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35 Greatest Speeches in History

35 Greatest Speeches in History

Manier le verbe, vidéo Manier le verbe, vidéo Médias Entretiens - Archives vidéos Médias Entretiens Documentaries About Russia "It began with a weapon created by scientists that threatened to destroy the world. But then a group of men who were convinced they control the new danger began to gain influence in America. They would manipulate terror. To do so, they would use the methods of science." Pandora's Box was a six part 1992 BBC documentary television series written and produced by Adam Curtis, which examines the consequences of political and technocratic rationalism. Curtis' later The Century of the Self had a similar theme. The Engineer's Plot The revolutionaries who toppled the Tsar in 1917 thought science held the key to their new world. To The Brink of Eternity Focusing on the men of the Cold War on whom Dr Strangelove was based. The League of Gentlemen Thirty years ago, a group of economists managed to convince British politicians that they had foolproof technical means to make Britain great again. Goodbye Mrs Ant A modern fable about science and society, focusing on our attitude to nature. Black Power

Famous Speeches in History - The Speech Archive Browse the Speech Archive A lot of people said a lot of things throughout history. Some of the countless lectures, sermons, talks, discourses, and addresses have been preserved. In other words, No poet or orator has ever existed who thought there was another better than himself. End quote. Image Above Cicero addressing the Senate. The Speech Archive This speech collection is indexed alphabetically by topic, alphabetically by speaker, chronologically, and then some. Terminology Oratory is the art of public speaking. What is the difference between eloquence and rhetoric? The word eloquence stems from the Latin term eloquentia, referring to the readiness, elegance, fluency, and persuasiveness of speech. The word rhetoric is equivalent to the Greek word ritoriki, which in turn stems from the Greek term ritoras, meaning orator. At the end of your oration, you probably want to repeat your message in a nutshell and combine it with a call for action. Outstanding Masters of Rhetoric in History

Les dix stratégies de manipulation de masses Les dix stratégies de manipulation de masses PRESSENZA Boston, 21/09/10 Noam Chomsky Le linguiste nord-américain Noam Chomsky a élaboré une liste des « Dix Stratégies de Manipulation » à travers les média. Nous la reproduisons ici. 1/ La stratégie de la distraction Élément primordial du contrôle social, la stratégie de la diversion consiste à détourner l’attention du public des problèmes importants et des mutations décidées par les élites politiques et économiques, grâce à un déluge continuel de distractions et d’informations insignifiantes. 2/ Créer des problèmes, puis offrir des solutions Cette méthode est aussi appelée « problème-réaction-solution ». 3/ La stratégie de la dégradation Pour faire accepter une mesure inacceptable, il suffit de l’appliquer progressivement, en « dégradé », sur une durée de 10 ans. délocalisations, salaires n’assurant plus un revenu décent, autant de changements qui auraient provoqué une révolution s’ils avaient été appliqués brutalement. J'aime : - Factcheck politických diskuzí UH - Digital History 12 basic guidelines All issues are complex but your campaign must not be. Issues are like fractals - cut them down and they are still as complex as the 'big picture'. Get down to real detail and the politics of your town, village or street are as byzantine as those of the UN Security Council. That is no excuse for communicating complexity. Complexity demotivates, it makes people feel confused - and if they feel confused, they will think you are confused, and not worth listening to. In German there is an expression 'the red thread' - meaning the important line that runs through a complex picture, place or process. Stick at each stage until it is achieved. Plan a campaign as a series of steps where one leads to the next - like dominoes. Here is the example of the Brent Spar campaign by Greenpeace. The organisation closed off one waste-dumping route after another, starting with radioactive waste then solid wastes, oil installations and now hazardous chemicals.

Kdo jsme - Centrum pro výzkum veřejného mínění Centrum pro výzkum veřejného mínění (CVVM) je výzkumným oddělením Sociologického ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i. Jeho historie sahá do roku 1946, kdy jako součást Ministerstva informací začal fungovat Československý ústav pro výzkum veřejného mínění. Současné Centrum vzniklo v roce 2001 převedením svého předchůdce (IVVM) z Českého statistického úřadu do Sociologického ústavu Akademie věd ČR, v.v.i. Včlenění do vědecké instituce zaručuje kvalitní odborné zázemí a kredit pracoviště; jako součást akademického prostředí musí CVVM splňovat veškeré nároky a dosahovat tak té nejvyšší odborné úrovně. Hlavní náplní práce oddělení je výzkumný projekt Naše společnost, v jehož rámci je prováděno deset šetření ročně. CVVM pravidelně prezentuje svou práci formou tiskových informací (přibližně 15 měsíčně) a několikrát ročně pořádá tiskové konference k aktuálním tématům. Činnost CVVM je průběžně prezentována na webových stránkách

Create Multimedia History Presentations With Digital Artifacts The National Archives Experience Digital Vaults is one of the resources that I almost always share in my workshop on teaching history with technology primary sources. The Digital Vaults offers three good tools that students and teachers can use to create content using images and documents from the National Archives. The National Archives Digital Vault poster and video creation tools allow students to drag and drop digital artifacts into a poster or video. The National Archives provides images, documents, and audio in an easy to use editor. Creating a video is just as easy as creating a poster in the Digital Vaults. Applications for Education The Pathways tool in the Digital Vaults can be used to create small quizzes that ask students to identify the connections between two or more images or documents. Please note that the Digital Vaults website loads a lot of media when you visit it for the first time.
