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The World Factbook

The World Factbook
Related:  World Culture

Starting a Japanese Company 1. Starting a Japanese company says 'We are here!' Setting up in Japan and starting a Japanese company sends a very strong "We are here and we are here to stay!" statement to the market. The key decision when setting up in Japan by starting a Japanese company (or branch-office) is which corporate entity is the most efficient and effective to use? For many foreign companies, setting up in Japan and starting a Japanese company or office is phase two of doing business here (e.g. after having dealt through a distributor) - for others it is phase one. If you are just starting business in Japan, then the research done in your first month of Japanese business (the data accumulated regarding your product's value and projections of future revenues) will be crucial decision making tools when deciding whether starting a Japanese company or office is the most efficient way of setting up in Japan for direct sales or distributor support. 2. setting up with a Japanese branch-office >>

Religion in Japan Shinto and Buddhism are Japan's two major religions. Shinto is as old as the Japanese culture, while Buddhism was imported from the mainland in the 6th century. Since then, the two religions have been co-existing relatively harmoniously and have even complemented each other to a certain degree. Most Japanese consider themselves Buddhist, Shintoist or both. Religion does not play a big role in the everyday life of most Japanese people today. Religions and Philosophies Other Religion Related Pages Getting your cash out of Japan 1. Getting your cash out of Japan. Whether doing business in Japan or any other non-domestic territory, a sensitive and often misrepresented topic in this era of corporate offshore inversions and post-Enron fallout, is the issue of how to most efficiently flow revenues through your corporate structure without losing huge percentages in local (in our case Japanese) taxation. Before launching into this section I must emphasize that I am a businessman, not a tax accountant or attorney. My interest in Japanese corporate tax is purely as a businessman and very much focused simply on getting Japanese revenues out of Japan legitimately with minimal taxes. Your situation and your ultimate tax efficient structure for doing business in Japan will vary according to the inbound tax laws of the country in which your head-office is situated and the tax treaty in effect between that country and Japan. Cash is the life-blood of any corporation. 2. reducing Japanese business tax >>

The Languages spoken in Japan Japan, often referred to as the State of Japan, is an island nation in the Eastern portion of the Asian continental waters. Located in the expansive Pacific Ocean, the country is situated to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south. The Japanese characters that make up Japan's name mean "sun-origin", which is why Japan is often referred to as the "Land of the Rising Sun. Japan is an archipelago consisting of 6,852 islands. The four largest of these islands, Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku, comprise about ninety-seven percent of Japan's total land area. The Jaywalk, SourceConsidered one of the world’s major economical powers, Japan has the world's third-largest economy by nominal GDP and the world's fourth-largest economy by purchasing power parity. History of the Japanese Language The Japanese Language and How It is Used Japanese Phonology Written Japanese

“Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law” is Ultimate Takeover Defense Measure (Top Article from Nikkei Business Online):Nikkei Business Online It happened when this writer was talking with an executive of a leading U.S. consulting firm. Our conversation turned to the foreign capital control scheme the Japanese government just came up with on that same day. “Foreign investors will surely get more severe in looking at Japan. If they don't like foreign capital, why did they go public in the first place? There's something wrong with them", the executive said. The Children's Investment Fund (TCI), a British investment fund with a 9.9% stake in Electric Power Development Co. The executive interviewed knows that the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law has control over foreign capital to maintain national security and public order. It was in 1997 that the Hashimoto cabinet abolished public corporations and went ahead with privatization of electric power development, which had been in the hands of a government-affiliated special corporation. J-Power says “Ask the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry why we went public”

The Japanese Climate From subarctic Hokkaidō to subtropical Okinawa, Japan’s climate varies greatly by region. Snow in the North, Blossoms in the South When Hokkaidō in northern Japan is still buried in snow in January, cherry blossoms come into full bloom in the southern islands of Okinawa. Stretching like a bow off the east of the Eurasian continent, the Japanese archipelago shows great climatic variation within its approximately 3,000 kilometers of length from northeast to southwest. As the map below shows, Japan is divided into various climate zones from subarctic Hokkaidō to subtropical Okinawa. List created by editorial staff based on textbook data produced by Ninomiya Shoten. The Coming of Spring The first strong south wind of the year heralds the coming of spring to people on the Pacific side of Japan. As well as the standard four seasons, most of Japan has a rainy season known as tsuyu, lasting around six weeks from late spring or early summer, depending on the area. Getting Through Summer

Ancient Egypt: the Mythology and egyptian myths Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses Illustrated Descriptions and stories Egyptian Gods Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses For all ancient people, the world was filled with mystery. Much of what they experienced in the world around them was unknowable and frightening. The ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses represented aspects of the Egyptians’ natural and “supernatural” surroundings and helped them understand its many aspects. Demons Demons were more powerful than human beings but not as powerful as gods. Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses Most Egyptian gods represented one principle aspect of the world: Ra was the sun god, for example, and Nut was goddess of the sky. The physical form taken on by the various Egyptian gods was usually a combination of human and animal, and many were associated with one or more animal species. Many deities were represented only in human form. Nut, Shu and Geb Nut was the mother of Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephythys, Nut is usually shown in human form; her elongated body symbolizing the sky. Amun Anubis Bastet Bes Hapi Hathor Horus Isis
