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Wild Olive

Wild Olive

love & a sandwich swellmayde Inspiration and original craft ideas for weddings, parties, children, such as home decoration, gifts, cards, personal accessories and templates cutesypoo toys KNOW AND TELL CRAFTS Soap Making Instructions | Soap Making Recipes and Tutorials | Teach Soap My Paper Crane On Saturday we began our day with a Magical high tea at local tea room Tranquilatea. They had floating candles and little HP decorations on the walls. The teas were listed as Professor Snape’s potions, and I went with Ravenclaw (my house blend) featuring chocolate as smooth and dark as a raven’s wing with notes of coconut and macadamia nuts. The food included items like Professor Sprout’s fruit salad, golden snitch scones, pumpkin pastie finger sandwiches, peanut butter chocolate frogs, treacle tarts, mini banoffie pies, and butterbeer bars. It was lots of fun and everything was very tasty! Afterwards we went walking around downtown. There was a map and free scavenger hunt where you could visit local businesses to pick up all your items for Hogwarts. On friday evening after my class we all walked downtown for a special Potter Party at a local restaurant called Christine’s.

Pocketful of Dreams | UK Wedding Blog ~ Inspiration, Planning & Design Inspire Bohemia the blog of Amanda Louise Spayd Wedding Blog for Handmade and Vintage Weddings 15 Cool Alcove Beds Home design DIY Kids Weddings Fashion and Style FOOD Cool stuff 15 Cool Alcove Beds Alcove beds are naturally fun for kids. Although they could be very practical in contemporary living spaces so they are good for adults too. Such beds are natural space saving solution because they usually occupies corners or other not the most practical parts of rooms. share Source: apartmenttherapy, jessicapenner More about alcove beds, cave beds, cozy beds, secluded beds, space saving beds 50 Comments Emmy Says: June 6th, 2011 at 4:10 am #13 is Thomas Jeffersons bed! 7 Trackbacks For This Post 20 Cozy Curtained Beds | Shelterness Says: December 21st, 2010 at 5:15 pm [...] beds are almost as cool as alcove beds in terms of coziness and comfort. Leave a Reply Related stuff Popular: This week Sites we recommend

Pink Cheeks Studios 2011年8月 - 鈴山キナコ「SUPER★CUTE」 新宿三越地下三階「ABCクラフト」定例講習会のおしらせです。 作品名「スイーツパンのフォトフレーム」 日程 8/29(月) 参加費 3360 円(税込) 時間帯 ①11:30~13:30 ②15:00~17:00 ③18:00~20:00(定員 各10~13名) ※一回の講習が二時間で終了します。 ※ひとりで二個、作品をおつくりになりたい方は、千円引きになります。 ★★★ 作品について ★★★ バターの香りがしてきそう♪まるでちいさなベーカリー。 樹脂粘土でスイーツパンを作って、木製フレームにデコしましょう。 ↑ くまパンとホイップクリームパン。 ↑ チョコブレッド、チョココロネ、牛乳、かたつむりのシナモンロール。 チョココロネのおしりにはちゃ~んと紙が(笑) かたつむりのシナモンロールは、私の「あったらいいな」パン。 ↑ カマンベールチーズ、ぶどうパン、ジャムパン。 ジャムパンはみんなのだいすきスイーツパン。 ↑ バスケットに入ったカチョカヴァロとヤギのチーズ。 ↑ バゲット、かめパン。 フレームに入る写真サイズは89X127です。 素材には、フランス語でパンの名前を書いた紙を封入していますが、その紙を下敷きに、ちいさなサイズのお写真を重ねて飾ってもステキですよ♪
