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Farm Hack

Farm Hack

Build a $300 underground greenhouse for year-round gardening (Video) Growers in colder climates often utilize various approaches to extend the growing season or to give their crops a boost, whether it's coldframes, hoop houses or greenhouses. Greenhouses are usually glazed structures, but are typically expensive to construct and heat throughout the winter. A much more affordable and effective alternative to glass greenhouses is the walipini (an Aymara Indian word for a "place of warmth"), also known as an underground or pit greenhouse. First developed over 20 years ago for the cold mountainous regions of South America, this method allows growers to maintain a productive garden year-round, even in the coldest of climates. Here's a video tour of a walipini that shows what a basic version of this earth-sheltered solar greenhouse looks like inside: © Benson Institute It's a pretty intriguing set-up that combines the principles of passive solar heating with earth-sheltered building. SilverThunder/via

The Museum Of Old Techniques For almost every electronic device or oil driven machine there used to be a low-tech alternative that was powered by human muscles, water or wind. The Museum of Old Techniques aims to collect and study these historical alternatives to modern day machinery. Why, you may ask? To quote the Museum: "Evolution doesn't necessarily mean progress, what we consider to be primitive solutions are often not primitive at all". We could not have said it better ourselves. The website of the MOT contains, among other things, some 2,000 simple drawings of hand tools (ordered by shape, and by profession) and a collection of illustrated trade catalogues (up until 1950, in French). A somewhat related publication is Edward H. Knight's book contains not only early electric equipment and steam driven machinery, but also human and animal powered machines.

Journey to Forever Ces "villes en transition" qui préparent l'après-pétrole Le pétrole a envahi les moindres recoins de nos vies : plastiques, médicaments, cosmétiques, vêtements, transports, chauffage... Un simple ordinateur nécessite des dizaines de litres de pétrole pour sa fabrication et sa distribution. Coté transport, 99 % des voitures roulent à l'essence et, plus inquiétant, notre alimentation, industrialisation oblige, est largement dépendante de l'or noir (engrais, pesticides, matériels agricoles et transport). Selon l'Agence internationale de l'énergie, le pic pétrolier - le moment où la production commence à décroître - a été dépassé depuis quelques années. Plantes recyclables et panneaux solaires Fatalité ? Pour relocaliser l'alimentation et développer les liens intergénérationnels, un réseau de jardins partagés s'est également mis en place : les propriétaires de jardins non utilisés (souvent des personnes âgées) les mettent à la disposition de ceux qui n'en ont pas afin qu'ils y cultivent un potager. La France tente de combler son retard

Survival Podcast Roxbury Farm | Classic manuals online The following 46 books include many classics for backyarders, homesteaders, small farms and tropical development, many of them hard to find, with direct links to the CD 3rd World online library for free downloading. They are in graphic pdf format, with files from 1 or 2 Mb to 60 Mb. , by Robert Berold et. al., Environmental and Development Agency, Johannesburg, South Africa. 41.7Mb pdf Teknologi Kampungan -- A Collection of Indigenous Indonesian Technologies, by Craig Thorburn, 1982, Volunteers in Asia, ISBN 0917704169. 6.4Mb pdf Village Technology Handbook, Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA), 3rd edition 1988, Vita Publications, ISBN 0866192751, 441 p, 14Mb pdf Backyard Composting, by Helga Olkowski, Ecology Center, Berkeley, CA, USA, 1975, 21 pages, 8.5Mb pdf

Help Exchange: free volunteer work exchange abroad Australia New Zealand Canada Europe Constitution Wiki Etienne Chouard - projetgentilsvirus Constitution nationale d'origine citoyenne Sauvegarde issue du Wiki du plan C d'Etienne Chouard : La constitution du Wiki est temporairement inaccessible d'où la création de cette réplique, datant du 14 novembre 2012, ici (il n'y a vraisemblablement pas eu de changements apportés depuis sur la page, à confirmer). « Pensez à rédiger de brefs commentaires, sous chaque article, (séparés des articles par un trait horizontal, et écrits en italiques) : ces "commentaires synthétiques éclairant le lecteur" sont différents des "discussions entre nous" qui devraient plutôt se dérouler, elles, sur le Forum. 1 Introduction au projet Ce projet est pensé pour une nation, pas seulement la France. Il est écrit en langage simple pour que tout citoyen puisse le lire. 1.1 Intention Débat : "Quel Préambule pour une Constitution nationale ?" 1.2 Vocabulaire 1.3 Schéma La monnaie n’est pas une marchandise.

Market gardening success step-by-step Think you can't 'bootstrap' a successful small farm business anymore? You can start up, market and manage a successful small farm enterprise, even starting with few resources of your own! Hi, I'm Scott Kelland. My wife Suzie and I own New Terra Farm near Ottawa, Ontario. Over the past three years, I have helped hundreds of people learn how to create a successful, sustainable market gardening business on their small farm. I want to tell you a little bit of our story, and show you something that could save you time, money, and work when you start vegetable gardening for profit. First, if you are a big farmer, this page probably doesn't apply to you. But . . . And, what about this 'farm income crisis' we keep hearing about? These were the questions we had to answer for ourselves when we were just beginning growing for market. Why you should read this LONG letter That's because I want you to have all the information you need to decide if what I have to offer is right for you. Want some proof?

Common-Sense Compost Making - Contents This book describes a way of making compost, i.e. humus, which is simply, labour saving (no turning) and quick, both in ripening the compost and in getting results in the soil. It is adaptible to all conditions and to every size and type of garden, allotment or farm, the process being based on nature's own methods. Miss Bruce tells how to make use of the natural heat of disintegration, which liberates the vitality of the plants; how to retain that vitality within the heap, and how to quicken both the disintegration of plants and the energizing of humus by treating the heap with a simple activator. This is a herbal solution which contains in living plant form the chief elements necessary to plant life; formulae are given. From Vegetable Waste to Fertile Soil affirms a belief in the universality of Life, this Life being manifest in varying 'rhythms' in the mineral, vegetable, animal and human kingdoms. Table of Contents Foreword by L.F. Appendices 1. Bibliography How to use Q.R. by L.F.

World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms - WWOOF Qui sommes-nous :. La Nef La Société financière de la Nef est une coopérative de finances solidaires. Depuis sa création en 1988, elle exerce une double activité de collecte d’épargne et d'octroi de crédit dans le cadre d’un agrément de la Banque de France. L’épargne collectée est déposée par des particuliers, des associations et des entreprises. Toute personne physique ou morale désireuse de donner un sens à son argent peut ouvrir un compte à la Nef. Les financements accordés par la Société financière de la Nef permettent de soutenir la création et le développement d’activités professionnelles et associatives à des fins d’utilité sociale et environnementale. Aujourd’hui, 32 000 sociétaires ont choisi d’exercer leur responsabilité sur leur argent en déposant leur épargne ou en souscrivant un prêt auprès de la Nef. Depuis plus de 20 ans, la Société financière de la Nef est le seul établissement financier engagé dans la gestion responsable et transparente de l’épargne citoyenne en France.

