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26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known at 20

26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known at 20
Related:  Self ActualisationWork Stuff

how-to-be-productive_530adf38cc928_w1500 Procrastination hack: '(10+2)*5' Following on the idea of the procrastination dash and Jeff’s progressive dash, I’ve been experimenting with a squirelly new system to pound through my procrastinated to-do list. Brace yourself, because it is a bit more byzantine than is Merlin 2005’s newly stripped-down habit. It’s called (10+2)*5, and today it will save your ass. Who it’s for procrastinatorsthe easily distractedcompulsive web-surferspeople with a long list of very short tasks (a/k/a “mosquitos”) people having trouble chipping away at very large tasks What you’ll need a timermust be easy to resetelectronic kitchen timer is particularly good (pref. with multiple alarm memories), oran app like Minuteur (get the newest version—several cool new features)a reduced subset of your to-do list tasks that can be worked on (not necessarily completed) in blocks of 10 minutes or lessGTD people: next actions only, pleasean hour of your time (less is potentially okay, but it’s non-canonical)your sorry, procrastinating ass How it works

4 façons d’exploiter le Big data pour développer son activité Publicité, e-commerce, gestion des villes, comportement de navigation sur Internet, Big data ceci, Big data cela… Le Big data est partout et à toutes les sauces. Si les quantités de données générées sur la toile semble impressionante, encore faut-il savoir comment les traiter et les utiliser pour les rendre utile à votre entreprise. Lorsqu’une entreprise ouvre son site et procède à sa refonte totale, il peut y avoir un décalage important entre les intentions du département marketing en matière de trafic et la réalité de l’audience. Il s’agit bien sûr de données quantitatives, comme le nombre de visites, de visiteurs uniques, les horaires de consultation… mais aussi – et c’est peut-être le plus important – de données qualitatives : pays d’origine des visiteurs : correspondent-ils vraiment à vos clients ? 2- Mesurer la satisfaction client 3- Adopter une politique de prix plus efficiente Les internautes – et les consommateurs – laissent une quantité importante de données sur le Web.

5 Freelance Tools To Succeed On Your Own ~ Krrb Blog Working in your underwear? We have the tools you need to make your freelancing career a success! Photo: If you’re looking to take your career into your hands, then the freedom and independence of freelancing can be very exciting. Creative, Inc. This book is a great guide to succeeding as a freelancer. Whether you’re contemplating a freelance career or you’re already there, this book is an inter-disciplinary guide to succeeding. My Price App Photo: Once you’ve decided to become a freelancer, you need to know exactly how to charge your clients. FreeAgent App Reduce your stress with this jack-of-all-trades app! Once you’re freelancing, managing your finances and time effectively, all the while creating invoices and paperwork can be ultra stressful. Freelance Radio Podcast Photo: Sometimes you need to hear advice from real people in the industry to believe it. Community: Photo: Square Register Gadget

Fiat Chrysler Spagna: Raul Garcia nuovo direttore di Fiat e Abarth Fiat Chrysler Spagna arrivano notizie interessanti dalla penisola iberica per il gruppo italo americano diretto dal numero uno Sergio Marchionne. E’ stato infatti ufficialmente annunciato nelle scorse ore che il dirigente Raul Garcia Gil è stato nominato direttore di due dei brand principali di Fiat Chrysler Spagna: Fiat e Abarth. Raul Garcia Gil arriva in questa delicata posizione in sostituzione di Alberto de Aza, che ha occupato questa posizione per un lungo periodo e sino a poche ore fa. Raul Garcia, 46 anni, mantiene la posizione occupata in precedenza ma a questa aggiunge anche quella di direttore per la principale casa automobilistica italiana e per l’azienda dello Scorpione. Raul Garcia Gil sino a questo momento in Fiat Chrysler Spagna ha occupato la posizione di responsabile per le flotte, il remarketing e i veicoli d’occasione per tutti i marchi di Fiat Chrysler Spagna, i quali comprendono: Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Abarth, Fiat Professional e Jeep.

Six Emotional Leadership Styles - Leadership Training From MindTools Choosing the Right Style for the Situation Find out how emotional leadership styles can affect your team's happiness. © iStockphoto/Kuklev Imagine that you work with a positive, charismatic leader. She's excited about the future of the organization, and she shares this excitement with her team. She makes sure that people understand how their efforts contribute to this future, and this inclusion sparks loyalty and intense effort in the team. Generally, morale and job satisfaction are high, because team members feel that they're making a difference. However, some people in her team don't respond well to this style of leadership. She could be more effective by varying her approach to leadership, depending on the situation; and she could do this by using "six emotional leadership styles," each of which is useful in different circumstances. In this article, we'll look at these six emotional leadership styles. The Six Emotional Leadership Styles Note: We'll now examine each style in more detail. 1. 2.

The 10 O’Clock Rule This is a nifty one, simple to implement and, in my experience, surprisingly effective. Set your watch to beep every night at 10 o’clock. When your watch goes off, get up that instant and prepare for morning. Whether you’re in the middle of watching a DVD, rushing to meet a work deadline, reading that one last blog entry, etc., get up and get rolling. Your Morning Prep Checklist In addition to brushing up, walking the dog, and otherwise getting ready for bed as usual, do as many morning tasks as you can ahead of time: Plan breakfast and make sure the fridge is stocked (if necessary, run out to the grocery store to stock up on milk, eggs, etc.) Once you’ve figured out which tasks can be done, write them down on an index card and keep it handy. Organize Your Space I inherited a lovely little stand for hanging out your outfit, wallet, and keys for the next day from my grandfather. This 10 o’clock routine might take anywhere between 30 minutes and an hour. Reap the Benefits Photo by jmv.

3 start-ups françaises pour en finir avec les contrats papiers Après Novapost la semaine dernière, Contract Live vient de lever des fonds Mathieu Lhoumeau et Florian Parain, les deux fondateurs de Contract Live La start-up française Contract Live vient de boucler un tour de 1 millions d’euros auprès du fonds d’investissement de la famille Poutrel, de Jean-Marc Tasseto, ancien directeur général de Google Francedu, et de divers entrepreneurs. « Notre objectif est simple : devenir le nouveau Salesforce des contrats » explique Mathieu Lhoumeau, le président. Un an après son lancement, la société revendique 3 000 entreprises clientes dans une soixantaine de pays dont certains grands comptes comme Bosch, Siemens, Lagardère, ou Free. Pour intensifier la commercialisation de ses solutions, la start-up ouvre ce mois-ci son premier bureau aux Etats-Unis, à San Francisco. L’entreprise espère ainsi s’appuyer sur sa participation au Ubi IO, et sa sélection parmi les 6 finalistes de la World Cup Tech Challenge. Concurrence internationale

Read More – Knowledge is Power! (Proverbs 3:13-14) | Jenny Fisher │Equipping Women for Life Francis Bacon is credited with having coined “Knowledge is Power” in 1597. The power Bacon was referring to was to be in control of nature, however, it is apparent that over the centuries the phrase has come to have a different meaning which is that knowledge can give power to the one who has the knowledge. Martin Luther King, Jr. quoted “Science investigates, religion interprets. As a woman in the real estate corporate world, I understood that specific knowledge in the field, degrees, certifications and a long list of letters after my name would provide not only credibility but grant me privilege and elevated status within my profession. Throughout history every great man and woman of God had a common denominator and that was that they too had disciplined themselves to fix God’s Word in their hearts and minds, they also tied them as symbols on their foreheads, taught their children throughout the day and in all they did together. In His Service, Pastor Jenny

Leasys si conferma fornitore della flotta TIM (Seguici in modalità WEB anche su Tablet e Smartphone) Leasys SpA, società di noleggio a lungo termine del Gruppo FCA Bank, ha siglato un contratto di rinnovo per 5.000 veicoli della flotta operativa TIM che, nell'arco di ventiquattro mesi a partire dal secondo semestre del 2017, andranno a inserirsi nel parco auto dell'azienda leader del settore Telco su tutto il territorio nazionale. In linea con le richieste TIM, i mezzi prescelti continueranno a essere a maggioranza appartenenti al Gruppo FCA: Fiat Fiorino Adventure 1.3 Multijet 95 cv e Fiat Panda nelle versioni berlina e van; saranno brandizzati con la consueta livrea rossa e allestiti internamente secondo le diverse esigenze di assistenza e manutenzione con cassettiere, scale e portascale. Con la firma del nuovo contratto, Leasys si conferma operatore leader nella gestione di flotte auto, nonché fornitore di riferimento insieme al Gruppo FCA della prima azienda Telco italiana. Web Magazine Passione Auto Italiane

25 Killer Websites that Make You Cleverer It’s easy to forget that we have access to a virtually limitless resource of information, i.e. the Internet. For a lot of us, this is even true at our fingertips, thanks to the ubiquity of smartphones and an ever-increasing push for online greatness by tech engineers all over the world. As a result, there are countless websites out there that are geared to make you smarter and more brilliant for either a low or no cost. Here are just 25 killer websites that may just make you more clever than ever before. 1. Duolingo This isn’t the first time I’ve recommended this language-teaching website (and app), and it certainly won’t be the last. 2. Have you ever wanted to pick up a subject you’re not well-versed in, but you didn’t have the money to invest in a college course? 3. Guitar is one of the few instruments out there that’s actually pretty easy to learn if you’re a little older, making it one of the most accessible instruments. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21.

Do you really need more time? The single biggest “push back” I get from people when I share about how building practices into their life can unleash new ideas and help them be more productive goes something like this: “Yeah, that’s great, but I really just don’t have the time.” After collecting myself, I reply…Did you at any point in the last week: Watch TV? Read for pleasure? The inevitable response: “yes“. “OK,” I reply, “then you didn’t mean to say you ‘don’t have time.’ Stares. Each of us has 168 hours in a week. 48. 4 hours per day every single day for family activity? 5 hours per week for hanging out with friends? You can still watch TV, read and do other things if you’d like. The point is this: you have time to do things that matter, that create value and that help you get where you want to be in your life and career. We need to overcome the fear of the unknown and simply get moving on what matters.

EASY BIZ MEET'UP #2 : 3 h pour simplifier le quotidien de votre entreprise | Simplifier la vie de nos entreprises ? Mission impossible ? Avec Easy Biz Meet’Up, tout est possible. Yousign et Vitamean, réuniront le 18 Juin prochain à 19h, des startups, des PMEs et des Grands Comptes afin d’échanger, de partager et de découvrir des solutions innovantes et efficaces pour simplifier et optimiser la gestion de votre entreprise au quotidien. L’événement débutera à 19h (précise) avec une présentation des solutions de Yousign et Vitamean ainsi que 4 autres startups partenaires : Yousign : signez vos contrats et tous vos documents en quelques clics,Vitamean : gagnez en flexibilité et en objectivité par une approche marketing externalisée,Tilkee : gérez simplement vos offres commerciales et augmentez votre taux de transformation,Neediz : optimisez vos flux d’information et facilitez la vie de vos collaborateurs,Aircall : gérez vos lignes et vos appels téléphoniques simplement, partout et en équipe,Mention : surveillez n’importe quel mot-clé sur le web et les réseaux sociaux.

How to Start Freelancing With No Experience The freelancing industry enjoyed impressive growth in the past several years. In 2011, the Financial Times (UK) reported a 12% growth in the number of freelancers from 2008. Popular freelance broker site Elance enjoyed consistent growth in past years, with the number of jobs posted rising from around 200,000 in the first quarter of 2012 to 300,000 in the same period in 2013. In addition to a more flexible work schedule, freelancers tend to be happy. According to the 2012 Freelance Industry Report, 90% of freelancers are happier now than they were before going solo, and nearly half felt no impact from the economic downturn. Perhaps most tellingly, 77% of freelancers were optimistic about their business prospects over the following 12 months. With freelance work being such an enticing prospect, no one would blame you for giving it some serious thought. 1. Just about everything can be outsourced these days. 2. With that in mind, you should narrow down your focus to a specific industry. 3.

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