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33 Rules to Boost Your Productivity

33 Rules to Boost Your Productivity
Heuristics are rules intended to help you solve problems. When a problem is large or complex, and the optimal solution is unclear, applying a heuristic allows you to begin making progress towards a solution even though you can’t visualize the entire path from your starting point. Suppose your goal is to climb to the peak of a mountain, but there’s no trail to follow. An example of a heuristic would be: Head directly towards the peak until you reach an obstacle you can’t cross. Whenever you reach such an obstacle, follow it around to the right until you’re able to head towards the peak once again. This isn’t the most intelligent or comprehensive heuristic, but in many cases it will work just fine, and you’ll eventually reach the peak. Heuristics don’t guarantee you’ll find the optimal solution, nor do they generally guarantee a solution at all. Heuristics have many practical applications, and one of my favorite areas of application is personal productivity. Nuke it! Site Build It!

How to Get Anything Done Let’s say you had a baby. Congratulations! Your baby is the best human ever! You love your baby. You celebrate as it starts to crawl. You and your partner delight in this baby’s every new adventure. Your Personal Accountability System A difficult challenge in achieving goals is simply remaining aware of them and staying on track. How many times have you set a goal, started working on it with the best of intentions, and then at some future time, you realize it somehow slipped through the cracks? External influences exert forces to knock us off track. And if you have a busy life, these influences can come many times each day. Phone calls. goal management software tool Goalscape Enterprise (private cloud and corporate server installation) is now available! For more information please contact It forces me to make hard choices and makes me concentrate on what I really must do.” John McKenna – Commercial Director, OC Group “I found it so compatible with the way I work that I immediately bought it.”Konstantin Prokopiu – Senior Technical Architect, Adobe Systems GmbHRead more testimonials Do the right thing with Goalscape

Don't Translate Directly When Speaking English! Hi Boys and Girls! I’m back with the second video episode – and I hope you enjoyed the first one! I’m still getting a hang of the video recording equipment in my home studio – so you may spot some small glitches here and there. But I think the video quality is decent enough for you to understand what I’m saying, what you think? So this time I’m covering a few seemingly unrelated topics – direct translation to English from your native language and English collocations.

The Little Book of Procrastination Remedies Post written by Leo Babauta. Procrastination is one of those topics that, it seems, I can’t write enough about. There isn’t a person among us who doesn’t procrastinate, and that’s a fact of life. It’s deep within us. We think we’re going to do something later, or read that classic novel later, or learn French later.

Do It Now by Steve Pavlina When going to college many years ago, I decided to challenge myself by setting a goal to see if I could graduate in only three semesters, taking the same classes that people would normally take over a four-year period. This article explains in detail all the time management techniques I used to successfully pull this off. In order to accomplish this goal, I determined I'd have to take 30-40 units per semester, when the average student took 12-15 units. The 21 Day Challenge Everyone Should Take I'm on day 14 of a 21-day challenge that I semi-invented and so far I have to admit the results have been nothing short of amazing. Now, when I say that I semi-invented it, that is purely because I took the idea from the excellent book 'Psycho Cybernetics' and put it in a format that everyone can follow, myself included. I'm not exaggerating when I say this challenge can literally help with any aspect of your life that you would like to improve. Before I go into more detail on how you can follow along, I need to talk a little about our 'self image' and why it is very important. Understanding the Self Image

101 Excellent Resources And Tools For Students Of Any Age Whether you’re a student just starting the school year or you’re a lifelong learner like me, you’ll find resources, tools and a ton of fun stuff to stash in your virtual backpack. If you find these resources helpful, please share this post with your friends. I would greatly appreciate it.

11 Ways to Cure Someday Syndrome Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Alex Fayle of the Someday Syndrome blog. Someday Syndrome: not doing what you want to because you don’t know what it is, because you’re procrastinating about it, or because you have too much stuff getting in your way. Everyone suffers from Someday Syndrome at some point in their lives, often catching it repeatedly. For me, most recently, I’d been saying that I really should give running a try without doing anything about it. You probably have something similar going on in your life – a project, a task, a goal – that you just haven’t got around to doing yet. Right?
