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Creative Writing 101

RJ Great article. Morning is definitely the time where I am most creative. I think it’s because my mind is the freshest and the least cluttered at this time of day. Doug Rosbury When I write, it is with an emphasis on the sharing of wisdom arising from my life experience. Related:  The Written Word

How To Write A Novel Using The Snowflake Method Writing a novel is easy. Writing a good novel is hard. That’s just life. If it were easy, we’d all be writing best-selling, prize-winning fiction. Frankly, there are a thousand different people out there who can tell you how to write a novel. In this article, I’d like to share with you what works for me. This page is the most popular one on my web site, and gets over a thousand page views per day, so you can guess that a lot of people find it useful. Good fiction doesn’t just happen, it is designed. For a number of years, I was a software architect designing large software projects. I claim that that’s how you design a novel — you start small, then build stuff up until it looks like a story. If you’re like most people, you spend a long time thinking about your novel before you ever start writing. But before you start writing, you need to get organized. Step 1) Take an hour and write a one-sentence summary of your novel. Some hints on what makes a good sentence: Shorter is better.

Story Starters Gripping Story starters are essential. They grab the reader’s attention. Make them want to read more and keep them reading. Some of us are born with a unique talent and have a natural flair when it comes to connecting words, some of us don’t. If you don’t have this natural ability you need to learn some tips and techniques that will make things easier – who better to learn them from than the masters themselves. Find below a selection of story starters from a variety of different sources. From A Tale of Two Cities (Charles Dickens) From The Blanket (Floyd dell) Petey hadn’t really believed that Dad would be doing it –sending Granddad away. From to Build a Fire (Jack London) As he turned to go, he spat speculatively. From An essay by Laurie Rozakis When I was young time seemed to stand still. Recommended Links Opening lines of famous novels. How to Write an Introduction Effectively A collection of creative writing prompts. More writing prompts to get you started. Finding interesting essay topics.

Beginner Novel Writer's Tips A Beginner's Guide to Writing a Novel Writing a novel is not an easy thing to do. Unlike many non-fiction works, publishers will not accept a novel unless it's completely finished. The more a writer knows about the basics of how to write a novel, the more easily the novel will be put onto paper and the more interesting it will be. Writers should attempt to incorporate all of the following tips in order to make their novel as good as possible: Start The Novel With a Conflict One of the best ways to hook a reader is to start in the middle of action. Create Interesting Characters A man with a square jaw isn't going to keep readers interested. Keep the Novel Pacing Fast and Tight Readers don't want to spend 50 pages reading information that doesn't have anything to do with the overall plot. Make Your Story Unique Every writer's story should stand out from competing novels. Read While You Write

Creative Writing These OWL resources will help you with the basics of creative writing. This section includes resources on writing poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Fiction Writing Basics This resource discusses some terms and techniques that are useful to the beginning and intermediate fiction writer, and to instructors who are teaching fiction at these levels. The distinction between beginning and intermediate writing is provided for both students and instructors, and numerous sources are listed for more information about fiction tools and how to use them. A sample assignment sheet is also provided for instructors. Pattern and Variation in Poetry A brief rundown on the basic concepts of pattern and variation and how they can be used when writing poems. Pattern and Variation: Aural A brief exploration of the various aspects of sound that can be utilized when making a poem. Pattern and Variation: Visual A brief exploration of the various visual aspects that can be utilized when making a poem.

Beginners' four faults | Writing As an editor, I know when I am reading someone's first novel. I have nicknames for the four give-away faults beginners make: (1) Walk and Chew Gum (2) Furry Dice (3) Tea, Vicar? (4) Styrofoam. I see at least one of these in every manuscript where the author has not mastered the craft of writing before submitting in his or her work. (1) Walk and Chew GumThe writer has not integrated action and dialogue, internal monologue and action, or internal monologue with dialogue. "If you think you're going to town you'd better thing again," said Ralph. Not integrating action and dialogue makes for jerky, lifeless prose. "If you think you're going to town you'd better think again," Ralph snapped, putting down his can of beer. This might not be award-winning prose, but it reflects the reality of the action and feelings better by having action, thought and dialogue knitted together. (2) Furry DiceAdjectives, adverbs and prepositions are furry dice hanging from a car's mirror. (3) Tea, Vicar?

How to write a book – the short honest truth Every author I know gets asked the same question: How do you write a book? It’s a simple question, but it causes unexpected problems. On the one hand, it’s nice to have people interested in something I do. If I told people I fixed toasters for a living, I doubt I’d get many inquires. People are curious about writing and that’s cool and flattering. But on the other hand, the hand involving people who ask because they have an inkling to do it themselves, is that writing books is a topic so old and so well trod by so many famous people that anyone who asks hoping to discover secret advice is hard to take seriously. Here’s the short honest truth: 20% of the people who ask me are hoping to hear this – Anyone can write a book. If you want to write, kill the magic: a book is just a bunch of writing. Writing a good book, compared to a bad one, involves one thing. Getting published. 30% of the time the real thing people are asking is how do you find a publisher. Discouraged yet?

7 ways writing by hand can save your brain It's time to put pen to paper. Our tech-dependent society has put keyboards at the tips of our fingers at all times, from our smartphones to our laptops. But when was the last time you wrote by hand? Science shows that handwriting can benefit our minds in a number of ways. We spoke to Dr. Marc Seifer, a graphologist and handwriting expert who wrote The Definitive Book of Handwriting Analysis in 2008. 1. Writing a calming sentence is a form of graphotherapy, Seifer says. "This actually calms the person down and retrains the brain," Seifer says. 2. Writing something in cursive, that beautiful archaic form, can coordinate the left brain and right brain. 3. For young children, writing by hand is an imperative tool in improving cognitive skills. 4. Taking pen to paper inspires more creative thought, because it is a slower process than just typing something on a keyboard, Seifer says. 5. Writing by hand is a great tool for baby boomers who want to keep their minds sharp as they get older. 6. 7.

Inspiration for Writers, Inc.: Writing Tips- Advice for Beginners Advice for Beginners So you wanna be a writer when you grow up, huh? Don't become a writer. With that out of the way, I assume you have passion. Read everything you can get your hands on. Observe. Look at your surroundings as though you're showing them to someone who's never been to your area. Write every day. Live. Experience as many aspects of life as you can. This isn't to say you must become an alcoholic to understand alcoholism (although it does help) or a bank robber to understand a thief. What kind of job should you hold while waiting to publish? Some suggestions: Work with people from diverse backgrounds, such as those you can meet in airports, resorts, hotels and restaurants. There are two aspects to writing—the craft and the art. And nobody can take that away from you. All rights reserved.
