo than the one above, this easy recipe requires zero cooking. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Carnivore’s Delight 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. On-the-Go Favorites 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Sweet Treats 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. What are your favorite Paleo eats?

- StumbleUpon Who came up with the idea that we are supposed to drink orange juice at breakfast? And why, if oatmeal is so good for us, do we eat that only in the morning as well? Apologies to the Palinites, but nutritionists are starting to realize that you and I like our oatmeal and OJ before we start the day because we evolved to like it that way—because enjoying the two together is healthier than eating each of them alone. Epidemiologist David R. What's more fascinating, however, is that the evolution between eater and eaten might answer the long-held question about why humans live longer, healthier lives on traditional diets. Tomatoes & Avocadoes Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a pigment-rich antioxidant known as a carotenoid, which reduces cancer risk and cardiovascular disease. "This also has a Mediterranean cultural tie-in," says registered dietitian Susan Bowerman of California Polytechnic State University. And when it comes to salads, don't choose low-fat dressings. Oatmeal & Orange Juice

Cuisine: Mini Appetizer Shots - Exquisite Weddings They say good things come in small packages, and these mini appetizer shots certainly adhere to that mantra. During cocktail hour, make it easy on your guests to sample the fare by offering up a few shooter style appetizers. They are full of flavor and easy to dine on with a wine glass in hand. Here are a few of my favorites from around the web. 1. Add to favorites Cuisses de Poulet Fondantes aux Epices Dans le Sac de Cuisson Jeudi 3 octobre 2013 4 03 /10 /Oct /2013 00:17 ingrédients: 2 cuisses de poulet sel poivre safran paprika cumin curvy 7 épices cannelle 6càs huile végétale préparation: mélanger toutes les épices dans une assiette. ajouter l'huile. étaler sur les cuisses. filmer et laisser reposer 1 nuit au frais. le lendemain, mettre dans un sac de cuisson. fermer et enfourner 1 heure à très petit feu. sans rien ajouter à part les ingrédients listés ci-dessus, voici la sauce qu'on obtient à la fin de la cuisson. déguster aussitot avec des frittes. Partager l'article ! inShare Par oum mouncif rayan - Publié dans : à base de volaille -Communauté : Recette de ma Pure Invention 28

Magic Sauce Recipe I call this the magic sauce recipe. In part, because it makes everything it touches shimmer with deliciousness. It's magic like that. Technically, it's a riff on a chimichurri sauce - one that veered off the rails in a big way. Much tweaking has rendered it a distant second cousin. If that. Let's just start by putting one thing out there. It's as versatile as a black dress. - More Herb Recipes - - More Paprika Recipes - - More Quick Recipes - 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon fresh rosemary leaves 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves 1 teaspoon fresh oregano leaves 2 teaspoons sweet paprika 2 medium cloves of garlic, smashed into a paste 1 well-crumbled bay leaf pinch of red pepper flakes 1/4 teaspoon + fine grain sea salt 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice Gently warm the olive oil over medium-low heat in a skillet or pan, until it is just hot. While the oil is heating, lightly pound the rosemary, thyme, and oregano in a mortar and pestle. Makes ~2/3 cup. Prep time: 5 min - Cook time: 5 min

Big Bear's Wife: Bacon, Egg and Cheese Ring { Bacon, Egg and Cheese Ring } This past weekend I had the chance to go down to Jacksonville, NC to visit family. Going to Jacksonville is always wonderful, but it does make me a little sad. It's where Big Bear and I moved when we got married, he was in the NAVY, stationed at Camp Lejeune, and we lived there for a few years. I loved it there. While we were there Crystal made this breakfast ring for breakfast/brunch one day and I wanted to share it with you. On a side note: I'm pretty sure that Crystal is a "Mini-Me" lol. For this recipe we did use onions in it, but when I made this at home for Big Bear the onions had to be left out. This bacon egg and cheese ring is so easy to put together. (Printable Recipe Here) Bacon, Egg and Cheese Ring by Angie Barrett May-1-2012 8 slices bacon, but into big chunks8 eggs, slightly beaten1/2 cup milk1 onion, diced2 cans refrigerated crescent dinner rolls1 cup shredded cheese1 cup salsa Salt and Pepper Pre-heat oven to 375°F. Yield: 8

Sauté d'agneau minute au curry d'après Jean François Piège J'aime beaucoup le livre de Jean François Piège intitulé " Jean François dans votre cuisine " et ai déjà eu l'occasion de vous en parler plusieurs fois. Voici une nouvelle recette qui une fois encore nous a régalés. Une seule remarque les portions sont vraiment petites c'est pourquoi j'ai corrigé entre parenthèses. Sauté d'agneau minute au curry Préparation et cuisson : 30 mn Les ingrédients pour 4 personnes : ( 2 à 3 personnes ) Pour le riz pilaf :1 petit oignon blanc100 g de riz basmati200 g d'eauHuile d'olive1 brindille de thymSel Sauté d'agneau :8 piquillos ou poivrons en boîte2 cébettes ( cives )1/4 de botte de persil1/4 de botte de coriandre10 g de gingembre240 g de gigot d'agneau cru1 c à c de curry de Madras4 c à s d'huile d'olive20 amandes entières20 raisins blonds2 c à s de lait de coco non sucré2 c à s de copeaux de noix de coco ( pas mis )1 citron vertSel et poivre du moulin Commencer par le riz pilaf en épluchant et hachant l'oignon. Imprimer la recette

Asparagus Artichoke Salad Recipe Thick asparagus spears are easier than thin to roast or grill without becoming too dry or over-cooked. Method 1 Soak the sliced shallots in the lemon juice as you get ready to make the rest of the salad. 2a To roast the asparagus, preheat the oven to 400°F. Coat the asparagus spears with 1 Tbsp of olive oil, and salt them well. 2b To grill the asparagus, prepare your charcoal or gas grill for high direct heat. Remove the asparagus from the oven or grill and cut into bite-sized pieces. 3 Put the asparagus and all the remaining ingredients into a large bowl and mix to combine.

Chewy Chocolate Chunk Cookies with Salty Almonds and Gooey Marshmallows This was supposed to be a straight-up chocolate chip cookie. But it seems now matter how sincere my intentions are to make such a concoction in its purest form, I get way to excited in the kitchen – with flour on my cheek and nose, wooden spoon securely fisted, surrounded by dirty bowls – and I completely lose the self-control to follow such a classic recipe. Today, I laced myself into an apron with every aim of making a Soft-Baked Chocolate Chip Cookie, as written by the editors of Everyday Food magazine. And why shouldn’t I continue the almond theme, by chopping up some salty, roasted almonds? But you know what? This is based on a recipe I grabbed from the latest issue of Everyday Food magazine. What is the most unusual ingredient you’ve ever spontaneously added to a cookie? Chewy Chocolate Chunk Cookies with Salty Almonds and Gooey Marshmallows Adapted from Everyday Food Magazine 1.

Coconut Chocolate Mousse | Travel For Taste When I saw this recipe I couldn’t believe it is possible to prepare the chocolate mousse from only two ingredients! You need only coconut milk and dark chocolate. At first everything is liquid but a night in the fridge turns it stiff! PLEASE visit our Facebook page and LIKE us to stay in touch! For 3-4 portions you will need:♥ 400ml coconut milk (cooled down in the fridge at least 4h!) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It is also delicious sprinkled with coconut flakes. Brussels Sprouts with Balsamic and Cranberries This is the third recipe from my Christmas special on Food Network, and as a Christmas side dish, it’s absolutely to die for. Roasted Brussels sprouts are unbelievably delicious in themselves. But drizzle on a glossy black balsamic glaze and toss them with a bunch of tart-and-sweet dried cranberries? Fugghetaboutit , and I’m not even joking. I eat these till I bloat. I made quite a bit, so started with three pounds of Brussels sprouts. Drizzle the brussels sprouts liberally with olive oil, then sprinkle with plenty of salt and pepper. While the sprouts are roasting, combine balsamic vinegar with a little sugar in a small saucepan. Note: You do not have to add sugar to the balsamic in order for it to reduce and thicken. Right before serving, heap the roasted Brussels sprouts on a big ol’ platter. Throw a whole buncha dried cranberries on top… Then just drizzle on the balsamic glaze… And use tongs to toss ‘em around. This dish is a delicious as it is gorgeous. Here’s the handy printable:

Apple Pies & Jo In the Kitchen I know, I’ve made a few pies lately. But see how these are different? Look at how adorable these are! I mean, come on. Could you resist? I sure couldn’t. We ate them before I had a chance to think about pictures. Oops. This is why I had leftover dough for that impromptu dinner. Although this recipe is a little time consuming, it’s no harder than making any sort of real pie. It still involves slicing fruit. Rolling out crust and making it look pretty. Mixing fruit and sugar and cornstarch. And taking bites with your eyes closed so you can focus solely on each flavor. Please give these a try. Apple Pies Inspired by Pinterest 1 prepared pie dough, rolled out and sliced into strips 6-8 large apples (really any kind of apple will do) 1/3 cup sugar, plus more for sprinkling onto the crust 1/3 cup brown sugar 1 tsp cinnamon 1/4 or 1/2 tsp cardamom, if desired 1 tsp cornstarch Juice of a lemon or lime, mixed with 1 cup of water 1 tbsp melted butter Preheat the oven to 375F. Like this: Like Loading...

Brown Butter Double Fudge Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cookies Little bit of a mouthful there. But it’s like a cookie on top of another cookie! Yeah. Like total dirty cookie on cookie action. Except these ones down below wanted to try a few different positions. I dunno… they’re all mixed up. In order to solve a common I-want-a-chocolate-CHOCOLATE-cookie-but-he-wants-a-plain-chocolate chip-cookie dilemma that happens like, every single weekend here… I made both. Some of them smashed up against each other while others sat on top of each other but in the end, they all tasted… fantabulous. And then they tasted extra delicious after I spent two hours cleaning out the contents of our bar (take that as you will), after he spent three hours organizing the pantry (that was weird) and after we both needed to severely eat our emotions immediately post-Boardwalk Empire finale. WHAT was that. ??????? Why??? Then I tried to dunk a cookie in milk and failed. I need cookie dunking lessons, a redo on season 2 (thanks HBO), and a salad. [from giant rainbow cookies]
