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angry chicken _ De manuales DIY_ imágenes tutoriales de foto de azúcar en reactores 情人节献上“恶作剧之吻”,手工贺卡教程 七夕情人节将至,是否在为送什么礼物而发愁,不妨亲手做一张贺卡,给他献上一个浪漫甜蜜的 恶作剧之吻 ,让他一 吻 难忘...... 外表看似普通的卡片,实际上暗藏玄机,相信收到的TA一定会惊喜的,快献上你的 吻 吧~PS:(ˇˍˇ)教程转自新上线手作教程社区【手工客】。 歇业马戏团 收集到 化纸成蝶 专辑中婷爱莹 还行挺好折的 就送给我老公吧兔卷子君 这个不错audreyhy 不会:(((( Say Yes to Hoboken | Three Cheers for Stylish & Crafty Living 10 Fab Finds Under $40 With March here, we’re drawn to neutrals, graphics, comfy tops and springy shoes. Here are some deals spotted under $40 this week! See more deals on the Fab Finds Under $40 pinterest page1. Satin Striped Tee $35.00/2. Strappy Mint Sandal $37.64/3. Amour Tee $24.99/4. Keep reading to see how to make it…Photography and styling by Liz Stanley.

not martha Trash To Couture How to make Paper Clay I fell in love with sculpting with paper mache during my first project five years ago. However, I never really found a recipe that was worth the time and effort and mess that it took to get what I wanted. As a result, I used Celluclay for most projects. However, I recently stumbled upon an incredible blog called, Ultimate Paper Mache where Jonni (the artist and blogger) shares all sorts of tips, tutorials and recipes to help anyone on their way to successfully paper mache-ing. For my purposes, I ended up altering the recipe just slightly so that I could get the thicker consistency that I like. Paper Clay: 2 Cups toilet paper 1 Cup regular joint compound (the premixed kind. 3/4 Cups flour (The original recipe calls for Linseed Oil, but I didn't really find much difference, other than it was smelly and one more thing to keep out of reach of my boys.) Start off by soaking your toilet paper in water: Add all ingredients and mix on medium-high for 2-3 minutes and viola!

Temporary Nest Thanks for swingin' by to check out my DIY's! Welcome! I always go shopping and think, "pshhh... 30 bucks? I could totally make that!" And on occasion, I do. When I have time and motivation, I grab my paint brush, sewing machine or sander and get crack-a-lackin'! DIY Filing Cabinet Makeover Leather Cushion

Runway How to make Paper Mache Paste With Halloween right around the corner, I have paper mache projects coming out of my ears! There is something about this playful holiday that just brings out the folk-art in me. In the next so many weeks I will be sharing various tutorials but thought that I would share two different recipes that it takes to get started. Most of you have done some sort of paper mache during your time, but here is the paste recipe that I use to make basic forms: Paste Recipe 2 Cups Cold Water 3/4 Cup flour 2 Tbsp. Step 1: Boil 1 cup of water in sauce pan. When water comes to a boil, pour in the flour mixture. Paste should be thick but still drip slowly from whisk (it will thicken more as it cools). This paste can be used in many ways, but generally, it is used to make basic mache forms that can be either left alone or used as a base for other projects.

Curbly | DIY Design Community M&J Blog Ruffled® Wedding Blog | DIY projects | Recycle Your Wedding Quiet Lion Creations Summer is here! Time for summer hair. What says summer more than the sunny beach? The look of effortless waves is the envy of many city dwellers, but it's totally easy to achieve sans-beach! Celebrity hairstylists rely on chemical-laden and totally overpriced beach sprays to give their clients "the look". That doesn't work for me, or for my DIY-ers. So, why not create a totally natural and totally handmade version yourself? Silly question, I know. The DIY version produces the same results, see above. Yes, your spray will be about 99% water. What's best about the spray is that it won't smell like artificial fragrances; it will smell of fresh herbs. Much nicer to your nostrils and the environment. Enough talk; let's begin. Step 1: Get an old spray bottle (I used a small one, maybe like 4 oz., recycled from a Bath and Body spray). Gather a generous handful of fresh herbs from your garden, if you have one. If you don't have a garden, you can use herbal tea bags. Step 3: Get a wooden spoon.
