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Infinite-Realities - 3D Scanning and Character Creation

Infinite-Realities - 3D Scanning and Character Creation

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Female Anatomy for Artist - Ultra-high resolution female photo references – Artec Eva 3D Scanner UK Capture objects in seconds Artec™ Eva 3D Scanner is similar to a video camera which captures in 3D. Simply turn it on and walk around the object recording. The scanner captures up to 16 frames per second and each frame is a 3D image. Extremely light and truly portable Artec™ Eva 3D Scanner weighs 850 grams (1.9lbs), making it truly portable. High speed and accuracy Capturing and simultaneously processing up to 288,000 points per second, Eva scans a dozen times faster than a laser scanner, while providing high resolution (up to 0.5mm) and high accuracy (up to 0.1mm). No markers, no EM tracking, no calibration Others have tried to create an easy-to-use scanner, but Artec succeeded. Luminous colour Artec™ Eva 3D Scanner captures colour information at 24 bits per pixel (bpp) with a resolution of 1.3 megapixels (mp). Capturing motion Since Artec™ Eva 3D Scanner is in essence a 3D video camera, you can scan a moving object at up to 16 frames per second. Software is included

Build Your Own 3D Scanner: Introduction ReconstructMe | Real-time 3D Model Reconstruction 3D Printing - Custom Products Designed By You CAVE | Projects: Diffuse Structured Light Today, structured light systems are widely used in applications such as robotic assembly, visual inspection, surgery, entertainment, games and digitization of cultural heritage. Current structured light methods are faced with two serious limitations. First, they are unable to cope with scene regions that produce strong highlights due to specular reflection. We propose diffuse structured light, a simple but effective approach to mitigate both specularities and shadows in structured light methods.

The Buccaneer™ Cloud 3D Printer - World's Most Affordable Home 3D Printer 3D Scanners, software, and models 3D Scanners, software, and models Universities and Institutions National Research Council (NRC) of Canada Visual Information Technology Group Laval Univertity Computer Vision and Systems Laboratory McGill University Artificial Perception Laboratory Carnegie Mellon University Vision and Sensor ProjectsParallel Computer Vision ProjectComputer Vision Home Page University of Pennsylvania ACORN (at the GRASP Laboratory) Columbia University Columbia Automated Vision EnvironmentReal-time sensors and systems University of Surrey Signal Processing Group3D Vision Research Washington State University 3D Object/Model Databases Commercial scanners Triangulation Time of flight / Phase difference Photogrammetry PhotoModeler Active Stereo Interferometry Laser InSpeck Touch probes, contact methods Destructive slicing Capture Geometry Inside Unknown Commercial software 3D Model Vendors Related Conferences and Workshops Other lists Original page by Brian Curless Last modified JUN 9, 00 Kari Pulli
