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5 Digital Tools For The Flipped Classroom

5 Digital Tools For The Flipped Classroom
Hafsa Wajeeh, dtopgadgets Have you “Flipped your classroom” yet? The flipped classroom is a useful technique that has moved lectures out of the class, and onto digital media. In doing so, teachers can drastically increase interaction time with their students. It also creates two unique learning environments instead of just one, and opens up the opportunity for students to ask questions, solve problems, and use technology in a meaningful way. A number of tools are available that can be used to record lectures, including YouTube, Edmodo, Schoology, and Moodle. 1. The first tool is Panopto. If you are a teacher and you are using Panopto, you don’t have to worry about uploading your lectures because it is integrated to a Course Management System, Canvas. Panopto is as useful for students as it is for teachers. 2. Tegrity is another great tool that is used for flipping the class. To use Tegrity, you don’t have to change your teaching style. 3. 4. 5. Related:  Classe inversée

Flipped Classroom Successes in Higher Education Last year I took my advocacy of the flipped classroom ‘on tour’ with presentations at colleges and conferences across the U.S. I also developed and delivered an online workshop about how to get started with ‘the flip’, which seemed to be a great learning experience for all involved (including me!). I believe that this is one of the most powerful approaches to leveraging technology in an instructional context to come along since the world started “going digital”. Shoreline Community College Improving Grades with ‘the Flip’ Guy Hamilton heads the biotechnology program at Shoreline community college. This format is especially effective for working adults who don’t have the same type of time availability that traditional students do. The Flip Energizes Computation Fluid Dynamics Course The scene in Assistant Professor Lorena Barba’s Computation Fluid Dynamics Course is not what one might expect in a Boston University graduate level science course. About Kelly Walsh Print This Post

Khan Academy 27 Simple Ways To Flip The Classroom 7 Ways To Use Your iPad In The Classroom 14.67K Views 0 Likes There's a plethora of ways to use your iPad in the classroom but this infographic details some insanely useful apps, methods, and ideas for all teachers. Présentation | Classe Inversée Ce site a pour but d’expliquer le concept de classe inversée à tous les professeurs qui souhaitent avoir un réel impact auprès de leurs élèves et qui veulent connaitre les meilleures méthodes pour développer une ambiance de classe motivante et décontractée. Exemple de classe inversée Ce concept connait un succès grandissant : de plus en plus de professeurs à travers le monde modifient leur façon de “faire la classe” pour passer à un modèle plus pratique et plus humain. Ce modèle part d’une idée très simple : le précieux temps de classe serait mieux utilisé si on s’en servait pour interagir et travailler ensemble plutôt que de laisser une seule personne parler. La classe inversée : plus qu’une méthode, une philosophie Professeur guidant un groupe de travail Il s’agit donc davantage d’une philosophie que d’une méthode à proprement parler. Un modèle plus humain Les interactions deviennent plus conviviales Les avantages de ce modèle sont multiples, mais le principal est la liberté qu’il procure.

The Teacher's Guide To Flipped Classrooms Since Jonathan Bergman and Aaron Sams first experimented with the idea in their Colorado classrooms in 2004, flipped learning has exploded onto the larger educational scene. It’s been one of the hottest topics in education for several years running and doesn’t seem to be losing steam. Basically, it all started when Bergman and Sams first came across a technology that makes it easy to record videos. They had a lot of students that regularly missed class and saw an opportunity to make sure that missing class didn’t mean missing out on the lessons. Once students had the option of reviewing the lessons at home, the teachers quickly realized the shift opened up additional time in class for more productive, interactive activities than the lectures they’d been giving. And voila: a movement began. A 2014 survey from the Flipped Learning network found that 78% of teachers said they’d flipped a lesson, and 96% of those that tried it said they’d recommend it. What is a flipped classroom? 1. 2. 3. 1.

Infographic Flipped Classroom » Education Journey There is been a lot of interest in the flipped classroom since it started 5 years ago. Unfortunately there seems to be quite a bit of mis-information and mis-understanding about the Flipped Classroom. There is also quite a bit of controversy about whether or not this is a viable instructional methodology. This infographic I created below, is meant for teachers and parentswho are new to this methodology. Created by Sanne Bloemarts in My thoughts of Flipped Classroom While researching about the Flipped Classroom, my first reaction was, “this is not for kindergarteners!” For my videos, I began thinking about modeling my lesson after this one, focusing on a letter of the alphabet each week (which matches our reading series). FYI (a Flipped Classroom) Below are a bunch of resources that may be helpful if you would like to find out more about this new way of teaching and learning! The presentation by Ben Rouse on his interpretation of Flipped Learning in his classroom. What the Flip?

5 Flipped Classroom Issues (And Solutions) For Teachers Have you been thinking about flipping your classroom this fall? Flipping can let you make the most of face-to-face time with your students. Rather than taking class time to introduce content and using homework to review concepts, flip the process so that students gain basic knowledge at home and then create, collaborate, and make connections in school. Creating video used to be out of reach for most teachers. It was expensive and required skills that could take years to master. Fortunately, it is easier and faster than ever to create videos for your students, especially with iPad. 1. Flipping is not an all or nothing deal. Tip: With elementary students, and even middle school, begin by creating centers in your classroom where students can experience the process of learning by video with your support. 2. There really is a difference between talking at your students and talking to them. 3. Pay attention to import and export issues with your video creation tools. 4. 5.

The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture Due to Khan Academy’s popularity, the idea of the flipped classroom has gained press and credibility within education circles. Briefly, the Flipped Classroom as described by Jonathan Martin is: Flip your instruction so that students watch and listen to your lectures… for homework, and then use your precious class-time for what previously, often, was done in homework: tackling difficult problems, working in groups, researching, collaborating, crafting and creating. A compiled resource page of the Flipped Classroom (with videos and links) can be found at The advantage of the flipped classroom is that the content, often the theoretical/lecture-based component of the lesson, becomes more easily accessed and controlled by the learner. It is important, though, not to be seduced by the messenger. The problem is that educators, as a group, know how to do and use the lecture. The Flipped Classroom Model Experiential Engagement: The Activity Summary

How Flipping The Classroom Is Working In Turkey I’ve seen flipped classrooms in many countries. It’s one of the biggest trends in education right now. Flipping the classroom and making the teacher more of a moderator than a lecturer has proven to be an exciting new way to get schools and students excited about learning. In a rare look, we now have a glimpse at how flipping the classroom is working in Turkey. Mehmet Ali Doğan sent the above video to us and it’s been a lot of fun to watch. The video details how students felt about homework prior to flipping, what happened when the classrooms were flipped, and if it all worked out. There is also a feature of the flipped classrooms in Turkey where students have a formal role as leaders.

La classe inversée, bilan d’une expérience Des origines du projet... Avant de venir au bilan, il est nécessaire de reprendre l’origine du projet et son évolution. La classe inversée consiste comme son nom l’indique à inverser le concept traditionnel de la classe : cours magistral ou cours magistral déguisé en cours dialogué en classe et exercices à la maison. Avec la classe inversée, les élèves sont mis en activité en classe, le travail à la maison se concentre sur la partie magistrale, par l’apport de connaissances pures au travers de ressources variées. Ces ressources sont le plus souvent composées de vidéos faite par l’enseignant se filmant lui même ou bien au travers d’extraits de documentaires. L’expérience que j’ai menée est née au printemps 2012 au travers des expériences de collègues en France et au Canada. Ma réflexion s’est développée jusqu’à la rentrée 2012, date à laquelle j’ai décidé de me lancer dans l’aventure. La rentrée... La rentrée fut donc le jour de lancement. A ce niveau, le bilan est toutefois très positif.

This is new! Record a video of iPad’s screen in any app « Douchy's Blog There are numerous options for recording a video of one’s computer screen, from the free and simple, but limited Jing to more powerful, and correspondingly expensive offerings like Camtasia or Adobe Captivate. There are also a number of free Web 2.0 options such as Screenr. On a Mac you can even use the built-in QuickTime player that ships free on every machine! But until recently recording the screen of my iPad was limited to within an individual app. Enter* Disp Recorder. The Good: Disp Recorder lets you easily record anything that happens on the screen of your iPad: navigating through the Home screens, changing options in the Settings app or working in another app such as GarageBand or Google Earth. While recording, you can leave the Disp Recorder app and open another app. The recorded video can be saved to the iPad’s Camera Roll, or uploaded directly to YouTube. It’s a universal app – it works on the iPhone, too. The Not-Quite-So-Good: Update

Flipped Classroom: Beyond the Videos Last week, I read an interesting blog post by Shelley Blake-Plock titled “The Problem with TED ed.” It got me thinking about the flipped classroom model and how it is being defined. As a blended learning enthusiast, I have played with the flipped classroom model, seen presentations by inspiring educators who flip their classrooms, and even have a chapter dedicated to this topic in my book. There are many teachers who do not want to record videos either because they don’t have the necessary skills or equipment, their classes don’t include a lot of lecture that can be captured in recordings, or they are camera shy. Too often the conversation surrounding the flipped classroom focuses on the videos- creating them, hosting them, and assessing student understanding of the content via simple questions or summary assignments. I wish the conversation focused more on what actually happens in a flipped classroom. Blake-Plock makes a strong point when he says we learn by “doing.” 1. 2. 3.

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