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Maison européenne de la photographie / ville de Paris

Maison européenne de la photographie / ville de Paris
La maison Européenne de la Photographie 5/7 Rue de Fourcy - 75004 Paris Metro Ligne 1 | Saint Paul Ligne 7 | Point Marie Ligne 11 | Hotel de Ville Vélib Station n°4010 | 105-109 Terre plein Saint Paul Station n°4011 | 18 rue de l'Hôtel de Ville Station n°4012 | 2 rue Tiron Station n°4015 | 25 rue du Pont Louis-Philippe Bus Rue de Jouy | Bus n° 69 - 79 - 96 - Bb - N11 - N16 Rue Vieille du temple Mairie du 4e | Bus n° 96 Saint Paul | Bus n° 69 - 76 - 96 - Bb - N11 - N16 Parking Parc Baudoyer | Parc Pont Marie | Parc Lobau. Disabled parking available at 2 rue de Jouy.

Le louvre Site officiel du musée du Louvre The Earth Institute at Columbia University Exploring Science in the Field from Pole to Pole Company Donates 330,000 Bed Nets to Help Fight Malaria in Africa Lords of the Past Ancient Rocks, Modern Problem Sustainability Management Alum Works to Bring Electric Vehicles to NYC Apr18 2014 Spring Diversity Lecture Sustainability Essentials Training Drilling to find the originsof the South China Sea The Path to Sustainable Development Faculty Profile: Ruth DeFries Accueil | Catacombes de Paris - Musée Carnavalet - Histoire de la ville de Paris | Want to Build a New App? There's an App for That, Too Competition in Apple’s App Store is so tough that even strong concepts must be planned to perfection before any development should start. So enter App Cooker: A hot new iPad app that makes sure other apps have the right ingredients in place before any development begins. App Cooker ($19.99) from Sophia-Antipolis, France-based Hot Apps Factory helps aspiring designers organize, plan and get app projects ready for production. 30-year-old Xavier Veyrat — the designer of App Cooker — spoke to Mashable about the development of the platform and the steps that go into creating a masterpiece app recipe. Have you always been into design? Always. What type of design inspires you? Companies such as Apple, Dyson and Braun are some of the main sources of my inspiration because they care about usefulness and beauty at the same time. How did the concept for App Cooker come about? Two years ago, I started to work on a gaming app with my partner Johann. What makes a good app? | page d'accueil | Musée Cernuschi | The Ultimate Guide To Using iPads In The Classroom How Students Benefit From Using Social Media 14.60K Views 0 Likes A lot of criticism has been leveled at social media and the effect it has on the way students process and retain information, as well as how distracting it can be. However, social media offers plenty of opportunities for learning and interactivity, and if you take a moment to think about it, it's not too hard to see how students benefit from using social media. 100 Web 2.0 Tools Every Teacher Should Know About 44.24K Views 0 Likes We're always trying to figure out the best tools for teachers, trends in the education technology industry, and generally doing our darnedest to bring you new and exciting ways to enhance the classroom. To Flip Or Not Flip?

Liste des musées gratuits à Paris et en Ile-de-France Accueil > Infos pratiques > Des listes, infos pratiques Louvre pour tous | 16/03/2009 | 08:55 | 1 commentaire Pour compléter ou corriger cette liste, envoyez-nous un mail : List of free museums in Paris and surroudings : click here Liste des musées gratuits pour tous en France : cliquez ici Liste des musées gratuits pour les jeunes et professeurs : cliquez ici Liste des musées gratuits pour tous à Paris et en Ile-de-France 75 - PARIS Musées municipaux par arrondissement Depuis le 22 décembre 2001, sur décision du maire Bertrand Delanoë (PS) Uniquement les collections permanentes, pas les expositions temporaires séparées A l’exception des Catacombes et de la Crypte archéologique du parvis de Notre-Dame restés payants afin d’en limiter l’accès pour des raisons de sécurité Attention, il arrive (de plus en plus souvent) que certains de ces musées accueillent des expositions au sein de leurs collections. Campagne d’affichage pour les musées gratuits de Paris ©BH

The St. Cuthbert Gospel: 1,300 Years Old, And Looking Pretty Good hide captionThe Gospel, buried with St. Cuthbert in 698, was recovered from his grave in 1104. Its beautiful red leather binding is original. Courtesy of the British Library The Gospel, buried with St. How much would you pay for a very rare book? The British Library in London has just paid about $14 million to purchase Europe's oldest intact book, known as the St. Claire Breay is the curator of medieval and early modern manuscripts at the British Library. "It is the earliest intact European book. The book also has a colorful history because of its association with St. hide captionThe manuscript is a copy of the Gospel of St. The manuscript is a copy of the Gospel of St. "The Gospel was placed in the coffin of St. The book stayed in the coffin even after Vikings began raiding the northeast coast of England, forcing St. "Eventually they settled in Durham," Breay says. The story doesn't end there.

Liste des musées à Paris Petit Palais et Grand Palais Musées de la Ville de Paris, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, musées et lieux d'exposition privés... : L'Officiel des spectacles vous propose la liste de tous les musées parisiens, ainsi que l'accès à leur fiche complète d'information, leur programmation, leur site web, leurs page facebook et profil twitter (s'ils en ont). Attention ! Vous pouvez également retrouver toute la programmation des expositions à Paris et en Île-de-France dans notre rubrique "Expositions & Musées", ainsi que la liste des musées d'Île-de-France. Vue du Musée d'Orsay - © Photo Offi Médias Diane Arbus & William Eggleston | Cheim & Read - Art Hag Cheim & Read has two great photo exhibits happening concurrently - Diane Arbus' In the Absence of Others and William Eggleston's 21st Century. Arbus' black and white photographs feature "empty interiors and artificial landscapes spanning the 60s" while Eggleston's recent works focus on color and composition in interior and exterior scenes shot in Cuba, California, Paris, Memphis, New Jersey, and Queens. Diane Arbus (1923-1971), best know for her documentary portraits of people from the margins of society like carnival performers, nudists, transvestites, and the institutionalized, created intensely intimate images infused with an air of mystery and melancholy. Her amazing works of empty rooms, unpopulated hotel lobbies, and deserted Disneyland and Coney Island attractions evoke a similar, quiet, haunting aura. William Eggleston's (born 1939 in Memphis, TN) vibrant photos demonstrate his "painstaking attention to formal concerns such as color saturation and pictorial composition..."

Liste des musées parisiens Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Paris accueille un très grand nombre d'institutions muséales, de toutes tailles et sur tous les sujets. Les musées parisiens peuvent être classés en trois catégories principales : A[modifier | modifier le code] B[modifier | modifier le code] C[modifier | modifier le code] D[modifier | modifier le code] E[modifier | modifier le code] F[modifier | modifier le code] G[modifier | modifier le code] H[modifier | modifier le code] I[modifier | modifier le code] Institut du monde arabe J[modifier | modifier le code] K[modifier | modifier le code] Musée Kwok On (fermé en 1994) L[modifier | modifier le code] M[modifier | modifier le code] N[modifier | modifier le code] O[modifier | modifier le code] P[modifier | modifier le code] Q[modifier | modifier le code] Musée du quai Branly R[modifier | modifier le code] S[modifier | modifier le code] T[modifier | modifier le code] U[modifier | modifier le code] V[modifier | modifier le code] W[modifier | modifier le code]

abstract critical Newcomer Awards 2011 Newcomers announced LONDON.-abstract critical announced the five artists from the 2011 degree shows nationwide who have been selected to participate in the abstract critical Newcomer Awards: • Zara Idelson (Glasgow School of Art) • Katy Kirbach (RA Schools) • Dan Roach (University of Gloucestershire) • Jack Sutherland (UCA Canterbury) • Gwennan Thomas (Wimbledon College of Art) This is the inaugural year of the prize, offering graduate artists from the 2011 degree shows an opportunity to exhibit alongside the five established artists who selected them. “As selectors, we firstly had to satisfy our own criteria for how we interpret abstract. The Newcomer Awards are a new initiative from abstract critical, a not for profit organisation which provides a proactive critical forum for abstract art. The abstract critical Newcomer Awards will run at Kings Place Gallery from 30 March – 20 April 2012.

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